Sexual Orientation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sexual-orientation" Showing 1-30 of 51
Audre Lorde
“Black and Third World people are expected to educate white people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate men. Lesbians and gay men are expected to educate the heterosexual world. The oppressors maintain their position and evade their responsibility for their own actions. There is a constant drain of energy which might be better used in redefining ourselves and devising realistic scenarios for altering the present and constructing the future.”
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches

Judith Butler
“If Lacan presumes that female homosexuality issues from a disappointed heterosexuality, as observation is said to show, could it not be equally clear to the observer that heterosexuality issues from a disappointed homosexuality?”
Judith Butler, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity

“We cannot keep turning our backs on gay and lesbian Americans. I have fought too hard and too long against discrimination based on race and color not to stand up against discrimination based on sexual orientation.”
John Lewis

“So he was queer, E.M. Forster. It wasn't his middle name (that would be 'Morgan'), but it was his orientation, his romping pleasure, his half-secret, his romantic passion. In the long-suppressed novel Maurice the title character blurts out his truth, 'I'm an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort.' It must have felt that way when Forster came of sexual age in the last years of the 19th century: seriously risky and dangerously blurt-able. The public cry had caught Wilde, exposed and arrested him, broken him in prison. He was one face of anxiety to Forster; his mother was another. As long as she lived (and they lived together until she died, when he was 66), he couldn't let her know.”
Michael Levenson

Randall Munroe
“But what about gender and sexual orientation? And culture? And language? We could keep using demographics to try to narrow things down further, but we would be drifting away from the idea of a random soulmate. In our scenario, you wouldn’t know anything about who your soulmate was until you looked into their eyes. Everybody would have only one orientation: towards their soulmate.”
Randall Munroe, What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

Lisa Henry
“Because Clare had never let the fact that Mark didn't have a father in his life get in the way of sex education. She'd been showing Mark how to roll condoms onto bananas long before he'd known it was other bananas he was interested in.”
lisa henry, Mark Cooper versus America

Keri Hulme
“I don't like kissing."

"I suppose it is a matter of taste."[...]"I wondered, did anyone ever," shrug, "you know, hurt you so you don't like kissing? love?"


"I thought maybe someone had been bad to you in the past, and that was why you don't like people touching or holding you."

"Ah damn it to hell," she bangs the lamp down on the desk and the flame jumps wildly.
"I said no. I haven't been raped or jilted or abused in any fashion. There is nothing in my background to explain the way I am." She steadies her voice, taking the impatience out of it. "I'm the odd one out, the peculiarity in my family, because they are all normal and demonstrative physically. But ever since I can remember, I've disliked close contact...charge contact, emotional contact, as well as any overtly sexual contact. I veer away from it, because it always feels like the other person is draining something out of me. I know that's irrational, but that's the way I feel."

She touches the lamp and the flaring light stills.

"I spent a considerable amount of time when I was, o, adolescent, wondering why I was different, whether there were other people like me. Why, when everyone else was facinated by their developing sexual nature, I couldn't give a damn. I've never been attracted to men. Or women. Or anything else. It's difficult to explain, and nobody has ever believed it when I have tried to explain, but while I have an apparently normal female body, I don't have any sexual urge or appetite. I think I am a neuter.”
Keri Hulme, The Bone People

Angela  Chen
“Straight people are rarely treated like they’re close-minded for knowing their sexual orientation, but aces are assumed to be unsure and always on the brink of finding the person who will change everything.”
Angela Chen, Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex

“Sexuality is complicated. It’s not static. People change and sexuality can change too.”
Ashley Herring Blake, Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail

Abhijit Naskar
“Can you imagine, somebody telling you, your love for your dearly beloved is a sin! Can you imagine, somebody telling you, women are inferior to men, and are meant only serve the men! Can you imagine, somebody telling you, a man can have multiple wives, and yet be deemed civilized! Here that somebody is a fundamentalist ape - a theoretical pest from the stone-age, that somehow managed to survive even amidst all the rise of reasoning and intellect.”
Abhijit Naskar, Either Civilized or Phobic: A Treatise on Homosexuality

“Discrimination is the most polite word for abuse aka denying equal opportunity by anyone in power based on age, ancestry, color, disability (mental and physical), exercising the right to family care and medical leave, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, military or veteran status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religious creed, sex (includes pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and related medical conditions), and sexual orientation.”
Ramesh Lohia

Nico J. Genes
“I like nature and I enjoy walking through the forest admiring its beauty and breathing not just the fresh air but, also the quietness and peacefulness of the place. There I feel serene. I feel I am accepted just the way I am whenever I arrive and for as long as I stay. Yes, there it doesn’t matter how I look, what country I come from, if I am from rich or poor family, what is my education, income, religion, sexual orientation and color of skin. It doesn’t even care if my hair looks messy and whether I wear the latest fashion cloths.”
Nico J. Genes

Andrea Tomé
“Hasta ahora había reparado en la belleza de las mujeres pensando que las envidiaba, pero no es así. Reparo en la belleza de las mujeres porque las mujeres son bonitas, y no puedo evitar sentirme atraída hacia ellas incluso cuando parece no estar bien.”
Andrea Tomé, Desayuno en Júpiter

Margot Wood
“If you insist on labeling me, my sexual orientation is horny.”
Margot Wood, Fresh: A Novel

Jodi Picoult
“We're conditioned to seeing men holding guns, but not men holding hands.”
Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home

Meg Cabot
“All those guys on the wrestling team, though - they scare me. And they're so homophobic... well, you can't help wondering about their sexual orientation, I mean they all think I'm gay, but you wouldn't catch me in a pair of tights grabbing some other guys inner thigh.”
Meg Cabot, Shadowland

Tlaleng Mofokeng
“Its never too early to give children the guidance and to create or make your relationship with them a safer space.

