Chakras Quotes

Quotes tagged as "chakras" Showing 1-30 of 143
Amit Ray
“When you touch the celestial in your heart, you will realize that the beauty of your soul is so pure, so vast and so devastating that you have no option but to merge with it. You have no option but to feel the rhythm of the universe in the rhythm of your heart.”
Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations

Amit Ray
“Through systematic meditation one can awaken the third eye and touch the cosmic awareness. Sushumna nadi is the subtle pathway in the spinal cord which passes through the main psychic centers. The awakening of these centers means a gradual expansion of awareness, until it reaches the cosmic awareness. Each center has its own beauty and gracefulness. Through generations of ignorance and unconsciousness, this channel of awareness becomes obscured and hidden. Meditation is to become aware about this internal life energy. Meditation is the procedure to rearrange, harmonize, activate, and integrate the individual life energy with the cosmic life energy.”
Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations

“When somebody on the outside fits with your inner image, you fall in love -- that is the meaning of love.”

Amit Ray
“Aligning the 114 chakras with the divine universal healing energy is the key to activate the healing power within.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Fierce Dolan
“An editor asked me what led me to write erotica. I replied, "A dirty mind, excess words, and an overactive sacral chakra.”
Fierce Dolan

Amit Ray
“The 114 chakras, the 84 yoga poses and the 84 ragas of Indian classical music all work together to bring melody in life.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Amit Ray
“When you unlock the mysteries of the 114 chakras, you will truly realize that you are not the body and not even the mind. You are the eternal spirit.”
Amit Ray , 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Amit Ray
“The 114 chakras are the quantum energy vortexes connected with the Akashic Records.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Amit Ray
“Kundalini awakening is much easier, blissful and effortless using Ray 114 chakra system than the 7 chakra system.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

The five components of character building and leadership – decisiveness, inner strength, self-directedness, cooperativeness and
“The five components of character building and leadership – decisiveness, inner strength, self-directedness, cooperativeness and self-transcendence come from the Vajra Nadi.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Amit Ray
“When the crown chakra opens, the 1000 petals of the perfect bliss arises. You will find no mud but nutrients.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Amit Ray
“When all the 114 chakras are activated you will stop complaining and focus more on creating solutions for the world.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Amit Ray
“All your dreams can come true if you align your 114 chakras to the cosmic manifestation centers.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Amit Ray
“There are three types of Kundalini awakenings: 1 hood serpent power; 7 hoods serpent power, and the 1000 hoods serpent power.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Rose Rosetree
“My system of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses ® includes over 100 tested techniques for accessing information from auras. This system emphasizes finding practical information, which led to a discovery that is essential for our Magnetize Money Program.

Every major chakra contains 50 databanks of information.

That’s right. Reading any chakra or sub-chakra as one unit is quite a simplification.

Each chakra databank matters. It concerns a particular aspect of your life, such as:

• Your ability to accumulate wealth
• Your ability to save money
• Your ability to shrewdly invest money
• Believing that you deserve to be rich”
Rose Rosetree, Magnetize Money with Energetic Literacy: 10 Secrets for Success and Prosperity in the Third Millennium

Rose Rosetree
“Root Chakra Databank: Saving Money

A gift for accumulating wealth—of course you have that deep down. Therefore, you have no need to force yourself to manufacture talent for doing this. Your particular knack has been part of you since the day you were born.

Unfortunately, if you are carrying STUFF like guilt over having “too much money,” that won’t be good for your bottom line. The consequence of money-repelling STUFF, especially in these Top 10 Databanks, can attract patterns of self-sabotage until the problem has been cleaned up.”
Rose Rosetree, Magnetize Money with Energetic Literacy: 10 Secrets for Success and Prosperity in the Third Millennium

Rose Rosetree
“How would your life change if you could read auras? In ways big and small, you would gain knowledge of spiritual truth. That much perhaps you already know. But do you also appreciate that aura reading can bring you down-to-earth benefits? Ordinary things turn amazing, from kissing babies to playing with puppies. If you thought your TV was in color before, wait until you turn on the auras.

