Go Within Quotes

Quotes tagged as "go-within" Showing 1-15 of 15
Darryl Anka
“What's going on in our world today is not something we can run away from. Therefore the calmest place is the eye of the storm. (...)

Chaos may be swirling all around us but if we stay in the center, obviously also metaphorically the centre of our own Being, that's where we're going to be able to handle everything that's going on, no matter how chaotic it gets. (...)

In the eye of the storm we're not tossed about by what we see.”
Darryl Anka

Ulonda Faye
“Desert flowers grow and even thrive in times of little sustenance. They trust, rainy days await, as they push down their roots deep, until the skies begin to weep. Their blessings are that which fall from the sky as too from our Soul's eye.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

“What you see outside is not always the truth. Sneak deep within yourself, the real answers will astonish you.”
Hiral Nagda

Ulonda Faye
“Go within. There, and only there, will you find the answers you seek. The experience of another can be touched, yet only the truth from within you can be felt. The water within shall bathe you to truly set you free.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Lasting peace is inner peace, and the more we master it, the more we assist in creating a more peaceful collective. Real strength and real knowledge come from within. Learn to commune with yourself often. Everything is within us. We need only to remember.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Goddess knows, what it is, in the depths of our Souls. As a river shall flow, our directions too unfold. Goddess knows the birth as the death opens our Souls to divinity within our sacred whole.

Souls know, Love knows, Goddess knows:

Into the earth, 108 feet deep, all goes which does not bless us.

Bless your mother, daughter, lover, wife-
For Goddess so delights when your birth breeds insight.

108 feet deep- Goddess knows within that which we weep, our Soul reaps.

Love yourself, love others, be honest, kind and loving-

Stay in the light for it is so bright. Goddess knows and blesses our Soul.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“When we go deeper into every experience and emotion; especially, the painful ones. We tap into the source of our greatest hidden gifts.”
Ulonda Faye

Ulonda Faye
“No matter where we are on our unique journey, we have a purpose. When discovered, we know what our true medicine is for which we are to offer up to ourselves and the world. Why follow someone else's teaching when you are here to follow the teachings of your heart and Soul? Why study the medicine of another, when your own sacred medicine is a healer.

When we live with true compassion and love for ourselves and others, it opens us to enlightenment. Allow the medicine in your Soul to rise, while waking up to know, you are wise. Accept your calling. Flutter your wings and fly. Walk and move into eternity. And, just as importantly, love yourself. Teach us your ways medicine man and woman. Let us taste your healing nectar.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Be the tree, the tree of life is within you. Direct your awareness, deep within the Mother- Mother Earth, Pachamama. Connect your mind, heart, body and emotions. Accept your full empowerment. Activate your ability to expand, while only accepting and being truth consciousness.

Amplify yourself and feel our connectedness, beneath and within the Mother- Mother Earth, Pachamama. For it is there that our roots unite. All the portals to all there is, and all there ever was- is within you. Love, wisdom and power is you and is within you. Integrate it all and accept nothing less. Know, there is always more. Feel the gratitude, be your 'I Am' Presence. Direct and integrate this into all aspects of your Beingness.

Allow the tree within you to grow. Feel more harmony and peace. Fear not to release your leaves. Fear not to drop the branches and all for which weighs you down. For you are the tree. You will grow more and new leaves will appear and shape your Soul as new branches too shall grow. Allow the sun to shine through you and within you. Be the tree for the tree of life is within you.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“See yourself. Recognize yourself. See others. Recognize the other. Love yourself. Learn to love in the face of all obstacles. Learn to become your own master. You are the master and you are the keyholder- Open.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Opening to answers. Within, all mysteries are awaiting to come forth and be revealed. In all experiences, our unique Soul is expressing itself to discover the beauty- revealed.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Inner Gifts Giving
There is nothing you do not already know, when willing to look for truth and accept it as a guiding light.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Goddess knows, what it is, in the depths of our Souls. As a river shall flow, our directions too unfold. Goddess knows the birth as the death opens our Souls to divinity within our sacred whole.

Souls know, Love knows, Goddess knows

Into the earth, 108 feet deep, all goes which does not bless us.

Bless your mother, daughter, lover, wife-
For Goddess so delights when your birth breeds insight.

108 feet deep- Goddess knows within that which we weep, our Soul reaps.

Love yourself, love others, be honest, kind and loving-

Stay in the light for it is so brights. Goddess knows and blesses our Soul.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Within you is a key, the master key, to the master suite. All you need to do is to open up from within. Find the opening, the spark that is within you- it is always there.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Listen, go within. The heart knows the way. Take heed, look around, everywhere is love. Open to change and reveal your heart to the world. You shall be received.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul