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Lisa Henry Lisa Henry > Quotes


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“You're my heartbeat, Brady.”
Lisa Henry, Dark Space
“Lucky for you," Zev said calmly, "there's a boy in your cabin who saw the whole thing and still wants to be in your bunk.”
Lisa Henry, The Island
“But suddenly I was dreaming of cock. Fisting it, sucking it, riding it, in glorious fucking Technicolor.”
Lisa Henry, Dark Space
“Because Clare had never let the fact that Mark didn't have a father in his life get in the way of sex education. She'd been showing Mark how to roll condoms onto bananas long before he'd known it was other bananas he was interested in.”
lisa henry, Mark Cooper versus America
“ 'You're like starlight,' Cam whispered, and his teeth scraped up my jaw. I shivered. 'I could lose myself in you.' ”
Lisa Henry, Dark Space
“What sort of place lets you drive and vote and fuck before it lets you drink a beer?” ~Mark Cooper”
Lisa Henry, Mark Cooper versus America
“I was his heartbeat. I was his fucking universe.

Now I was, but soon I wouldn't be.

I would miss that, miss being important.

I would miss having someone.”
Lisa Henry, Dark Space
“He just . . . Nick just wanted to be special. He wanted to be Luke, with a destiny. He wanted to be Frodo, with a quest. He wanted to be an unlikely hero and do something that mattered, but there are no quests in the real world, where everything is much bigger and more tangled and complex than in the stories he loves. In the real world, small people don’t get to be heroes, and Nick is the smallest person he knows.”
Lisa Henry, Adulting 101
“Grief should have been all-consuming. I hated myself that it wasn't. But sometimes I forgot. Jesus, how could I fucking forget? Sometimes I went for minutes without remembering my dad was dead, but that whole time it was regrouping so it could hit me all over again.”
Lisa Henry, Dark Space
“You should see the murderous stares I get on the street. Though I think that has less to do with seeing a man carrying a purse and more to do with paisley. Paisley makes everyone cranky.”
Lisa Henry, The Good Boy
“Cam shook his head. 'Do you ever listen to how much crazy shit comes out of your mouth?'

'Nope.' I hooked my fingers into his waistband and pulled him closer. 'Nobody does. That's why I remain undiagnosed.' ”
Lisa Henry, Dark Space
“At what point in your life did you decide you were the sort of guy who wanted to be fisted?”
Lisa Henry, Mark Cooper versus America
“(Brin) 'How good is your lawyer, on a scale of Atticus Finch to Franklin and Bash?”
Lisa Henry, The Good Boy
“The men who killed your monsters weren’t heroes. They were even more frightening.”
Lisa Henry, The Island
tags: shaw
“[Walt] Whitman would never get in the way of a boy trying to get off with another boy. Bros before prose.”
Lisa Henry, Mark Cooper versus America
“Someone dies, there oughta be something. It oughta shake the world! You're not supposed to walk away!”
Lisa Henry, Sweetwater
“As a federal agent, I want you to know I'm disgusted by your lack of respect for the law."

"But you're impressed too," Henry said without turning around. "You're disguspressed.”
Lisa Henry, The Two Gentlemen of Altona
tags: humor
“I just want to see what it’s like when I don’t hurt.”
Lisa Henry, When All the World Sleeps
“Don’t think about it. Just breathe.

Somewhere on the other side of the world, it is spring. Somewhere, fresh blades of grass are breaking through the cold crust of the earth and the streams are running full as the last of the snow melts. Somewhere on the other side of the world, your room is waiting for you. Somewhere on the other side of the world, your parents buried an empty box.

No. Think of something else.”
Lisa Henry, The Island
“(Derek) “How do you see the beauty in a three-eared dog but not in a guy with big teeth?”

(Christy) “Dogs rule. People drool.”

(Derek) “Only if you gag them.”
Lisa Henry, The Good Boy
“Some guys were meant to be heroes. I was never one of them, but fuck it, I could learn.”
Lisa Henry, Darker Space
“Deacon grinned and raised his hand. There was a moment’s hesitation, a few seconds where Deacon wasn’t sure whether he could really do it. Then he brought his hand down, smacking the center of Mark’s ass. Mark’s breath hitched, but other than that, nothing much happened. The spot Deacon had slapped was barely pink. “Was that okay?” Deacon asked.
“Was what okay?” Mark asked, lifting his head.
“Uh, the way I did that?”
“Did you do something?”
“What do you mean?”
“I might be wrong, mate, but isn’t a spanking supposed to hurt a bit? You’ve got arm muscles; why don’t you use th—”
The crack of Deacon’s palm against Mark’s flesh made Deacon cringe—not out of sympathy for Mark so much as fear that the entire house had heard it. Mark bucked, and the pink patch that appeared on his right cheek was quite satisfying. “Better?” Deacon asked.
“God. Fuck. Yes. Better,” Mark said into the pillow.”
Lisa Henry, Mark Cooper versus America
“After girls we talked about the officers, and which ones hated us most that week, and how we never did anything to deserve it, and they were just assholes, and if they didn’t have those stripes on their shoulders, they wouldn’t be so tough. Man-to-man we could take them. That was all talk too, I guess.”
Lisa Henry, Dark Space
“It was fine to be mocked or disliked on his own terms. But his sexual orientation was such a naked target, unfortified by nonchalance and lacking the benefit of being a persona he’d constructed. Gay Mark wasn’t sheddable like Smart-Ass Mark or Bitter-About-the-Move Mark.”
Lisa Henry, Mark Cooper versus America
“Time was meaningless, except each moment was a countdown to the end.”
Lisa Henry, Dark Space
“It was an accident?” Nick attempts. “An accident?” Chris huffs out. “An accident? You accidentally gave someone a blowjob?” If Nick never hears the word “blowjob” come out of his dad’s mouth again, he’ll die a happy man.”
Lisa Henry, Adulting 101
“First we talked about girls. Not girls like any of us had ever seen in the flesh, but those girls in magazines with huge tits and puffed-up lips and sleepy eyes, like they'd been fucked hard all night and they were mostly pouting now because the guy finally pulled out. We talked about those girls a lot. And it was all talk.”
Lisa Henry, Dark Space
“If Nick were on a quest to return the One Ring to the fiery pits of Mount Doom, Jai Hazenbrook would totally be the hot-as-fuck elf in tight leather pants who could shoot the left testicle off an orc at a thousand paces. Whereas Nick, of course, would be the short hairy-footed guy who liked beer and fireworks and second breakfasts. Even in his fantasy worlds, Nick is a realist.”
Lisa Henry, Adulting 101
“«Lo zio è arrivato. Vado a salutarlo. Tu rimani qua, se ti va.» «Scherzi? Se tu segui me, io posso seguire te, ragazzo di Harnee.» Bel rise e gli porse la mano. Lo attirò a sé e appoggiò le labbra sulla sua mascella, poi gli mordicchiò l’orecchio. «Provalo,» sussurrò. Si incamminò con Daniel al fianco, entrambi con un sorriso sul viso. Insieme, come era giusto che fosse.”
Lisa Henry, When All the World Sleeps
“«Hai ogni diritto di stare qui,» riprese. «Lo sai, vero?» «Immagino sia così.» Sapere e sentire erano due cose molto diverse.”
Lisa Henry, When All the World Sleeps

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