Career Choices Quotes

Quotes tagged as "career-choices" Showing 1-30 of 47
“We grow up in a belief system according to which children should always make their parents proud and happy (instead of making themselves proud and happy) - and that’s unfortunately the belief system in most cultures.”
Lukasz Laniecki, You Have The Right Not To Make Your Parents Proud. A Book Of Quotes

Robin Caldwell
“You can live doing what you love
or die having done nothing at all.”
Robin Caldwell

Anna Wiener
“I felt rising frustration and resentment. I was frustrated because I felt stuck, and I was resentful because I was stuck in an industry that was chipping away at so many things I cared about.”
Anna Wiener, Uncanny Valley

“None of us has an obligation to accept the definitions of ‘respect’ and ‘gratitude’ our parents espoused, especially when those definitions can be used to guilt-trip us, or when they are being used for the purpose of forcing us to do certain things (as an extortion mechanism).”
Lukasz Laniecki, You Have The Right Not To Make Your Parents Proud. A Book Of Quotes

Trevor Carss
“It can take a lifetime to build something worthwhile. Those who stick with it, build a legacy without regrets.”
Trevor Carss

Kate Atkinson
“The library had not been a career choice. After all, who would choose to be a librarian?”
Kate Atkinson, Shrines of Gaiety

“It’s safer/ easier to follow the script and complain how broken some things are in that script, than to attempt to change those things.”
Lukasz Laniecki, You Have The Right Not To Make Your Parents Proud. A Book Of Quotes

Germany Kent
“Journalism is all about headlines and deadlines. The adrenaline rush is real so if the news doesn't interest or invigorate you, this is probably not the profession for you.”
Germany Kent

Gene Edward Veith Jr.
“The heart of a man plans his way,” says Solomon, “but the LORD establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). We are to plan in the here and now, but we can do so in the confidence that the Lord is acting in our lives and in our circumstances, calling us to His purpose.”
Gene Edward Veith Jr., God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life

Bertrand Russell
“What does emerge is the importance of a right theory as to what constitutes happiness. In such important acts as choosing a career, a man is greatly influenced by theory. If a wrong theory prevails, successful men will be unhappy, but will not know why.
This fills them with rage, which leads them to desire the slaughter of younger men, whom they envy unconsciously. Most modern politics, while nominally based on economics, is really due to rage caused by lack of instinctive satisfaction; and this lack, in turn, is largely due to false popular psychology.”
Bertrand Russell, Sceptical Essays

“It was a world that most fans never saw. One that many dreamed of.”
Louise Mensch, Career Game

Charlayne Hunter-Gault
“I was so taken aback by the question that I had to think about my response for a minute. Had I heard what I thought I heard? ... Remembering Zora Neale Hurston's Janie, I felt something inside me fall off the shelf, and I had to go inside and look around to see what it was.”
Charlayne Hunter-Gault

Nancy Rubin Stuart
“Unless a suburban woman is in the relatively rare position of commanding a high salary, and is able to find and afford top-quality child care, she may find herself in a no-win situation”
Nancy Rubin Stuart, The New Suburban Woman

George Müller
“Here is the chief error that causes almost all the other errors by children of God concerning their calling. To be engaged in a business merely to obtain necessities of life for ourselves and family is not scriptural. We should work because it is the Lord's will concerning us. "Let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needs" (Ephesians 4:28).

The Lord generally meets our needs through our jobs. But that is not the reason why we should work. If providing the necessities of life depended on our ability to work we could never have freedom from anxiety. We would always have to say to ourselves, What will I do when I am old to work, or if I am sick? But if we are engaged in our earthly calling because it is the will of the Lord for us, He is sure to provide for us because we labor in obedience to Him.”
George Muller

Germany Kent
“Before you accept a job research the company, salary, benefits and weigh that with the satisfaction of what you will be doing in that particular location compared to a position where you could stand to grow and learn the most.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“In addition to curiosity and a passion for innovation, the most successful journalists are also knowledgeable, creative, flexible, and open-minded.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Instead of focusing on the key responsibilities of the job, focus on how you can make a difference in the role if given the opportunity.”
Germany Kent

“Spirtual awakening doesn't refers to a change, but to a choice, and where there is choice there is freedom”
Gagandeep Kaushal

Germany Kent
“Trying to be an actor is like playing the lottery. You may hit a few times with moderate success, but a major win can prove to be life altering.”
Germany Kent

“If you spend the next five years taking responsibility for the challenges or deficiencies in your career, rather than trying to change your employer, the economy, or some politician, you’ll win. You’ll learn more, gain more respect and trust, and stand out from your peers.”
Evan Thomsen, Don’t Chase The Dream Job, Build It: The unconventional guide to inventing your career and getting any job you want

“Just as the question in career choice is not "Where can I make the biggest impact?" but "Where can I make the biggest impact that wouldn't have happened without me?" so also in philanthropy, it's relevant whether other people would have donated to the funding gap that you're intending to fill. The more effective the charity is, the more likely your donation would have been eventually replaced.”
Brian Tomasik, Essays on Reducing Suffering

Germany Kent
“Job Search 101: Match your talent with opportunities that you are passionate about.”
Germany Kent

Nick Drake
“You can take a road that gets you to the stars, I can take a road that will see me through.”
Nick Drake

Katherine Ann Byam
“Many people don’t make the conscious decision to navigate their career options and the opportunities to run parallel careers. Don’t be the many people. Take charge of your power to consciously choose a career path, or paths, that fits with the life you are creating for yourself.”
Katherine Ann Byam, Do What Matters: The Purpose Driven Career Transition Guide: Infusing the principles of sustainability and purpose into any career and transition.

Binod Shankar
“If you aren’t happy with your decisions, it’s quite likely that you aren’t living your values. This is an indication that you should re evaluate your career and life choices.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

Binod Shankar
“Don’t spend time in the average zone which is what happens a lot of the time when you don’t quit your job for something better.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

Penelope Przekop
“Whether you’re 22 or 52, you can avoid having a bum career by making corrections as early as possible. To do that, you’ll need a process to identify and/or to avoid missteps in the here and now.”
Penelope Przekop, 5-Star Career: Define and Build Yours Using the Science of Quality Management

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