Stroke Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stroke" Showing 1-30 of 36
Diane Ackerman
“Our days flowed around well-charted, often traveled courses, and yet, the underlying sense of falling out of time, out of the trajectory of one's life, not by choice, but by subtraction, was frequent and disquieting. Then I grieved for him, for the lost and previous Paul. He grieved for that man too. Both our griefs were mainly private, internal, unuttered. Return was impossible, and there was only one direction open ; and so we kept our compass pointed forward. [p. 286]”
Diane Ackerman, One Hundred Names for Love: A Stroke, a Marriage, and the Language of Healing
tags: stroke

Dena Tyson
“The More you do the better you become”
Dena Tyson, Give Me the Strength: Based on a True Story

Diane Ackerman
“I do feel responsible. He used to be able to look after himself. Now he can't. That's so different, so strange. The big question is: Is more improvement really possible, or should I stop pushing him?' [p. 153]”
Diane Ackerman, One Hundred Names for Love: A Stroke, a Marriage, and the Language of Healing
tags: stroke

Enock Maregesi
“Jina langu ni Enock Maregesi na ningependa kukwambia kisa kidogo kuhusiana na bibi yangu, Martha Maregesi. Mwanamke huyu alikuwa mke mwenye upendo usiokuwa na masharti yoyote. Alikuwa mama na bibi aliyefundisha familia yake umuhimu wa kujitolea na umuhimu wa uvumilivu. Ijapokuwa hakupendelea sana kujizungumzia mwenyewe, ningependa kukusimulia kisa kidogo kuhusiana na hadithi ya maisha ya mwanamke huyu wa ajabu katika maisha yangu.

Bibi yangu alizaliwa katika Kitongoji cha Butimba, Kijiji cha Kome, Kata ya Bwasi, Tarafa ya Nyanja (Majita), Wilaya ya Musoma Vijijini, Mkoa wa Mara, katika familia ya watoto kumi, mwaka 1930. Alisoma katika Shule ya Msingi ya Kome ambako alipata elimu ya awali na msingi na pia elimu ya kiroho kwani shule yao ilikuwa ya madhehebu ya Kisabato. Aliolewa na Bwana Maregesi Musyangi Sabi mwaka 1946, na kufanikiwa kupata watoto watatu; wa kiume wakiwa wawili na wa kike mmoja. Matatizo hasa ya bibi yalianza mwaka 2005, alipougua kiharusi akiwa nyumbani kwake huko Musoma. Hata hivyo alitibiwa hapo Musoma na Dar es Salaam akapona na kuwa mwenye afya ya kawaida. Lakini tarehe 19/10/2014 alipatwa tena na kiharusi na kulazwa tena katika Hospitali ya Mkoa ya Musoma, ila akajisikia nafuu na kuruhusiwa kurudi nyumbani – lakini kwa maagizo ya daktari ya kuendelea na dawa akiwa nje ya hospitali. Tarehe 29/10/2014 alirudi tena Hospitali ya Mkoa ya Musoma kwa tiba zaidi, lakini tarehe 4/11/2014 saa 7:55 usiku akafariki dunia; akiwa amezungukwa na familia yake.

Dunia ina watu wachache sana wenye matumaini na misimamo ya kutegemea mazuri, na wachache zaidi ambao wako tayari kugawa matumaini na misimamo hiyo kwa watu wengine. Nitajisikia furaha siku zote kwamba miongoni mwa watu hao wachache, hata bibi yangu alikuwemo. Msalaba uliwekwa wakfu na Mwenyezi Mungu baada ya mwili wa Yesu Kristo kuning’inizwa juu yake. Kwa kuwa bibi yangu ametanguliwa na msalaba, msalaba utamwongoza mahali pa kwenda.”
Enock Maregesi

Diane Ackerman
“Caregiving offers many fringe benefits, including the sheer sensory delight of nourishing and grooming, sharing, and playing. But caregiving does buttonhole you; you're stitched in one place. . . . Paul wasn't on a learning curve but seemed trapped in a circle. He's swoop forward only to loop back again and fall to earth.”
Diane Ackerman, One Hundred Names for Love: A Stroke, a Marriage, and the Language of Healing
tags: stroke