Yes, auras can be watched on TV. Photos in your daily newspaper, snapshots of family reunions, your favorite baby picture that shows you with chocolate pudding smeared all over your face-all of these have auras. And you can definitely learn to read them.”
Rose Rosetree, Aura Reading Through All Your Senses: Celestial Perception Made Practical

Rose Rosetree
“What an understatement to call aura reading fun! As if it weren’t fascinating enough to plunge into the auric effects of the Beatles, Chanel No. 5, and your favorite flavor of ice cream, imagine what happens when you can read auras of your family and friends. Auras reveal juicy stuff about what is really going on with people in areas like love and communication.”
Rose Rosetree, Aura Reading Through All Your Senses: Celestial Perception Made Practical

Donna Goddard
“We are part animal, and that part of us needs to function well. Otherwise, when we add the higher parts to our animal base, the latter will stress with the weight. The body is not a goal in itself, but it is the medium that makes it possible for us to be here.”
Donna Goddard, Geboor: Spiritual Fiction

Amy Leigh Mercree
“Infusing the chakras with bright, white light and healing can allow us to open to higher levels of consciousness”
Amy Leigh Mercree, The Healing Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes

Jennifer Pierre
“In the tapestry of life, chakras serve as vibrant threads weaving the story of change and growth, inviting individuals to embark on a journey of self-realization and spiritual expansion….”
Jennifer Pierre

Amit Ray
“Among the 114 chakras, there are 108 chakras inside the body and 6 chakras outside the body.”
Amit Ray, Ray 114 Chakra System Names, Locations and Functions

The Atma Beeja mantra is the Beeja mantra that has the highest influence on your
“The Atma Beeja mantra is the Beeja mantra that has the highest influence on your 114 chakras. It is selected based on your prakriti (spiritual nature), vibrations, breath, voice, and the higher energy connections.”
Amit Ray, Ray 114 Chakra System Names, Locations and Functions

Ulonda Faye

Vida, caprichosa y mágica
poniendo un pie detrás del otro
en nuestra mente
creamos y nacemos, el sendero que tomamos.

En la llegada física, la presentación de esta manifestación
más grande que nuestra visión interna, sólo necesitamos
abrir y expandir para ver.

Los animales aparecen como guías
las flores nos elevan con su sanación emocional
esencia altamente vibracional.
El cielo revela guías a través de mensajes con patrones,
y la Tierra bendice nuestros pies.

Todas las necesidades y deseos se satisfacen
al pedir recibimos.
Bendecidos estamos
para dar el paso.”
Ulonda Faye

Ulonda Faye

Decide completamente ahora
Hónrate honrando tu sendero

el Alma, junto con el apoyo y la colaboración Universal,
dirigirá y guiará completamente el sendero.

Completamente apoyado, el camino será pavimentado en
Oro, cuando decidas seguir tus anhelos más profundos
en alineación con el bien para todos.
Sigue lo que te trae alegría, es allí donde está la magia, y
es allí donde cobras vida.

¿Qué has anhelado hacer y ser?
Decide eso ahora, es el momento de obsequiar al mundo con tu

No hay vuelta atrás
Tú eres un movimiento hacia adelante
rayo de luz
una Estrella.”
Ulonda Faye

Ulonda Faye

Cuando nuestras palabras llegan al cielo

Nuestro corazón se abre
Todo se expande
En esta sutil consciencia
Las voces no necesitan ser escuchadas
Ellas son sentidas
Sin un sonido

Dentro de ti está la llave
La llave maestra
A la suite del maestro
Todo lo que necesitas hacer
Es abrir.
Encuentra la entrada
La chispa que eres tú,
está siempre allí

Tiempo y espacio


Cuando esta entrada se revele
Será tu sagrado corazón

Corazón espiritual

Todo está allí
El viento
Se convierte en tus labios

El sol
Se convierte en tus ojos

La tierra
Se convierte en tus pies

Los ecos de tu Alma
Se convierten en tus oídos


Nos encontramos.”
Ulonda Faye

The 114 chakras serve as gateways to the higher cosmic chakras, guiding you towards perfect
“The 114 chakras serve as gateways to the higher cosmic chakras, guiding you towards perfect spiritual awakening.”
Sri Amit Ray, The Secrets of 114 Chakras

Swami Saradananda
“The brahma granthi, in the muladhara chakra, represents your attachment to stability, inertia and your misidentifcication with your physical body. In order for this knot to open, you must give up the expectation that there is any lasting happiness to be found in any physical or psychological experience.”
Swami Saradananda, The Essential Guide to Chakras: Discover the Healing Power of Chakras for Mind, Body and Spirit

Swami Saradananda
“The vishnu granthi, in the anahata chakra, represents attachment to action, ambition and passion. For this to open, you need to practise forgiveness. It is especially important that you are able to forgive yourself.”
Swami Saradananda, The Essential Guide to Chakras: Discover the Healing Power of Chakras for Mind, Body and Spirit

Swami Saradananda
“The rudra granthi, in your ajna chakra, is connected with your attachment to your intellectual powers and to self-image. In order for this knot to open, you need to overcome the dictates of your ego.”
Swami Saradananda, The Essential Guide to Chakras: Discover the Healing Power of Chakras for Mind, Body and Spirit

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