Best Inspirational Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "best-inspirational-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 206
Ansuman Bhagat
“Build yourself up to stand out
and be recognized in a crowd.”
Ansuman Bhagat , Your Own Thought : A Lot of Thoughts

“Life is uncertain.
Today you get a rose.
Tomorrow you feel the thorns.
But the end result is red, always!!”
Shillpi S Banerrji

Germany Kent
“Think about every good thing in your life right now. Free yourself of worrying. Let go of the anxiety, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”
Germany Kent

Ansuman Bhagat
“Try to recognize your own talent instead of living a pretentious life of imitating others.”
Ansuman Bhagat, Best Inspirational Quotes By Ansuman Bhagat

Ansuman Bhagat
“Literature keeps us connected to our culture.”
Ansuman Bhagat, Best Inspirational Quotes By Ansuman Bhagat

Ansuman Bhagat
“Goodness can't be bought, but only be garnered from a good atmosphere.”
Ansuman Bhagat, Best Inspirational Quotes By Ansuman Bhagat

“There’s an interesting story about Abraham Lincoln. During the American Civil War he signed an order transferring certain regiments, but Secretary of War Edwin Stanton refused to execute it, calling the president a fool. When Lincoln heard he replied, ‘If Stanton said I’m a fool then I must be, for he’s nearly always right, and he says what he thinks. I’ll step over and see for myself.’ He did, and when Stanton convinced him the order was in error, Lincoln quietly withdrew it. Part of Lincoln’s greatness lay in his ability to rise above pettiness, ego, and sensitivity to other people’s opinions. He wasn’t easily offended. He welcomed criticism, and in doing so demonstrated one of the strengths of a truly great person: humility. So, have you been criticised? Make it a time to learn, not lose.”
Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder

“Self observation is the first sprout of awaken mind. It surely leads to certain prosperity.”
Gagandeep Kaushal

“Self love is the best love.”

Ved Nishad
“When we do not accept the reality,
we wait for the impossible to happen..”
Ved Nishad, I Lost My Soul

Manya Nigam
“We have no control over what God has given us. But, after that, we have opportunities to write our destiny.”
Manya Nigam, Beyond The Blocked Doors

Iain Cameron Williams
“Excellence is the gateway to an infinite world of possibilities”
Iain Cameron Williams

“Fear and betrayal have no sound. A trap can be understand by silence”
Ashmita Mishra

“If your goals matter to you, if your dreams mean the words to you, make them happen. Get up and get going. Now.”
Dr. Roopleen, And So Can You!

“Energy is contagious, negative vibes diminishes by mere rejection and manifolds by absorption”
Gagandeep Kaushal

Swati  Sharma
“The voice of your soul is your umbilical cord with the cosmos.”
Swati Sharma, The Secret Sauce is YOU!: Being Your Ownmate

Steven Cuoco
“People don't show who they truly are when they are comfortable. People will show you who they truly are when they are uncomfortable.”
Steven Cuoco

“Don't believe in destiny. Believe in yourself.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Having knowledge is waste if you don't know how to execute it.”
Garima Soni - words world

Steven Cuoco
“I live my life true and free because that is the gift God has granted me.”
Steven Cuoco

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Life leads us into its spaces slowly. We’re not sure what awaits us next. We set out to explore it, moving circumspectly, with a sense of anticipation then suddenly it opens up and teases us with its transparency.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Shubhankar  Mishra
“If you want to stay ahead in anything, start before you are ready.”
Shubhankar Mishra

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“The world should remember, genocide and war crime licenses issued by the government are only owned by the US and the Eu. Others will all be prosecuted for genocide, war crimes and for illegal use of a license also.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“About Ukraine. The West is crying not because people are dying, they are just crying because white European people are dying. Another hand, in many parts of the world, from Palestine to Yamman, there are also people dying but nobody crying for them, no company suspending their work and no country imposing sanctions on the oppressor country.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

“Get comfortable with greatness, you have not seen anything yet. The best is yet to come”
Gabriel Ladokun

“Dedicated to the Earth and Hope
Reality is where we are,
Reality is who we are,
Reality is what we are,
Reality is always so near and never too far,
It nestles as much in peace as much in war,
And that is why it is important to know who we are,
The inhabitants of the Earth where we are,
Blessed with the warmth and life granting glow of a munificent star,
That happens to be our reality in which we are,
Whether we learn to bend it,
Or stretch it,
The realism of reality is where we always are; in an inescapable part of it.
So let us not bend the reality,
Because then roses will lose their beauty,
And we as humans shall be deprived of our character and integrity,
Let Saabir always find his rose and offer it to his beloved Hope,
Even if time with reality does elope,
Yet it always lies in a dimension of reality and hope,
Let us all strive together to give Earth its second chance,
For future generations a playground to feel loved and to romance,
And then let reality get engrossed in its joyful dance,
Where being trapped forever is an endless feeling of merriment,
Because who knows what lies in that distant firmament,
Our reality is Earth and it is a reality so permanent,
Let us be the guardians of her soul,
Let us protect it as a whole,
And by doing so don’t you think we actually resurrect the reality of our own soul?”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“People are wondering what AI (artificial intelligence) will do.
There is nothing more than this: robots will replace humans.
So humans will be jobless?
No. They are going to replace robots.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

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