Commitment And Attitude Quotes

Quotes tagged as "commitment-and-attitude" Showing 1-30 of 52
Gina Greenlee
“Showing up begins long before you stand at the start. Prove yourself an exception in a world where people talk more than act. Intent without follow-through is hollow. Disappoint yourself enough times and empty is how you feel. Make yourself proud. Fill yourself up.
Show up.”
Gina Greenlee, Postcards and Pearls: Life Lessons from Solo Moments on the Road

“But how can she get married to a stranger? Just because his resume checked on all the materialistic criteria, it cannot demand the commitment of a lifetime.”
Swati Kumar, The Great Indian Dilemma

“We gradually accepted each other with our strengths and weaknesses. And now, I think, we have started to enjoy our differences more”
Swati Kumar, The Great Indian Dilemma

Nicky Verd
“Be so committed to your dreams that naysayers will stop discouraging you and simply move out of your way”
Nicky Verd

“Committed people find nothing more charming than their goals.”
Junaid Raza

Germany Kent
“Fully commit to being a person of formidable intelligence and tenacity and a champion focused on every aspect of your own life.”
Germany Kent

“Be Commited to your goals , Dreams & ideas
Only Motivation Is not Enough.”
Saif Rehman

Germany Kent
“Get focused and make your business your priority. When you sacrifice time and energy for something you want, sooner or later, you will be rewarded for your efforts.”
Germany Kent

“Once you are committed to taking right actions, God is committed to bringing you right success.”
Benjamin Suulola

“Commitment doesn't promise results, it only promises sincere efforts.”
Kundhan karunakar

“One person investing in a relationship will only make him wear out”
Adeyemi Taiwo Eunice

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When you are committed to your goals, the universe will treat your case as important.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions

“You have got nothing? Start from nothing but don't give excuses. Give fire. Give passion. Give commitment.”
Hiral Nagda

“You have got nothing. Great, start from nothing. But don't give excuses. Give passion. Give fire. Give commitment.”
Hiral Nagda

Viv Albertine
“I've got so used to my life being challenging and fraught with danger that I don't question it any more. Whether I’m knocking on the door of a hardcore sex shop, walking through suburban streets being verbally abused and spat on, or being threatened on the tube, I don't give in. I don’t dress normally to have an easy life. The pilgrimage down the King’s Road to get to the Shop (Sex: everyone calls it ‘the Shop’), the place I want to hang out and buy stuff, is one of the scariest things I do — running the gauntlet of teds who want to kill people like me — but nothing will stop me looking the way I want. It’s a commitment.”
Viv Albertine, Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. Music, Music, Music. Boys, Boys, Boys

Germany Kent
“The right course of action is dependant upon a number of things; the first and most important is your commitment to what you are pursuing. ”
Germany Kent

“The Beautiful Thing About Discipline... It Can Work Wonders.”
Wesam Fawzi

Germany Kent
“If you are fully committed to achieving your goals, it will require more effort from you. No matter how tedious or time-consuming, if you put in the work the reward will come. ”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“When faced with an obstacle or difficulty, you must decide if you want to make moves or make excuses. ”
Germany Kent

“Try the difficult way once in a while. It is required to pump your will power muscles.”
Hiral Nagda

“Making a commitment and taking action on it is a sure shot way of building your own unique legacy.”
Hiral Nagda

“Know when to make your final bow and appreciate the applause from your admirers. After all, you can’t remain in the same status year after year with nothing new to offer. When you choose to remain stagnant and expect cheers, all that is left for you are jeers.”
Fidelis O. Mkparu, 2021

“Don't pour excuses on your dreams. Pour unbreakable determination and unshakable commitment to make it yours.”
Hiral Nagda

“I love my freedom so much and at the same time, I like to keep my options open. What does that make me?”
Sheryl Browne, Marriage is a Trap

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