Faith Journey Quotes

Quotes tagged as "faith-journey" Showing 1-9 of 9
Marilynn Dawson
“We must be so heavenly minded that we are compelled to be of earthly good!”
Marilynn Dawson, Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey Volume One

Wendy Vanderwal-Gritter
“When people misuse a text with "Did God really say...?" to shut down someone's honest wrestling with God, they betray what seems to be their own lack of faith and humility. We ought not to be threatened by someone's searching. We ought not to try to control the outcomes in another's journey. We ought not to resort to using shame or fear or guilt to ensure others share our certainties. God can be trusted to lead those who question and struggle through prayer, his Word, their minds, and their experiences. Let's focus on encouraging one another rather than accusing and condemning one another.”
Wendy Vanderwal-Gritter, Generous Spaciousness: Responding to Gay Christians in the Church

William A. Barry
“The gospels indicate a development in the apostles' attitude toward Jesus. They first see him as a person of power and only later come to accept him as the Messiah. They are depicted as reacting with horror to his initial descriptions of how his Messiahship would be lived out. Only after the resurrection do they come to recognize his betrayal and death as the way God was willing to have salvation achieved. Thus the disciples are described as people in the process of experiencing and of developing conviction on the basis of that experience. Christianity rests on that bedrock." (p. 23)”
William A. Barry, The Practice of Spiritual Direction

Dana Arcuri
“God pursues us. He pursues us in our brokenness. He pursues us in our mishaps. Despite our rebellion or resistance, He pursues us to the very end.”
Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering: Growing Your Faith In The Dark

Sharon Hinck
“Destiny is measured in inches.”
Sharon Hinck, Hidden Current

A.D. Aliwat
“We’re all perfect creatures of God, figuring out our own way back to Him.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Manuel Corazzari
“Developing a relationship with God is similar to riding a bike, the easier it becomes to maintain your balance and stay on track”
Manuel Corazzari

Manuel Corazzari
“Developing a relationship with God is similar to riding a bike, the more you move forward, the easier it becomes to maintain your balance and stay on track”
Manuel Corazzari