Politics & Government

Meet The Candidates: Dean Murray For Senate District 3

With Election Day just around the corner, Patch has been reaching out to the candidates to find out why they are running.

Former assemblyman Dean Murray is running Nov. 8 in the 3rd Senate District.
Former assemblyman Dean Murray is running Nov. 8 in the 3rd Senate District. (Dean Murray)

EAST PATCHOGUE, NY — Former assemblyman Dean Murray, a Republican, is seeking a seat in Albany, again, but this time, in the 3rd Senate District, on Nov. 8.

He is running against Democrat Farzeen Bham.

With Election Day just around the corner, Patch has been reaching out to the candidates to find out why they are running. Here the results of our questionnaire:

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Dean Murray

Find out what's happening in Patchoguewith free, real-time updates from Patch.

City or town of residence:

East Patchogue, NY

Office sought: NY State Senate, 3rd District

Party affiliation: Republican and Conservative

Education: Graduated with Honors from the Broadcast Institute of Maryland

Occupation: I have owned and operated my own small Advertising Agency since 1997... and before that, worked as a Regional Advertising Manager for TCI Cable.

Family: I am divorced and live with my two dogs, Lola and Pete. My son and grandson both live in Maryland.

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?: n/a

Age: 58

Previous public office, appointive or elective: I served as the assemblyman in the 3rd state Assembly District from 2010-2012 and again from 2015-2018.

Why are you seeking this office?

I'm running to help bring balance and common sense to state government. We've had one-party rule in Albany for the last four years and it's simply not working. We need more checks and balances and we need more focus on public safety. In addition I think we need more people with small business experience in Albany to bring a different perspective.

What are the major differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post? I'm not familiar with my opponent but I have a record of working hard and getting things done for the people that I represent. I take very seriously the responsibility of being the voice of the people that I represent.

If you are challenging an incumbent, in what way has the current officeholder failed the community?

This is considered an open seat.

What other issues do you intend to address during your campaign?

Public safety, education, and protecting our environment are all extremely important issues that need to be addressed.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

While in the state assembly, I worked to eliminate 80 percent of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Payroll tax, as well as the saltwater fishing license fee that directly targeted Long Islanders.

I fought against Common Core and the high stakes testing and led the charge to raise revenue through the legalization of mixed martial Arts and daily fantasy sports. One of my proudest accomplishments was working across the aisle to help pass the I-STOP legislation aimed at fighting the opioid epidemic.

What is the best advice anyone ever gave you?

My father told me... "No matter what you get or have in life, you'll always appreciate it more when you earn it"

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

One of our most important and sacred rights as Americans, is our right to choose our leaders. As the old saying goes, "important decisions are made by those that show up." Please show up on November 8th and make sure your voice is heard. If you agree with me, that we need to get the criminals off the streets and make our communities safer ... that we need to create an environment that helps and encourages businesses to succeed and grow so we can create more opportunities for our next generation ... that we need to encourage more parental involvement in our children's education, not less ... and that we need to rein in the out of control taxing and spending that is making New York unaffordable... please vote for me, Dean Murray for NY State Senate.

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