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Annual Energy Outlook 2013

Release Dates: April 15 - May 2, 2013   |  Next Early Release Date: December 2013 (See release cycle changes)  |  correction  |  full report


exec summary Executive Summary

  • With more efficient light-duty vehicles, motor gasoline consumption declines while diesel fuel use grows, even as more natural agas is used in heavy-duty vehicles....Read full section

mkt trends Market Trends

  • Energy expenditures decline relative to gross domestic product and gross output...Read full section
  • In the United States, average energy use per person declines from 2010 to 2040...Read full section
  • Residential energy intensity continues to declines across a range of technology assumptions...Read full section
  • Electricity use per household declines from 2011 to 2040 in the Reference case...Read full section
  • Efficiency can offset increases in residential service demand...Read full section
  • Planned expiration of tax credits affects renewable energy use in the residential sector...Read full section
  • For commercial buildings, pace of decline in energy intensity depends on technology...Read full section
  • Greatest reduction in energy intensity is in commercial lighting...Read full section
  • Efficiency gains for advanced technologies reduce commercial energy consumption growth...Read full section
  • Renewable energy fuels most additions to commercial distributed generation capacity...Read full section
  • CAFE and greenhouse gas emissions standards boost light-duty vehcile fuel economy...Read full section
  • Sales of alternative fuel, fuel flexible, and hybrid vehicles rise...Read full section
  • Growth in electricity use slows but still increases by 28 percent from 2011 to 2040...Read full section
  • State renewable portfolio standards increase renewable electricity generation...Read full section
  • Renewable Fuel Standard and California Low Carbon Fuel Standard boost the use of new fuels...Read full section
  • Efficiency standards shift consumption from motor gasoline to diesel fuel...Read full section

issues Issues in Focus

legs Legislation and Regulations

  • Greenhouse gas emissions and corporate average fuel economy standards for ....Read full section
  • Maximum Achievable Control Technology and Industrial boilers ...Read full section
  • State renewable energy requirements and goals: Update through 2012 ...Read full section

figure data

Reference Case Tables