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Annual Energy Outlook 2013

Release Dates: April 15 - May 2, 2013   |  Next Early Release Date: December 2013 (See release cycle changes)  |  correction  |  full report

market trends icon Nuclear

Mkt trends Market Trends

  • Renewables and natural gas lead rise in primary energy consumption.... Read full section
  • Coal-fired plants continue to be the largest source of U.S. electricity geeration.... Read full section
  • Most new capacity additions use natural gas and renewables.... Read full section
  • Additions to power plant capacity slow after 2012 but accelerate beyond 2023.... Read full section
  • Costs and regulatory uncertainties vary across options for new capacity.... Read full section
  • Nuclear power plant capacity grows slowly through uprates and new builds.... Read full section

issues Issues in Focus

legs Legislation and Regulations