When was the last time YOURS lasted an hour? Few of us take a proper lunch break anymore, but did you know all the surprising benefits it can offer?

The traditional hour-long lunch break isn't quite extinct, but it's certainly an endangered species...

A whopping 82 per cent of Brits say they now eat lunch at their desks during the week, with nearly half (46 per cent) dining 'al-desko' most days. And those who manage to leave their workplace take a measly 32 minutes on average.

Lipton is urging Brits to rediscover the joys of a proper lunch break with the launch of Lipton Lunch Club.

The brand new initiative kicked off in London on June 13 at Bishop's Square in Spitalfields, with the first 200 visitors handed a free midday meal. 

Taking time out at lunch is widely known to lift your mood and make you more productive for the rest of your working day 

Don't worry if you missed out, as Lipton Lunch Club will now be bringing sunshine to lunchtimes around the UK with a double-decker bus tour visiting Bristol, Manchester, Nottingham, Birmingham, Portsmouth and Liverpool.

You'll want to take part, so read on to find out how...

Taking time out at lunch is widely known to lift your mood and make you more productive for the rest of your working day. But that's not all! Here are some of the other surprising benefits -


It's a chance to connect  

With our hectic work lives, whole days can fly by in a blizzard of emails, video calls and admin. 

Even if you have a face-to-face meeting, demanding schedules often make it hard to go far beyond exchanging a few pleasantries.

Your lunch break is the perfect moment to put everything on pause and have a proper catch-up with colleagues, or chat to a friend on the phone.

There's such a difference between just knowing someone and really knowing them – and taking the time to invest in these relationships will massively pay off in the long run.

Your lunch break is the perfect moment to put everything on pause and have a proper catch-up with colleagues

You'll savour your food  

Eating a tasty, nutritious meal is one of the delights of life, yet few experiences are less satisfying than gulping down a sandwich at your desk (at the same time as checking emails...)

You get more pleasure from food by taking the time to savour it fully, so by setting aside some time away from your desk you can make lunch one of the highlights of the day, rather than just another task that needs doing.

Lipton Ice Tea is the perfect accompaniment to your midday meal – with a unique, tasty blend of real tea and juicy fruit flavour that brings you the uplifting taste of sunshine whatever the weather. 

Available in refreshing flavours including Peach and Lemon, it delivers a delicious and fresh sensation from the very first sip to beyond the last drop.

Oh, and it’s low in calories too – so you can enjoy the ultimate in tasty refreshment without feeling guilty.

You get more pleasure from food when you take time to savour it fully

Having a break can help your brain 

When you've got an important task that needs to be done quickly it can be tempting to work on it for long periods without stopping.

To understand one of the issues with this approach, it's useful to think of your brain as a muscle that burns energy while you're focusing on a task.

Over time your energy levels will deplete, making it harder to concentrate.

So, while it may seem counterintuitive, taking a moment to rest and refuel can actually make you more productive.

While it may seem counterintuitive, taking time to rest and refuel can actually make you more productive when you return to work 

You'll feel refreshed and energised 

Spending all day working doesn't just tire your brain, it also risks leaving you bored and unmotivated. 

Breaking up the monotony of the working day with moments of fun and refreshment will make you feel happier and more creative. 

Lipton Ice Tea is your go-to option to refresh your body and mind at lunchtime, providing a burst of deliciousness that will leave you feeling refreshed and reenergised. 

Grab a 500ml bottle and you'll be ready to face whatever comes your way for the rest of the day.

You can enjoy the great outdoors 

Spending hours in a stuffy office with limited natural light can leave you feeling tired and run down, so lunch breaks are the perfect chance to embrace the great outdoors. 

The benefits of getting out in nature are legion, from reducing stress and boosting your mood to making you feel more connected with the natural world

The benefits of getting out in nature are legion, from reducing stress and boosting your mood to making you feel more connected with the natural world.

But even if you're not near a park or open space, a simple stroll around the block will do you plenty of good too.

After all, there's no better way to blow the cobwebs away than a burst of fresh air! 

You don't need to look at your screen 

Ok, when we tell kids that staring at a screen for too long will turn them square-eyed we might be slightly exaggerating, but that doesn't mean it isn't problematic.

Excessive screen time can leave you feeling tired and cause headaches – so taking a full hour away from your computer at lunch can be really beneficial.

And let's be honest – aren't all the possibilities of the outside world so much more interesting than anything on a screen?

Are YOU ready to reclaim your lunch break? Click HERE to find out how you can attend Lipton Lunch Club