Blessed Quotes

Quotes tagged as "blessed" Showing 181-210 of 323
Shannon L. Alder
“You might not get the apology you deserve. You might not get answers to explain the actions of others. You might not get truth that makes sense to you. You might not get people to understand what you went through because of them. You might not get communication. You might not get maturity. You might not get mercy or even common decency. You might not get respect or the chance to explain your side of the story. However, you do get to choose how people treat you. God loves you enough to bring people into your life who won't hurt you, abuse you, betray you, lie and gossip about you, psycho analyse you, break your heart or make you an option or choice. He will bring people into your life that will love you, respect you, fight for you, show gratitude for your love and want to be a part of your life mission. The best part of this is you don't have to convince them of your worth. They want to be there. They know your value. They know your struggles. They are in touch with their own faults and understand you struggle just like everyone else. They won't hold you to a greater standard then they do themselves. They care about you and don't want to see you cry, feel discouraged or give up on this life. When you know the power of who you are and what you have to accomplish you will scratch your head in disbelief that you allowed other people to dictate who you are based on little knowledge of what God knows about you and your life purpose. Letting go isn't about accepting defeat or acknowledging you were wrong. Sometimes letting go is realizing that God has something better in store for you.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“The most glorious moment you will ever experience in your life is when you look back and see how God was protecting you all this time.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“You don't give up on people you truly love. Whether they are in your life or stand on the edge of your heart, you want them to be happy. This is the truest kind of love because it gives more than it ever receives.”
Shannon L. Alder

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Making God a man is the consolation prize that our forefathers gave themselves for not being the ones who were each blessed with a vagina.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

J.R. Rim
“If you were given one wish, what would you wish for? To wish no more.”
J.R. Rim

“God’s interest goes beyond we being blessed but begin to plan for increase”
Sunday Adelaja

Richard Carlson
“The fact that we can't see the beauty in something doesn't suggest that it's not there. Rather, it suggests that we are not looking carefully enough or with a broad enough perspective to see it.”
Richard Carlson, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff ... and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things From Taking Over Your Life

Mehmet Murat ildan
“When you do something different, you are either blessed or cursed!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Dante Alighieri
“For certain he hath seen all perfectness

For certain he hath seen all perfectness.
Who among other ladies hath seen mine:
They that go with her humbly should combine
To thank their God for such peculiar grace.
So perfect is the beauty of her face
That it begets in no wise any sign
Of envy, but draws round her a clear line
Of love, and blessed faith, and gentleness.
Merely the sight of her inakes all things bow:
Not she herself alone is holier
Than all: but hers, through her, are raised above.
From all her acts such lovely graces flow
That truly one may never think of her
Without a passion of exceeding love.”
Dante Alighieri

Nikki Rowe
“It's easier said than done but when you feel yourself out of balance within, stop in that present moment and catch your breathe.
Remind yourself of 5 things, that help you feel most alive and re-centre your own energy frequency so you can continue living out of your intentions not the world's distractions.”
Nikki Rowe

“O Heavenly Children, God has blessed you all with many treasures that only the most purehearted already know. His fruitful garden is vast and without measure, and in your own very bodies, He has planted metals of copper, silver and gold.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Israelmore Ayivor
“True blessing comes in the dress of sweats, never delaying to wave bye to the excuses and procrastination. True blessing lies in hard work!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Eric Ludy
“The Greek meaning of the word "blessed" is "supreme happiness." [see Matthew 5:3-5]”
Eric Ludy, When God Writes Your Love Story: The Ultimate Approach to Guy/Girl Relationships

Nikki Rowe
“We all have a reason for living I am blessed mine has two eyes a heartbeat and calls me mum.”
Nikki Rowe

Jasleen Kaur Gumber
“Let nothing put me to unease,
nothing to deceive.
I have conceived,
I exist.

Because I am blessed,
To gather time,
in hearing,
my breath,
so tranquil.

To life,
I am, thankful.”
Jasleen Kaur Gumber, Ginger and Honey: An unusual free verse poetry collection

Andrena Sawyer
“God restores. Completely. That's our Blessed assurance.”
Andrena Sawyer

Jonathan Anthony Burkett
“I feel so blessed to be alive and so blessed to have to have a father that loves me no matter how much wrong I do in this world.”
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Merlin  Thomas

Imania Margria
“My heart is on the brink of a world so foreign that it feels like a fantasy. Blessed do I feel when I think of your heart which is so warm that it melts the frozen world we live in. Blessed I am with all of you that I hold near and dear to my heart.”
Imania Margria, Secrets of My Heart

“The world is blessed to welcome you.”
A.D. Posey

“We are all blessed, but we must learn to count our blessings”
Sunday Adelaja

Kenn Bivins
“Blessed is the woman who has never had anything to love. She can never know the heartbreak that comes with losing it.”
Kenn Bivins, The Wedding & Disaster of Felona Mabel

Debasish Mridha
“If you know how blessed you are, you will never ever complain.”
Debasish Mridha

“When they were being blessed, there was no limit-now I am blessing others- I am giving too much!!”
Charmaine J Forde

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Some people would not be dead if they have not gotten the things or people they had prayed for.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Dr Tracey Bond
“LIVE like someone, somewhere is always monitoring your existence, 'because they are - some wise who are living know all too well that freedom and rest are truly deeded in the mental realm of those blessed to take up residence there - for there is no monitoring system needed from the grave...”
Tracey Bond, Spirit Fed Entrepreneur: Growing Your Business with a Fearless Mindset