New Day Ahead Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-day-ahead" Showing 1-10 of 10
Germany Kent
“Your breakthrough is on the way. Don't be discouraged if things are not working out right now. God is working it all out behind the scenes. It may not come when you want, but trust that it will be right on time, because our God is an on time God.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Nothing or no one is going to rescue you from your current situation. You must take control of your own well-being and forge your own path to happiness and fulfillment.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Stop complaining toxic people. You have the chance now to be better and do something new. Don't settle where you and harbor feelings of lost and guilt. New doors can open for you if you are willing to move forward and drop the negative attitude.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“The worst thing that ever happened to you could very well be the best thing that could have ever happened to you if you don't allow it to control your mind, and keep you shackled.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Negative thinking is contagious. Do your best not to dwell on negativity, it will consume you and prevent you from becoming your best self.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“You will have a significant impact. You may have plenty of reasons why you believe your best days are behind you, you have no idea. This is a new day. Get your fire back, get your passion back, you're coming into a new season of blessings.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Freedom awaits the person who chooses to move forward and to those who refuse to remain a prisoner or victim of their circumstances.”
Germany Kent