Diane Ackerman
“What remained would gradually acquire its own shape and dimension, but many of our favorite things, my favorite ways of being a couple, had vanished and it was no use pretending, hoping, wishing that he would return to his old self, and me to mine. [p. 156]”
Diane Ackerman, One Hundred Names for Love: A Stroke, a Marriage, and the Language of Healing
tags: stroke

Diane Ackerman
“I understood the therapists were trying to rebuild Paul's vocabulary, beginning wit the rudiments, but Paul found it taxing, boring, and disturbingly condescending. His loss of language didn't mean he was any less a grown-up with adult feelings, experiences, worries, and problems. [p. 144]”
Diane Ackerman, One Hundred Names for Love: A Stroke, a Marriage, and the Language of Healing
tags: stroke

“A big man stood looking out the window at the night. He had a close-cropped haircut, obviously military, and wore a camouflage uniform. Pink scalp showed through his light colored hair and his thick neck glowed red.

There's a stroke waiting to happen. Tara couldn't stop the irreverent thought.”
D. L. Robinson Red Death

Laura Kinsale
“He put his fist against his chest. “Burn, Maddygirl,” he said. Then he turned and left her in the flickering gloom and thunder.”
Laura Kinsale, Flowers from the Storm

Jarod Kintz
“He said he had a stroke reading my absurd writing, so I said, “Thank you for your service.” Then I continued washing my dishes in my lawnmower.”
Jarod Kintz, There are Two Typos of People in This World: Those Who Can Edit and Those Who Can't

Aniruddha Sastikar
“Living appears good, long, and tiresome, but it is way too short than a single stroke of lightning.”
Aniruddha Sastikar

Mehmet Murat ildan
“A man stroking a dog’s head means the universe is stroking the universe; a child playing with a little dog means the universe is playing with the universe! If the universe is a theatre play, then we can be sure that there is only one player: The universe itself! Everything we see is the same player!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Jazz Feylynn
“In mid-stroke of word and paper fusion”
Jazz Feylynn

Laura Kinsale
"The duke stopped beside Maddy’s chair. He turned to Mr. Pember and in the sort of tone that could command regiments, uttered. “Cat.”
Laura Kinsale, Flowers from the Storm

Enock Maregesi
“Taabini hii ni ngumu sana kwangu kuandika pamoja na kwamba ni miaka mitatu kamili toka giza liingie. Mwaka 2014, Novemba 4, nilimpoteza bibi yangu mpendwa, Martha Maregesi, aliyefariki dunia kutokana na ukongo wa kiharusi, na tutamkumbuka daima.

Alikuwa na roho ya kipekee; na kifo chake kiliwagusa wengi, pamoja na kwamba aliishi maisha kamili, zaidi ya siku 25550, siku 5110 zaidi, ambazo ndizo tulizopangiwa na Mungu.

Mapenzi ya mtu kwa bibi yake ni mapenzi ya kipekee. Nadhani Mungu aliwapa mabibi wote uwezo maalumu wa kuwapenda wajukuu zao, na kufanya maisha yao yatimie, kuwafanya wawe binadamu wazuri na wenye maadili mema.

Alichangia pakubwa katika malezi yangu ya utotoni; na aghalabu naweza kukumbuka nikiwa naye jikoni akipika, huku mimi nikifanya kazi nyingine, lakini wakati huohuo akinifundisha mambo kadha wa kadha ya kunikomaza kimaisha. Bibi hakuwa tu bibi. Alikuwa mlezi, rafiki na mtu aliyenihamasisha sana katika maisha.

Kifo kinaleta huzuni lakini kinaleta tumaini. Naamini bibi yangu atakwenda mbinguni, kwa sababu naamini alitubu dhambi zake akisaidiwa na wachungaji. Wachungaji hao walimtembelea kila siku, nyumbani au hospitalini, akiwa kitandani kwake akiugua. Bibi yangu alitimiza wajibu wake. Alizaliwa, aliishi, na alikufa katika toba.

