Sacred Wisdom Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sacred-wisdom" Showing 1-30 of 63
Charles Eisenstein
“The state of interbeing is a vulnerable state. It is the vulnerability of the naive altruist, of the trusting lover, of the unguarded sharer. To enter it, one must leave behind the seeming shelter of a control-based life, protected by walls of cynicism, judgment, and blame.”
Charles Eisenstein, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible

Andrew  Daniel
“Om is said to be a four-syllable word in Sanskrit, originally as AUM. A, the waking state. U, the dream state. M, the unconscious state. And the fourth, the silence that surrounds it—wherefrom everything arises and whereto everything inevitably returns.

It is the silence that surrounds om that contains everything. It is the silence in your own life that contains and gives birth to everything you have, and everything you will ever need.

It is this same silence we avoid, overlook, and disregard as nothing. The white space of life we abhor. We fill our lives with noise, drama, screens, people, and “stuff” to avoid the void that reminds us of our truth—that beyond flesh that once was not, and will inescapably become not, we are eternal.”
Drew Gerald

Jean Houston
“The wounding becomes sacred when we are willing to release our old stories and to become the vehicles through which the new story may emerge into time.”
Jean Houston

Criss Jami
“Every exceptional bias against Christianity I find to be evidence for its validity.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Ramon William Ravenswood
“I am that I am
a Goddess, a God
entitled to the deepest and most beautiful sensations
offered by Heaven and Earth
In Love I trust
In Wisdom I am revealed”
Ramon Ravenswood, Twilight Zone Encounters

Tara  Bianca
“Here, there, and everywhere the Divine loves you. Here, there, and everywhere the invitation to love the Divine sings out. There is nothing you need to do in this lifetime to justify living. There is nothing you need to be. You are loved unconditionally.”
Tara Bianca, The Flower of Heaven: Opening the Divine Heart Through Conscious Friendship & Love Activism

“Entering into and opening to our inherent spacious soul daily allows a natural liberation of our manifold self-identifications to occur, and it is then that we can truly rest in the sacredness and come to know our ground of being. The great Celtic writer John O’Donohue points to this when he says that “behind the façade of your life, there is something beautiful and eternal happening.”
Meghan Don, The New Divine Feminine: Spiritual Evolution for a Woman's Soul

Victor Shamas
“Play is a sacred act. When we are playing, the essence of all creation flows freely through us. We are expressing our true nature and connecting with the very core of our existence. Nothing is more spiritual than that.”
Victor Shamas

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
“… the sacred principles of life have never been written down: they belong to the heartbeat, to the rhythm of the breath and the flow of blood. They are alive like the rain and the rivers, the waxing and waning of the moon. If we learn to listen we will discover that life, the Great Mother, is speaking to us, telling us what we need to know.“

—Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee”
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul

Thomas Lloyd Qualls
“There is a sacred marriage between water and earth... Their relationship binds everything we know and trust. Earth holds space for water. Water nurtures earth’s dreams. Their collective desires make life possible. Without their marriage, this world could not be. And we could not be of this world.”
Thomas Lloyd Qualls, Painted Oxen

Victor Shamas
“I have spent much of my adult life trying to figure out how to experience holiness, and now I know that the struggle to figure things out is antithetical to the experience. You simply relax into holiness the way you would a warm bath.”
Victor Shamas, The Chanter's Guide: Sacred Chanting As a Shamanic Practice

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“There is nothing more sacred than the spaces that provide nourishment.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner, The Magic of Nature: Meditations & Spells to Find Your Inner Voice

“There was in the meeting-house a wood quiet.
It was the quiet of trees that have been brought in out of the wind, whose new-shown limbs reach out, not to the sky but to the people. This is the quiet, still, otherness of trees found by the carver, the shaper, the maker.”
Patricia Grace, Potiki

Ulonda Faye
“Goddess knows, what it is, in the depths of our Souls. As a river shall flow, our directions too unfold. Goddess knows the birth as the death opens our Souls to divinity within our sacred whole.

Souls know, Love knows, Goddess knows:

Into the earth, 108 feet deep, all goes which does not bless us.

Bless your mother, daughter, lover, wife-
For Goddess so delights when your birth breeds insight.

108 feet deep- Goddess knows within that which we weep, our Soul reaps.

Love yourself, love others, be honest, kind and loving-

Stay in the light for it is so bright. Goddess knows and blesses our Soul.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Robin S. Baker
“I want you to understand that we are also our own guides. We have access to extraordinarily sacred powers that our most enlightened self has known about during the entirety of our existence.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism

“Self care is a sacred-self love.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

“Every morning is a sacred new breath.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

“Sacred soul excites sacred spirit.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Every sacred travel transforms the soul.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Glenn Haybittle
“Everything sacred begins with a circle of motion.”
Glenn Haybittle, The Memory Tree

Leland Lewis
“and continuing happily onward through this sacred forever sky”
Leland Lewis, Angelic Tales of The Universe. Tale 9. A Transforming Love

“Small and intentional Circles can be a panacea for the loneliness that stalks us, and that the rage-venting, dream-sharing, heart-listening, and cosmos-digging are all the healing activities that happen once you know you truly belong.”
Lucy Aitkenread, Moon Circle: Rediscover intuition, wildness and sisterhood

“If you cannot do regular meditation, at least practice Sacred Pauses (Mini-Meditations)”
Chandima Gangodawila

Ulonda Faye
“Love within the wound
Love within the pain
Love within the flame
Love within the sacred temple of the Soul,
and love unfolding everywhere we go.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Goddess knows, what it is, in the depths of our Souls. As a river shall flow, our directions too unfold. Goddess knows the birth as the death opens our Souls to divinity within our sacred whole.

Souls know, Love knows, Goddess knows

Into the earth, 108 feet deep, all goes which does not bless us.

Bless your mother, daughter, lover, wife-
For Goddess so delights when your birth breeds insight.

108 feet deep- Goddess knows within that which we weep, our Soul reaps.

Love yourself, love others, be honest, kind and loving-

Stay in the light for it is so brights. Goddess knows and blesses our Soul.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

“You are infinite creation in sacred motion.”
Kasim Khan

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