When your child has questions or in some cases can articulate their sexuality/gender experiences, handle them with respect and affirmations.”
Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng, Dr T: A Guide to Sexual Health and Pleasure

“Heterosexuality is not merely a sexual orientation that happens to be the orientation of most people. Heterosexuality is a political institution that is taught and conditioned and reinforced.”
Angela Chen

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
“What good Christians don't realize is that sexual sin is not recreational sex gone overboard. Sexual sin is predatory. It won't be 'healed' by redeeming the context or the genders. Sexual sin must simply be killed. What is left of your sexuality after this annihilation is up to God. But healing, to the sexual sinner, is death: nothing more and nothing less.”
Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor's Journey Into Christian Faith

Anthony Venn-Brown OAM
“Sometimes people tell me they don’t want to label themselves by their sexual orientation.

I used to reject my gay identity. In fact I did everything to try and annihilate it. The last thing I would ever do would be to say...... “I’m gay”. Taking ownership of that was a terrifying thought and I believed it had tragic long-term as well as eternal consequences.

The closest I ever got to acknowledging my true orientation was admitting I had “a homosexual problem”. Accepting who I was, was a loooong journey. And once I’d accepted then learning to embrace and celebrate being gay.

We have multi identities. We can have different identities in different contexts. In some contexts some identities are paramount and others irrelevant. The highly self-aware person is conscious of the various identities but manages them wisely, recognizing each one is a part of the whole.

Personally, I’m proud to be a homosexual. No more shame, denial or secrecy. The shame has been washed away by self-acceptance and self-hatred replaced with self-love.

I am gay. Always have been gay. Always will be.”
Anthony Venn-Brown, A Life of Unlearning – a preacher's struggle with his homosexuality, church and faith

“... It takes active work to step back, to create even enough space to take a breath and admit that maybe you don't know what you want, but what has been offered has never felt right.”
Angela Chen, Ace: What Asexuality Reveals about Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex.

“Love is what I had

(I was ten)

Holy, mother of god, we are in the shower together he bubbled up yet not covered up, and back down will it around until I would come, I got some just call me, he was just enjoying me being cute, he washed my hair and played with my body, like my boobs feeling the and rubbing, suck, and kissing them, flicking with his fingers and others, HOT steamy water pouring on our head, as we were hugging it out, and do it all. Rubbing my legs and crap- I say freak, yeah, but I don’t swear like that!

I fasten the garter around his hip's legs side to side around his hips, and as I am arching my back to slip the silk stocking off my toes, I unclasped my bar for him to see them fall, as we go to bed for the night, we were body unstop of body, and we even had our toes laced, together on one foot, like our hands. I have to bite my lip to stop my impatient moan from escaping, yet it all comes out of me. Scorching flush rivalries over my skin, my face hot and red that down there pink feeling has a handprint on my body.

My figure is shaking with shock at the news of us doing this tonight at this age. A baby they say I show them? No freaking way, no way should I be doing this yet they will never- ever no, NO WAY!!! Unserviceable my awareness is tiresome to grasp this staggering bit of data. Of why… Like a small child gets out and the woman is here to say, I’m downhearted, helplessly trying to fit everything together in my mind, like I should some time you have to say what the hell and go with it and piss on them.

My inner goddess is quickly losing my virginity, the light in the room fading recklessly as I see it all there looking at it deeply, but I can’t settle on that now. I am not sure we're ready for all of this just yet. Gritty again I feel as I work my way in, I scan the room for anything I might have elapsed to say when my eyes fall on my ribbons on the wall. I would say anything to make him think about not going in so fast, yet I want it all. The blinking to every downward moment, seeing it all so fast, what to do, it was hard, not slow and good, I don’t remember it all.”
Marcel Ray Duriez, Nevaeh A Void She Cannot Feel

Minnie Bruce Pratt
“No one had turned to us and held out a handful of questions: How many ways are there to have the sex of girl, boy, man, woman? How many ways are there to have gender - from masculine to androgynous to feminine? Is there a connection between the sexualities of lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual, between desire and liberation? No one told us: The path divides, and divides again, in many directions. No one asked: How many ways can the body's sex vary by chromosomes, hormones, genitals? How many ways can gender expression multiply - between home and work, at the computer and when you kiss someone, in your dreams and when you walk down the street? No one asked us: What is your dream of who you want to be?”
Minnie Bruce Pratt, S/He

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Homophobes hate homosexuals as if they chose their sexual orientation.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“We choose neither the males and/or females we are sexually attracted to, nor being sexually attracted to males and/or females.”
@Mokokoma Mokhonoana

David Drake
“I very much doubt ... has a sexual orientation toward anything except money,”
David Drake, The Way to Glory

Asexual. The prefix 'a-' means 'not.' Hasn't my life always been about what I'm not? Not pretty, not athletic, not interested, not ready--but now here's this word that tells me that what I am not is actually what I am. Something--I'm something.”
Karen Wilfrid, Just Lizzie

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