Siku nitakapokufa ningependa kuzikwa jirani na alipozikwa bibi yangu, ili Yesu atakaporudi tufufuke pamoja.”
Enock Maregesi

Andrew Sean Greer
“A stroke. Robert has never been kind to his body . . . It is only the carrier of that wonderful mind, after all. A case for the crown. And Robert has cared for that mind like a tiger with her young: he has given up drinking and drugs, kept a strict schedule of sleep. He is good, he is careful. And to steal that--to steal his mind--burglar Life!Like cutting a Rembrandt from its frame.”
Andrew Sean Greer, Less

Alexandre Dumas
“There are other things to fear, Monsieur,' Villefort said, 'apart from death, old age and madness. For example, apoplexy, that lightning bolt which strikes you down without destroying you, yet after which all is finished. You are still yourself, but you are no longer yourself: from a near-angel like Ariel you have become a dull mass which, like Caliban, is close to the beasts. As I said, in human language, this is quite simply called an apoplexy or stroke.”
Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas
“...a man who may not, like you, have seen all the kingdoms on earth, but who helped to overthrow one of the most powerful; a man who did not, like you, claim to be one of the envoys of God, but of the Supreme Being, not of Providence but of Fate. Well, Monsieur, the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain put an end to all that, not in a day, not in an hour, but in a second.”
Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

Josephine Harwood
“She cleared her throat. “Bryan, I know you’ve interviewed a lot of caregivers—”
“Too many,” Bryan shot back.
She inched her chin up a notch. “I’m not your typical caregiver. I’m different.”
Bryan laughed with no humor. “Yeah, I’ve heard that one before—okay, impress me, Delilah Walker. What exactly makes you different?”
Josephine Harwood, Empathy

Josephine Harwood
“Bryan, I know you’ve interviewed a lot of caregivers—”
“Too many,” Bryan shot back.
She inched her chin up a notch. “I’m not your typical caregiver. I’m different.”
Bryan laughed with no humor. “Yeah, I’ve heard that one before—okay, impress me, Delilah Walker. What exactly makes you different?”
Josephine Harwood, Empathy

James S.A. Corey
“He almost blacks out again, but he’s not sure if it’s the stroke or the thrust gravity. He’s pretty sure driving blood pressure higher while having a stroke is considered poor form.”
James S.A. Corey, Drive

Several previous researches reported that stroke incidence is greater among participants with a higher consumption
“Several previous researches reported that stroke incidence is greater among participants with a higher consumption of red and processed meats because they tend to have unhealthy behaviors and conditions.15, 24, 25 Although studies included in this meta‐analysis adjusted for major stroke risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, obesity, and alcohol use, the effect of unadjusted risk factors still remain.”
Kyuwoong Kim

“The combined results from 5 articles15, 24, 25, 26, 30 with 8 comparisons (254 742 participants) on red meat intake and stroke incidence comparing the highest versus the lowest category show that red meat consumption is linked to an increase of 3% to 20% stroke incidence.”
Kyuwoong Kim

The results suggest that consumption of total meat is significantly associated with a 9% to
“The results suggest that consumption of total meat is significantly associated with a 9% to 28% increased risk of stroke.”
Kyuwoong Kim

Jill Bolte Taylor
“To help me find my back into my peaceful right mind, I look at how my body organizes information into systems and capitalize on those already established circuits. I find that paying attention to sensory information as it streams into my body us a very helpful tool.”
Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD

Nitya Prakash
“There, a string of her hair gets released from the top of her ears and here, another stroke of his breath gets stuck in midway.”
Nitya Prakash

Sanjo Jendayi
“Fire burns out if you don't stoke it and romance fizzles if you don't stroke it.”
Sanjo Jendayi

Kris Courtney
“Are ya havin' a Heart Attack, a Stroke - Do Ya Smell Toast”
Kris Courtney, Florida Retirement Is Murder

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