Arrogance And Attitude Quotes

Quotes tagged as "arrogance-and-attitude" Showing 1-30 of 45
Patrick Rothfuss
“My father referred to it as "the finest song ever written for fifteen fingers." He made me play it when I was getting too full of myself and felt I needed humbling. Suffice to say I practice it with fair regularity, sometimes more than once a day.”
Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man’s Fear

Israh Azizi
“If arrogance were transformed into rope, Natassa could have strangled him with it a thousand times.”
Israh Azizi, The Cavalier

“Only an arrogant man can sense arrogance in others.”
Abhaidev, The Gods Are Not Dead

Stewart Stafford
“Confidence is when you believe in yourself and your abilities, arrogance is when you think you are better than others and act accordingly. You could say that arrogance is false confidence and that the person displaying it is overcompensating for their inner inadequacies.”
Stewart Stafford

“The gentleman is dignified but not arrogant. The small man is arrogant but not digified”
Confucius, The Analects

Soheir Khashoggi
“The arrogance of these people!”
Soheir Khashoggi, Nadia's Song

“The boiling water that does not cool down only dries out!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“Arrogance is believing you're Right, Ignorance is believing you're Wrong! What are YOU?” ”
Ramana Pemmaraju

Elizabeth Harrower
“Oh. Yes. He's very bright. But the world, poor world, was as over-burdened with cleverness as with stupidity, and in a sense (lacking this), did they not amount to the very same thing? Oh, he's clever, Clare thought, but who's good? Who's good? Who is good?”
Elizabeth Harrower, The Watch Tower

“It's very hard to dispel your ignorance,
if you retain your arrogance.”
Sam Wilson

Ann Coulter
“Do not imagine this is being done by accident or laziness. The open borders crowd has been very deliberate, very careful. We aren't going to ask ordinary people what they think. We're just going to do this because we think we're right, and at certain point it will be impossible to change it back.

Republican politicians know damn well that voters want less immigration. Otherwise they wouldn't lie and promise to secure the borders when they need our votes. They just never do it.

Trump is the only frontal assault that will work.”
Ann Coulter, In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!

Abhijit Naskar
“Amidst cruelty arrogance has its role, but you gotta tread with extreme caution. Arrogance laid on the wrong person is an appalling human rights violation.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“Arrogance is the worst teacher.”
Abhijit Naskar, All For Acceptance

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“If you feel I am arrogant, you felt your guilt”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Abhijit Naskar
“Never entertain arrogance, be it in yourself or in others.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law

“Arrogance leads to destruction."
-Terraine Francois”
Terraine Francois

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Cheryl Holt
“My apologies, Wilson," he was stating to her partner, "but her first game was promised to me long ago." He glowered at her, challenging her to contradict him. "Isn't that right?"
The onlookers were spellbound by the fascinating display. Not wanting to cause a scene, she lied affably, "I'd given up on you, Mr. Stevens, and decided you weren't coming. How kind of you to finally join me."
"I was detained." He ushered her away, efficiently dismissing George. "Perhaps you can have a subsequent match with her, Wilson, although I doubt she'll be inclined. Once she's had the best, it will be hard for her to lower her standards.”
Cheryl Holt, Total Surrender

Georgette Heyer
“I doubt it." My lord smiled insufferably.”
Georgette Heyer, The Great Roxhythe

Stewart Stafford
“An Inflicted Introduction by Stewart Stafford

A sour smile across thin lips,
While cat-and-mouse eyes,
Stared, unblinking, at my face,
Forked tongue gauged reaction.

Acid wafting from that mouth,
Light as flecks of warm butter,
But leaving a bitter aftertaste,
Tricking nobody within earshot.

Their hooded gaze scorched,
As infants on their playthings,
Bloated from odious overspill,
I withdrew from their presence.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Rifa Coolheart
“Everything in this world is mutually exclusive and everything has its natural enemies, so even if you are a ghost, you should still be cautious; it is better not to be too arrogant.”
Rifa Coolheart

Udayakumar D.S.
“Arrogance and tactlessness can break down a strong being. No matter how big your stature is, stay humble and stay grounded.”
Udayakumar DS, Life of a Sunset Kid

Abhysheq Shukla
“I do not just meet people and have them stay in my life. They need to earn their spot. I just keep myself away from unmotivated people. If you want to mess with me, remember that I've lived my life drinking with skeletons.”
Abhysheq Shukla, KARMA

“I have so much ego inside me that some call it arrogance, but I call it motivation.”
Harnoor singh

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is contempt prior to investigation.”
Herbert Spancer

“Some people's, devoid of empathy and humanity, serve as agents of darkness, leaving a trail of hurt and despair in their wake, revealing the severe absence of light in their souls.!”
Shaila Touchton

Donna Goddard
“The less people know, the more arrogant they tend to be. Someone who is very teachable in any field realises that there is an endless amount they don’t know. The masters are innately teachable.”
Donna Goddard, Love Matters

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