Appear Quotes

Quotes tagged as "appear" Showing 1-30 of 42
Lao Tzu
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready... The teacher will Disappear.”
Tao Te Ching

Erik Pevernagie
“The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. Many politicians promise green, green grass by blending niceties with delusion and by using alluring confidence tricks. They voice attractive tales and tell things, people like to hear. But the post-factual grassland often appears to be parched and barren. ("The grass was greener over there")”
Erik Pevernagie

Zdzisław Beksiński
“What matters is what appears in your soul, not what your eyes see and what you can name.”
Zdzisław Beksiński

Prem Jagyasi
“Obstacles and opportunities go hand in hand. The difference lies in the way we perceive them.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Anthony Ryan
“I cannot believe the path to victory lies in staining our souls so black we become indistinguishable from those we fight.”
Anthony Ryan, Queen of Fire

Toba Beta
“Only when man cornered,
potential forced to appear.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

“Is it a world in the making

that turns as it whistles to the depths of my being

It is burning

Suppose it were to appear

A bleeding rosary at the window

a sun setting on the marshlands

("Silver Clasp")”
Paul Dermée, The Cubist Poets in Paris: An Anthology

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The moment you think that there is no path before you, path disappears! The moment you think the opposite, path appears! All paths need people who see them!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“When I open my eyes,

Only the world appears to me,

When I close my eyes,

The entire universe I can see!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

“Appearances can be deceptive.........and so can be Disappearances too.......”
Ankala Subbarao

Steven Magee
“Windows 10 has been a nightmare for computer hardware manufacturers, as it can make perfectly good hardware appear to be faulty.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Computers are one of the products in the USA that appear to be unregulated by the government which leaves consumers unprotected from flawed devices.”
Steven Magee

Deyth Banger
“I want music, I don't want stupidity, (Hey)... (mey)... I don't give a shit, so far it sounds like stupidity changes tracks and it's on the track and it waits to appear!”
Deyth Banger

“God wants to continue to appear to people through those who live like Jesus”
Sunday Adelaja

J.R. Rim
“Nightmares appear many times before your dream.”
J.R. Rim

“যখন আমার নয়ন খুলি,

বিশ্বটাই কেবল সামনে আসে,

যখন আমার নয়ন বুজি,

সমগ্র সৌরজগত নয়নে ভাসে!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

J.R. Rim
“Silence creates space for content to appear.”
J.R. Rim

“Be careful throwing away stones which appear a bit flawed.”
Charmaine J Forde

Steven Magee
“I have ambition and you appear to be lacking in faith.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Flooding does not appear to be making the gasoline cars go on fire like the electric cars do.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Supplements and a low protein diet appear to be prolonging my life.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Altitude

Steven Magee
“The masses appear oblivious that there is almost no government regulation of corrupt and incompetent police officers.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Because I research sex addiction, the bulk of my friends on social media appear to be sex addicts.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Knowing what I know about the political system, it does appear President Trump upset a lot of people in politics.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I am surprised at how many people in their thirties onward appear to own no assets!”
Steven Magee

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Don't make a rapid decision on the inner of people، there are buttreflies seem to appear fierce.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

“If a woman was supposed to be first, she wouldn't have been created second.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

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