Bisexuality Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bisexuality" Showing 1-30 of 123
Jess C. Scott
“Last night I was seriously considering whether I was a bisexual or not but I don’t think so though I’m not sure if I’d like to be and argh I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, if you like a person, you like the person, not their genitals.”
Jess C Scott, Tongue-Tied

Margaret Cho
“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade?”
Margaret Cho

Jess C. Scott
“I suppose it’s not a social norm, and not a manly thing to do — to feel, discuss feelings. So that’s what I’m giving the finger to. Social norms and stuff…what good are social norms, really? I think all they do is project a limited and harmful image of people. It thus impedes a broader social acceptance of what someone, or a group of people, might actually be like.”
Jess C Scott, New Order

Leah Raeder
“If I was gay, I wouldn't need an asterisk beside my name. I could stop worrying if the girl I like will bounce when she finds out I also like dick. I could have a coming-out party without people thinking I just want attention. I wouldn't have to explain that I fall in love with minds, not genders or body parts. People wouldn't say I'm 'just a slut' or 'faking it' or 'undecided' or 'confused.' I'm not confused. I don't categorize people by who I'm allowed to like and who I'm allowed to love. Love doesn't fit into boxes like that. It's blurry, slippery, quantum. It's only limited by our perceptions and before we slap a label on it and cram it into some category, everything is possible.”
Leah Raeder, Black Iris

Taylor Jenkins Reid
“She liked to ignore the fact that I had made love to men and enjoyed it. She liked to ignore it until the very moment she decided to be threatened by it. That seemed to be her pattern. I was a lesbian when she loved me and a straight woman when she hated me.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

“I think choosing between men and women is like choosing between cake and ice cream. You'd be daft not to try both when there are so many different flavors.”

Krista Ritchie
“Whether it's men, women—it doesn't really matter. The human race is filled with passion and lust. And to coin terms like heterosexuality, homosexuality or even bisexuality makes no sense to me. You are human. You love who you love. You fuck who you fuck. That should be enough—no labels. No stigmas. Nothing. Just be to be.
But life isn't that kind. People will always find things to hate.”
Krista Ritchie, Kiss the Sky

Alan Cumming
“You know what I hate most of all in the whole wide world?...More than people who think that if you're bisexual it means you'll fuck absolutely anyone (especially them)?”
Alan Cumming, Tommy's Tale

James Baldwin
“Giovanni had awakened an itch, had released a gnaw in me. I realized it one afternoon, when I was taking him to work via the Boulevard Montparnasse. We had bought a kilo of cherries and we were eating them as we walked along. We were both insufferably childish and high-spirited that afternoon and the spectacle we presented, two grown men jostling each other on the wide sidewalk and aiming the cherry pits, as though they were spitballs, into each other's faces, must have been outrageous. And I realized that such childishness was fantastic at my age and the happiness out of which it sprang yet more so; for that moment I really loved Giovanni, who had never seemed more beautiful than he was that afternoon.”
James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room

Dan Pearce
“The world is so obsessed with defining sexuality for everyone and attaching labels to it. Any time any person openly leaves the sexual norm, their sexuality becomes, more often than not, the absolute defining characteristic of that person. It becomes the first thing people think about and often the first thing they mention. Every other part of that person all but disappears.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Dan Pearce
“If only I could change the world around me, perhaps my truth won’t one day be the end of me.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

“All you need to validly be bi is to identify! It's so true it rhymes.”
Ashley Mardell

Dan Pearce
“At the border of where I will literally not survive so long as I keep living in so much fear of the harsh judgments of others, I am finally conceding the truth to you all.

I am finally conceding the truth to me.

I am something other than straight.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Thomm Quackenbush
“His kisses were so hungry and male, which isn't bad. Every kiss said he could never have enough, but he wasn't going to stop trying. They were so hormonal. I wanted his sugar roughness. Girl's kisses are deliberate and polished. When she kisses me - when I kiss her - she doesn't want me. She has me and knows it.”
Thomm Quackenbush, We Shadows

“I don’t check any particular box. I’ve never caught feelings for anyone because they were a male or a female. I feel for people because of who they are. Not what they are.”
Tammy Ferebee, Outsiders

Jennifer Baumgardner
“Freud's most radical legacy is the one that is the least actualized. After years of evolution on the topic, he came to the conclusion that any exclusive monosexual interest - regardless of whether it was hetero- or homosexual - was neurotic. In a sense Freud is saying what second-wave critic Kate Millet said a half-century late: "Homosexuality was invented by a straight world dealing with its own bisexuality." By the end of his writings, in 1937, Freud was downright blythe about bisexuality: "Every human being['s] . . . libido is distributed, either in a manifest or a latent fashion, over objects of both sexes.”
Jennifer Baumgardner, Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics

