Taking Risks Quotes

Quotes tagged as "taking-risks" Showing 1-30 of 60
Judith McNaught
“You can't outwit fate by standing on the sidelines placing little sidebets about the outcome of life. either you wade in and risk everything you have to play the game or you don't play at all. and if u don't play u can't win.”
Judith McNaught, Paradise

“When you take risks you learn that there will be times when you succeed and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally important.”
Ellen DeGeneres, Seriously... I'm Kidding

Criss Jami
“In order to share one's true brilliance one initially has to risk looking like a fool: genius is like a wheel that spins so fast, it at first glance appears to be sitting still.”
Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

Jaeda DeWalt
“To be deeply loved, means a willingness to cut yourself wide open, exposing your vulnerabilities... hopes, hurts, fears and flaws. Hiding behind the highlight reel of who you are, is the real you and that person is just as worthy of love. There is nothing more terrifying or fulfilling, than complete love, it's worth the risk... reach for it.”
Jaeda DeWalt

Peter F. Drucker
“People who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.”
Peter F. Drucker

Sarah       Adams
“I think we'll get hurt a lot in this life, but maybe it's worth it because sometimes we will experience really amazing things, too. Maybe not everything will end in hurt. But we'll never know if we don't try.”
Sarah Adams, When in Rome

Guillaume Musso
“We are young, but We already know that in life's great game those who are most unhappy are those who haven't taken the risk to be happy. 
And I don't want to be one of those”
Guillaume Musso, Que serais-je sans toi?

James Bernard Frost
“If ever you should have an epiphany – and I think you know what I’m talking about – latch onto it, no matter how small or large the epiphany, and try your best to make it happen. You might make a fool of yourself, but better to make a fool of yourself than to spend your life jealous of the fools.”
James Bernard Frost, A Very Minor Prophet

Axie Oh
“Here, let me explain it to you in Jenny-speak. You know that movie we watched earlier tonight? Ajeossi. There's a quote Won Bin's character says that roughly translates to, 'People who live for tomorrow should fear the people who live for today.' Do you know why that is?"
"No," I drawl, "but you're going to tell me."
"Because the people who live for tomorrow don't take risks. They're afraid of the consequences. while the people who live for today have nothing to lose, so they fight tooth and nail. I'm saying that maybe you should stop caring so much about your future, about getting into music school, about what'll come after, and . . . live a little. Have new experiences, make new friends. I promise you can get the life you want now, if you just live in it.”
Axie Oh, XOXO

Richelle E. Goodrich
“I tried and they laughed, but I laughed harder because I knew none of them had the nerve to even try.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

“Taking risks will teach you deep ocean things that sea shore experiences will never teach you.”
Lebo Grand

Carrie Ryan
“If your friend really cared about you he wouldn't let you take such risks.”
Carrie Ryan, The Dead-Tossed Waves

Bernardine Evaristo
“Life is about taking risks, not about burying your head in the sand”
Bernardine Evaristo, Girl, Woman, Other

Mayumi Cruz
“Life is meant to be cherished, and lived, and risked. You’re scared of the past and all its mistakes. You’re afraid of the future and all its unpredictabilities. I understand that. But you have to learn to take courage. You have to let go and forgive. You have to trust and hope for a happy future.”
Mayumi Cruz, It's Not Just Semantics

“One day you'll notice something different and if you take advantage of that moment, you will be what you exactly needed to be.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Winston Churchill
“ENORMOUS WINS come at the risk of colossal failures.”
Sir Winston Churchill

“Courage is a blend of discretion and capacity to take calculated risk.”
Shesh Nath Vernwal

Germany Kent
“If you want to achieve your goals you must be willing to step out of your comfort zone and take risks.”
Germany Kent

Kangoma Kindembo
“Your foot size cannot determine the pace of your steps, you have the key to that.”
Kangoma Kindembo

Germany Kent
“To be a versatile enterprising successful person one must be willing to have extreme focus and take risks when others won't.”
Germany Kent

Mayumi Cruz
“I’m not saying that trusting and hoping will be enough. You have to work together, Alex. Together, you and him. Work on the present, the here and now, despite the odds. Say the words that needed to be said, do the things that had to be done. But only if you’re both completely, totally sure. You both have to be all in.”
Mayumi Cruz, It's Not Just Semantics

Alexander McCall Smith
“He became quiet. It is always a special moment when you raise a submarine's periscope, because that is when you find out where you are. You hope that you have come up in the right place, but you can never be absolutely sure. So if your hands shake a little as the periscope rises above the waves, and if you feel your heart thump a bit more loudly, then that is entirely normal.”
Alexander McCall Smith, School Ship Tobermory

Germany Kent
“Trying to be an actor is like playing the lottery. You may hit a few times with moderate success, but a major win can prove to be life altering.”
Germany Kent

“Leadership is all about making the jump, taking risks, and learning from your mistakes. It's about falling, dusting ourselves off, and getting back up again and again and again.”
Sebastien Richard, Lead Like a Superhero: What Pop Culture Icons Can Teach Us About Impactful Leadership

Holly Smale
“It suddenly hits me that I'm allowing my life to fall back into exactly the same shape it was the first time round: gravitating toward familiarity and repetition, the way I always do. Encouraging the sameness, because even when it's awful, I still like it more than change. Slipping back into time as if it's an old pair of comfy slippers I refuse to throw away, even though they're not even that comfortable anymore and my toes are sticking out and getting cold.

And this wasn't the point of what it is I'm trying to do.

I'm supposed to be taking risks, making changes, and if I don't--if I simply wrap myself in the comfort of a timeline I already know--I'll just end up where I was at the beginning, and I'll have wasted my time.

Worse: I'll have wasted all of them.”
Holly Smale, Cassandra in Reverse

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