Self Healing Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-healing" Showing 1-30 of 135
Donna Goddard
“Every wonderful quality "in" someone is waiting to be recognized in all of life's great symphony.”
Donna Goddard

Michael Bassey Johnson
“You did not lose if you lost things that made you lose yourself.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

R.K. Narayan
“I returned from the village. The house seemed unbearably dull. But I bore it. "There is no escape from loneliness and separation...." I told myself often. "Wife, child, brothers, parents, friends.... We come together only to go apart again. It is one continuous movement. They move away from us as we move away from them. The law of life can't be avoided. The law comes into operation the moment we detach ourselves from our mother's womb. All struggle and misery in life is due to our attempt to arrest this law or get away from it or in allowing ourselves to be hurt by it. The fact must be recognized. A profound unmitigated loneliness is the only truth of life. All else is false.”
R.K. Narayan, The English Teacher

Lorraine Nilon
“Sexual abuse is an experience, not a definition to be encased in; you are far greater
than any experience suffered through the insidiousness of indifference in the form of
pedophilia. Reaching out for help is not a weakness, it is strength and courage in action.
Recovery is not easy nor is it a quick process however, all souls are worth the effort
required. Who you have come to believe you are can be very divergent from who your
naturally are.”
Lorraine Nilon, Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence: A respectful exploration into the ramifications of abuse hidden behind closed doors

“when you learn to see people with their actions, your feelings stop hurting.”
Dr. Amaya Sharma

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Music knows just where to touch.
Music knows just who to heal.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Beverly Sade
“Sometimes pain is our greatest teacher. It's through those experiences that we learn our most important lessons.”
Beverly Sade, Through Her Eyes Behind Her Smile

José Silva
“I am filled with wonder that everyone has not caught on to the power of their minds over their bodies. [...]

I meet not hundreds but many thousands [of people who practice The Silva Method for training the mind to create your own reality] who report truly wonderful self-healings. These are now commonplace to me.”
José Silva, The Silva Mind Control Method

Celeste Larsen
“Ultimately, the witch craze was not the result of just one single factor. Rather, it was a conglomeration of influences that worked together over the span of hundreds of years to shape early modern Europe into the ideal environment for a continent-wide witch hunt: misogyny, patriarchy, religious tyranny, scapegoating, land disputes, the rise of capitalism, shifting views about magic, political propaganda, and an established history of persecution and violence.”
Celeste Larsen, Heal the Witch Wound: Reclaim Your Magic and Step Into Your Power

Celeste Larsen
“During the Burning Times, standing out and speaking up meant risking literal persecution: imprisonment, torture, sexual assault, and murder. The scars of this trauma run deep in our collective unconscious; they remind us that in the not-so-distant past, being marked as different ran the risk of physical harm and death. Even today, being too much or not enough for modern society can mean being ostracized, judged, and shamed. In this way, the witch wound is your psyche’s way of trying to keep you safe. Your consciousness holds this warning because your ancestors’ bodies carried it over the span of generations, passing it down to you.”
Celeste Larsen, Heal the Witch Wound: Reclaim Your Magic and Step Into Your Power

Celeste Larsen
“Being seen is about simply existing in your truth and allowing others to witness that without attempting to hide, diminish, or justify yourself. When we allow someone to truly see us, we invite a deeper, more authentic connection.”
Celeste Larsen, Heal the Witch Wound: Reclaim Your Magic and Step Into Your Power

Amy Leigh Mercree
“Orange calcite is a mood booster that interacts with your sacral chakra to alleviate depression and self-doubts”
Amy Leigh Mercree, The Healing Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes

Amy Leigh Mercree
“An open throat chakra promotes honesty and the ability to feel safe speaking your mind”
Amy Leigh Mercree, The Healing Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes

Amy Leigh Mercree
“Everyone needs a space to which they can go and be authentically and completely themselves”
Amy Leigh Mercree, The Healing Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes

Amy Leigh Mercree
“Feel the moon. Speak to it and receive its messages of healing light and loving support”
Amy Leigh Mercree, The Healing Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes

Amy Leigh Mercree
“A balanced crown chakra will lead to feelings of spiritual connection and well-being”
Amy Leigh Mercree, The Healing Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes

Amy Leigh Mercree
“You can use crystals to decorate your home office and add some oomph to its energy”
Amy Leigh Mercree, The Healing Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes

Amy Leigh Mercree
“It is essential to be connected to the earth in a deep manner to receive and align with material success and resources”
Amy Leigh Mercree, The Healing Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes

Amy Leigh Mercree
“Infusing the chakras with bright, white light and healing can allow us to open to higher levels of consciousness”
Amy Leigh Mercree, The Healing Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes

Amy Leigh Mercree
“When the bathroom is filled with light and life, it sets the stage for beautiful day”
Amy Leigh Mercree, The Healing Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Positive Vibes

Kemi Sogunle
“You can’t speak life to others if you don’t know how to speak life to yourself. Dead leaves can’t breathe.”
Kemi Sogunle, On Becoming Restored

Kemi Sogunle
“Your journey is completely yours. It is unique. Others may try to steal part of it, tell it in their words or shape it to suit them. Reality is no one can live it or own it but you. Take charge of your journey, it’s yours and yours alone!”
Kemi Sogunle, Love, Sex, Lies and Reality

“We have all, at one time or another, been negatively impacted in some way by those things we can’t control”
Laurie E. Smith

“Vulnerability is paramount when it comes to emotional healing.”
Laurie E. Smith

“Rarely can one person meet all our needs in any area of our lives.”
Laurie E. Smith

“The most gifted healers are those who are continually and actively doing their own inner work behind the scenes.”
Laurie E. Smith

“Whenever we least expect it, loving support appears, often in a form we could never have anticipated.”
Laurie E. Smith

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The duty of pain is to change you, either for better, or for worse.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Stamerenophobia

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