Positive Thinking Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "positive-thinking-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 301
Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Success in life is not for those who run fast, but for those who keep running and always on the move.”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity
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Shree Shambav
“Mistakes serve as a reminder that life’s canvas is not perfect, but it’s the imperfections that make it a masterpiece worth cherishing.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Marion Bekoe
“I am my mistakes, I'm not ashamed of them because they made me better.”
Marion Bekoe

Shree Shambav
“If you carry joy in your heart, the burdens of life will become lighter, and your journey will become a dance of joy and contentment.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“Amidst the silent void, celestial music whispers secrets of the universe, resonating in the hearts of stargazers, revealing cosmic mysteries that transcend time and space.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“Just as air sustains life, a Father’s love silently anchors us, giving strength to our roots and lifting us towards the skies.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“In the vastness of a Mother’s love, like water, we find solace, nourishment, and unwavering support.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“Adversity is the wind beneath your wings, propelling you higher than you ever imagined. Accept the storm as the catalyst for your ascension.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“A friend is like a guardian angel who lifts you up when your wings forget how to fly and carries you through life’s challenges with unwavering support.”
Shree Shambav, Twenty + One - 21 Short Stories - Series II

Shree Shambav
“When doubt whispers in your ear, roar with confidence and see how dreams can thrive in the face of uncertainty.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“Kindness is a gentle touch that heals unseen wounds, whereas compassion is the empathy that binds us in our common human experience.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“In the dance of the elements, a stone's weight becomes a guardian's embrace, sheltering a delicate leaf from the tumultuous winds of life.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“In the dance of hearts, love weaves its mystery, casting an enchanting spell that leaves us forever intrigued.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“True freedom is the canvas on which human dignity is painted; it is a place where rights are honoured, voices are heard, and the spirit soars free of the shackles of oppression.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“Among the golden fields, the farmer stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit. Their unwavering efforts, like a symphony performed in concert with the elements, resonate with the echoes of generations past and dreams for the future.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“Women emerge from the embers of adversity as flames of transformation, forged by experience and fuelled by an unwavering commitment to growth and empowerment.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Shree Shambav
“The night sky transforms into a magical stage, where stars perform an eternal dance upon the fluid ripples of time.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

“Elevate your mindset, and your world will follow suit.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“No matter which flowers you cultivate in your garden, you're also welcoming weeds, but the real problem begins when you invite neglect which in turn will allow the unwanted guests to overtake your garden.”
Erwin D. Maramat

“If positive thinking is not based on thoughts and words, then why is it called positive thinking?”
Kenan Hudaverdi

“سينجلي الظلام وستشرق شمس مستقبلك وسيبهرك الله بما تمنيت وبما لم تتمنى، بل وبأفضل مما تمنيت.

‏سيفرحك بسبب، وسيفرحك بأعظم سبب وسيفرحك بأبسط سبب وسيفرحك بدون سبب.

‏الأيام حبلى بما سيسعدك وإشراقات كل يوم جديد هي مبشرات لذلك المستقبل الجميل.

‏ثق به، فلا يستحق الثقة غيره.”
مشاري الحارثي

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