Attitude Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "attitude-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 852
“There are so many people whose minds do not belong to them. There are so many people whose thoughts have been purchased by people. There are so many people who have made people kings and queens of their thought. There are so many people who cannot sleep because of people. There are so many people whose lives are a small percentage of their own self and a greater percentage of others. When the offenses of people occupy your mind, your mind becomes the offenses of people instead of your own mind. To have your own mind and to be your own self, free your mind!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“Don't pray for better days, pray for a better attitude to withstand uncertain days”
Mac Duke The Strategist

“Change your attitude and you change your life.
You cannot control what happens to you in your life, but you can always control how you respond to it. The way you choose to respond is a reflection of your attitude. By changing your attitude, you also change your perspective and change your life.”
Roy Bennett

“Civilization could not exist without tremors of desire and without the counteracting, negation force of disciplined denial. Nor would the gyratory pulsations of a lively civilization exist devoid of the convulsive chemistry of union and repellency. We are born with a desire to be immortal. Cursed with the knowledge that we must die, people live their orthodox lives out by displaying reckless abandon as to the outcome of human life or nervously hounded by utter despondency nipping their heels. How we resolve this decidedly human complex of carrying out our daily lives while burden by our inescapable mortality determines our essential character. The collation of similar values adopted by our community determines who we are as a people.”
Kilroy J. Oldster

“challenges; the great wall between those who stand and those who fall”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Susan C. Young
“The first thing others see is YOU—not your resume, background, or credentials. A picture is truly worth a thousand words and how you dress is the “picture” you provide for all the world to see.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Whether you're delivering a sales presentation to a new client, going on a trip, speaking in front of a thousand people, or handling a customer complaint, when you are prepared, you are more empowered to do your best and perform at a higher level. It feels great!”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Without proper readiness, we’re subject to a 'flub,' or a costly mistake which might have been easily prevented with some simple homework beforehand. Failing to do so deteriorates credibility and reputation, leaving us vulnerable to an unfavorable impression.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“Knowledge imparts a sense of authority. It will help you stand out and give you an edge over your competition.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“By performing a simple Google search, a website review, a visit to their LinkedIn profile, or a media release search on the person you are about to meet, you can find out where they’ve been, what they care about, and where they’re going. Whether you learn an interesting fact about a hobby they enjoy, the breed of their dog, or something you both have in common, it will show that you took the time to research and that you care about them as a person.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Doing your research ahead of time shows that you care about your client and your reputation. Referencing this information will better enable you to ask relevant questions and link their answers to your product or service to create a win-win situation.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Being prepared not only reduces our stress level and keeps us from looking stupid, but it builds the confidence that other people have in us that we are dependable, reliable and can be counted upon.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Whether it is in the way you walk, talk, dress, or behave, your personal brand impacts how people react and respond to you. It is the essence of what makes you likable, knowable, and trustworthy. And it is what can make you memorable and sought after in the marketplace.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Does your appearance accurately convey the message of who you are that you are trying to get across? When trying to make an excellent first impression in business but in doubt of what to wear, dress one level up from what is expected—if it's casual, dress in business casual, etc.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

“What is YOUR personal brand? How are you packaging your unique talents, style, personality and/or products to represent who you are, what you do, and how you show yourself to the world?”
Susan C Young

Susan C. Young
“Is your branding serving your needs for positive impact? Is it paving the way for a great first impression on people when they meet you, think of you, speak of you, or even see you on the Internet? If not, it’s time for a change, and it is perfectly within your control.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Project your “brand” to be remarkable and memorable. Whether through a positioning statement, product placement, advertising campaign, service, a logo, mission, or message, your brand is what makes you and/or your company remarkable—or not.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“A “brand” identifies how you are unique and different. It is an attention-getter to help you stack up against your competitors. It also shares with us what we can expect by doing business with you.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Whether you are in business or simply want to be remembered positively, frankly consider these things: What makes you feel special and significant? What makes you unforgettable? When people see or think of you, what image do you think comes to mind?”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“How can you stand apart from the herd? How can you start to be noticed so people will remember you? How can you be heard above the noise? “What is your personal branding that makes you special, unique, individual, and memorable?”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Color is one of the most important and distinctive elements in enhancing your image. Wearing the colors which are best matched to your personality, energy, skin tone, hair color, and body type will make you look healthier, more vibrant, confident, successful, and approachable.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“People will form impressions, assumptions, opinions, and judgments all within a few short seconds. To make a favorable first impression and make these seconds count, enhance your image by choosing clean, crisp, appropriate attire that reflects confidence and professionalism.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Like it or not, how we each present ourselves to the world, by way of our appearance, attire, behavior, and speech, all send messages on our behalf.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Making a great first impression is not an accident, and with a little planning, experimentation, and application, you can transform your style, substance, and impact.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Once you are dressed there may be still more you can do to enhance, complement, or complete your look. Simply changing your accessories will change your entire impression.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Proven professionals know that by focusing on quality, you can’t lose with the classics and your clothes will last longer. It’s not about having expensive clothing, it is about having style.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

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