Plenary sessions 

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) holds up to 6 plenary sessions each year. Plenary sessions give the opportunity for CoR Members (or Alternates) to voice their opinions on EU law that may have an impact on regions and cities in the 27 EU countries.
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  • vote on opinions, reports and resolutions
  • adopt the CoR's political programme at the beginning of each term
  • elect a President, First Vice-president and the remaining members of the Bureau
  • set up policy commissions within the institution
  • approve the CoR's draft estimates for expenditure and revenue
  • revise and agree on the CoR's Rules of Procedure.

The relevant CoR commission will appoint one of its members – known as the rapporteur – to draft an opinion on the legislative proposal which is then voted on during one of the CoR plenaries. If the opinion receives a majority of votes in its favour (simple majority), it is adopted and handed over to the other EU institutions for further scrutiny.

The CoR may also proactively adopt a position on a particular issue through an own-initiative opinion.

If you would like to be part of the plenary session you can apply for an observer  badge by registering through the link​ (the deadline is five days before the session begins).


Previous plenary sessions

Find out what was discussed and the outcomes from the previous plenary sessions held by the Members of the European Committee of the Regions.