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Volunteer Program

We are not accepting new volunteers at this time. Please add your information to the Women's Center Volunteer Interest List here and you will be contacted when we need assistance in the future.

Interested in getting involved with the Women’s Center? We are looking for a passionate group of volunteers! Volunteers will help around the center, assist with event marketing and flyering, provide support at Women’s Center events and tabling opportunities, assist with in person displays in the center and social media content for the Women’s Center Instagram. The position is open to all UC San Diego students with an interest in feminism and social justice.

The Women’s Center’s is rooted in the hard work of volunteers. Our Volunteer Program seeks to provide undergraduate students with opportunities to further explore their passions, cultivate their skills, and contribute to promoting an inclusive and equitable campus community.

Through this program, volunteers will:

  • Develop valuable skills and experiences that can enhance your resume
  • Gain insight on working at a campus Women’s Center
  • Expand your knowledge of feminism, social justice, and gender issues
  • Grow your social network by meeting new people and working closely with Women’s Center staff
  • Contribute to the mission and work of the Women’s Center
  • Serve as ambassadors of the Women’s Center and attend on and off-campus workshops, conferences and special events
  • Have an opportunity to earn Co-Curricular Record (CCR) recognition


  • Commit to two hours a week
  • Attend bi-weekly volunteer meetings on Wednesdays
  • Attend a Volunteer Orientation Session
  • Attend a Tabling Training
  • Assist with at least 3 Women's Center events and tablings each quarter

Questions? Email Marcy Davila