“I think I've always been bisexual. I mean, it's something that I've always been interested in. I think people are born bisexual, and it's just that our parents and society kind of veer us off into this feeling of 'Oh, I can't.' They say it's taboo. It's ingrained in our heads that it's bad, when it's not bad at all. It's a very beautiful thing.”
Billie Joe Armstrong

Adam Thirlwell
“I don't think I could ever live with either a man or a woman for a long time. Male and female are attractive to my mind, but when it comes to the sexual act I am afraid. In every situation I need a lot of stimulation before I am conquered by the forces of passion and lust. But confusion, before and after, is the dominant factor.

I dreamed many times about a mature man with experience who would have the vigour of a boy but an adult's polished methods. Strangely enough, I also dreamed about women of my mother's age who were ideal lovers. These dreams came superimposed on one another. Sometimes the masculine element was dominant, sometimes the feminine one. At other times I wasn't sure. I saw a female body with male organs or a male body with female ones. These pictures, blended together in my mind, occasionally brought pleasure but more often pain.”
Adam Thirlwell, Politics

Alexis  Hall
“I'm not indecisive, Mother, I'm bisexual. There's a difference.”
Alexis Hall, Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake

Ben Monopoli
“I was bi and my heart was off-limits to no one, at least not for any reason like what they had between their legs or whether their chests were flat or round. And maybe because of that I never really could believe or understand that Griff, or anyone else, could be deterred from falling in love by such a trivial thing as gender.”
Ben Monopoli, The Cranberry Hush

Sophie Gonzales
“I slow my step as a spark of realization pricks in the back of my mind. Shut it down. Crush the thought. Is the truth that I don't get strong crushes on guys the way I get on girls? Or is the truth that whenever those crushes start to poke their heads up, I squash them and ignore them?”
Sophie Gonzales, If This Gets Out

Lord Byron
“I could love anything on Earth that appeared to wish it.”
Lord Byron

Casey McQuiston
“He also thought about prying up the staples with his fingers and taking the picture out and keeping it in his room, but he never did. His fingernails were too stubby; they weren't made for it like June's, like a girl's”
Casey McQuiston, Red, White & Royal Blue

Aaron H. Aceves
“The message I've gotten about guys who like guys and girls is that we're faking, that we couldn't possibly be attracted to girls if we're attracted to boys. Bi girls get the same thing, but for them it means they're perceived as straight and for us it means we're perceived as gay.”
Aaron H. Aceves, This Is Why They Hate Us

Tess Sharpe
“I guess Diana would be surprised that the one dressed in frills turned out to be the one skipping down the rainbow path toward bisexual city”
Tess Sharpe, The Girls I've Been

Alexandria Bellefleur
“ELLE (4:16 P.M.):favorite movie

ELLE (4:16 P.M.):go

DARCY (4:19 P.M.):Just one? That’s too difficult.

ELLE (4:20 P.M.):fine

ELLE (4:20 P.M.):action comedy rom-com and idk drama?

DARCY (4:25 P.M.):Comedy would be History of the World Part One. Action . . . God, I don’t know. The Mummy, maybe? Rom-com . . . America’s Sweethearts. Drama would have to be Dead Poets Society.

ELLE (4:26 P.M.):the mummy?!?

ELLE (4:26 P.M.):i credit that movie for my bisexual awakening

She waited, watching the little dots dance up and down, up and down . . .

DARCY (4:28 P.M.):Oh?

ELLE (4:29 P.M.):yeah

ELLE (4:30 P.M.):did I want to be evelyn or did i want to ride off into the sunset with her?

ELLE (4:30 P.M.):both obviously”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars

“I surveyed 350 gay men and asked all of them the same question: “If you could take a pill tonight that would make you straight by morning, would you take it?” I received a resounding “yes” from 337 of those surveyed. Ten of them were not sure, and three said no. The overwhelming response came not out of shame, but out of a sense of reality.”
Bonnie M. Kaye, The Gay Husband Checklist for Women Who Wonder 2nd edition by Kaye, Bonnie (2008) Paperback

Valentine Glass
“To me, loving women exclusively was the only logical narrowing of my sexuality. I could get shivers holding the right woman's hand in the light rain [...] Beneath a guy, the tingles barely grazed me, his pubic bone never figuring out it could press against my clit.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex

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