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Annual Energy Outlook 2013

Release Dates: April 15 - May 2, 2013   |  Next Early Release Date: December 2013 (See release cycle changes)  |  correction  |  full report

Oil IconOil/Liquids

exec summary Executive Summary

Market trends icon Market Trends

  • Energy expenditures decline relative to gross domestic product and gross output.... Read full section
  • Range of oil price cases represents uncertainty in world oil markets.... Read full section
  • Trends in petroleum and other liquids markets are defined largely by the developing nations... Read full section
  • Production of liquid fuels from biomass, coal, and natural gas increases... Read full section
  • Renewables and natural gas lead rise in primary energy consumption... Read full section
  • Reliance on natural gas, natural gas liquids, and renewables rises as industrial energy use grows... Read full section
  • Energy from natural gas remains far less expensive than energy from oil through 2040... Read full section
  • Additions to power plant capacity slow after 2012 but accelerate beyond 2023... Read full section
  • Petroleum and other liquids consumption outside industrial sector is stagnant or declines... Read full section
  • Crude oil leads initial growth in liquids supply, net-generation liquids grow after 2020... Read full section
  • U.S. oil production rates depend on resource availability and advances in technology... Read full section
  • Lower 48 onshore tight oil development spurs increase in U.S. crude oil production... Read full section
  • Tight oil formations account for a significant portion of total U.S. production... Read full section
  • Domestic production of tight oil leads to lower imports of light sweet crude oil... Read full section
  • Increasing U.S. supply results in decreasing net imports of petroleum and other liquids... Read full section
  • U.S. consumption of cellulosic biofuels falls short of EISA2007... Read full section
  • Renewable Fuel Standard and California Low Carbon Fuel Standard boost the use of new fuels... Read full section
  • Efficiency standards shift consumption from motor gasoline to diesel fuel... Read full section
  • Shifts in demand for liquid fuels change petroleum refinery yields and crack spreads... Read full section
  • Outlook for U.S. coal production is affected by fuel price uncertainties... Read full section
  • Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions remain below their 2005 level... Read full section
  • Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions are sensitive to potential policy changes... Read full section
  • Carbon dioxide fee cases generally increase the use of natural gas ... Read full section

issues Issues in Focus

legs Legislation and Regulations

comparision Comparison with other projections