Holiness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "holiness" Showing 151-180 of 734
Abhijit Naskar
“If you cannot speak of religion, without quoting your scripture, you don't understand religion.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

“I have faith in my internal goodness, when my inner self is ready to give something up, my self will make it so.”
Jordan G Kobos

Jonathan Haidt
“Whether it is called nobility, virtue, or divinity, and whether or not God exists, people simply do perceive sacredness, holiness, or some ineffable goodness in others, and in nature.”
Jonathan Haidt, The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom

Abhijit Naskar
“My holiness is rooted in life and humanity. Life is sweet, life is holy, when lived for humanity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Martin Luther
“If I examine myself I find enough unholiness to shock me. But when I look at Christ in me I find that I am altogether holy.”
Martin Luther, Commentary on Galatians

Abhijit Naskar
“There can be divinity without God, but there is no divinity without a human.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“What is Afterlife (The Sonnet)

Read a few books, you live a little.
Help a few beings, you live a lifetime.
Heaven is not a place high above the sky,
Heaven is the moment you're someone's lifeline.
Even I enjoy a good dc and marvel story,
But it mustn't turn you blind to reality.
To live selfish is the animal's purgatory,
To die while living for others is humanity.
Memory is the fabric upon which time is carved.
Where there is no memory, there is no time.
Neurons are the building blocks of mind and memory.
Where there is no neuron, there is no paradise.
There's not one but two paradise, one real, another fiction.
The real one is made of action, the other imagination.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“Miracle Supreme (The Sonnet)

Sapiens is shelter,
Shelter is sapiens.
Only miracle in the world,
Is the miracle of kindness.
Hateless heart is a living church,
External churches are mere counterfeits.
Unless you can face hate without hate,
Stories of "water to wine" are plain myths.
True miracle does not rely on myths,
True miracle is the greatest unmiracle.
Miracle is an expression of mutation, hence,
Mutation of selflessness is the highest miracle.
Nobody can walk on water, it is just fairytale.
Be human across fairytale 'n lo, you're walking miracle.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“In the fight between love and god, love always wins. And whenever love wins, god wins. Why? Because god is love.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“My church is at the feet of the people, my heaven is at the feet of the people, my faith is the service of the people.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

“A true encounter with the Holiness of God gives conviction of our sinful nature (Isa 6:5, Exo 3:6) and realization of our nothingness (Dan 10:8, Rev 1:17) which generates in us humility and a deep reverence towards GOD.”
Prasanth Jonathan

Criss Jami
“The mind once-fragmented, when it contemplated one closer resembling 'God', it thought essentially in terms of power; but only through the power of the true God could it be regenerated and made more accurate, and therefore prioritizing holiness. For without delusion or illusion, true holiness is of rarer, greater value than power.”
Criss Jami

Graham Greene
“When he woke up it was dawn. He woke with a huge feeling of hope which suddenly andcompletely left him at the first sight of the prison yard. It was the morning of his death. Hecrouched on the floor with the empty brandy flask in his hand trying to remember an act ofcontrition. "O God, I am sorry and beg pardon for all my sins ... crucified ... worthy of Thydreadful punishments." He was confused, his mind was on other things: it was not the good deathfor which one always prayed. He caught sight of his own shadow on the cell wall: it had a lookof surprise and grotesque unimportance. What a fool he had been to think that he was strongenough to stay when others fled. What an impossible fellow I am, he thought, and how useless. Ihave done nothing for anybody. I might just as well have never lived. His parents were dead—soon he wouldn't even be a memory—perhaps after all he wasn't really Hell-worthy. Tearspoured down his face: he was not at the moment afraid of damnation——even the fear of painwas in the background. He felt only an immense disappointment because he had to go to Godempty-handed, with nothing done at all. It seemed to him at that moment that it would have been[200] quite easy to have been a saint. It would only have needed a little self-restraint and a littlecourage. He felt like someone who has missed happiness by seconds at an appointed place. Heknew now that at the end there was only one thing that counted—to be a saint.”
Graham Greene, The Power and the Glory

Abhijit Naskar
“If Hate is Holiness (The Sonnet)

Civilization is a civilian in action,
Standing unbent against all charm.
This is called civilized activism,
The will to stand up without harm.
If vandalism were activism,
Insurrection was patriotism.
If Jan 6 is deemed patriotism,
9/11 was divine intervention.
If 9/11 is deemed a divine act,
Hate is but an act of holiness.
If hate is ever deemed holiness
That is the end of all common sense,
To witness civilization you gotta be civilized.
Even God acting on hate is a being uncivilized.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mukemmel Musalman: Kafir Biraz, Peygamber Biraz

Abhijit Naskar
“If vandalism were activism,
Insurrection was patriotism.
If Jan 6 is deemed patriotism,
9/11 was divine intervention.
If 9/11 is deemed a divine act,
Hate is but an act of holiness.
If hate is ever deemed holiness,
That is the end of all common sense.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mukemmel Musalman: Kafir Biraz, Peygamber Biraz

Abhijit Naskar
“Divinity is in every culture,
But no culture is pure divinity.
Human divided is human undivine,
Hatelessness is civilized divinity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“Divinity is simple. Someone is in distress - you reach out to help. That's it. Then why do we complicate this simple act of helping out another being, with a ton of bible babble, koranic poppycock, vedic hogwash and so on!”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Ingmar Bergman
“I believe a human being carries his or her own holiness, which lies within the realm of the earth; there are no otherworldly explanations.”
Ingmar Bergman, Images: My Life in Film

Gift Gugu Mona
“When sin dominates your life, it allows for prayerlessness which kills your relationship with God. That is why you need to adopt a prayerful life, so you can live a life of holiness.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Prayer: An Antidote for the Inner Man

Abhijit Naskar
“Gym doesn't make you healthy, any more than the church makes you holy.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Centurion Sermon: Mental Por El Mundo

Abhijit Naskar
“Helping a human is worth a hundred pilgrimages.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Centurion Sermon: Mental Por El Mundo

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“Planting trees and using them to communicate with the natural world is holy work.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner, The Magic of Trees

Thomas Merton
“The simple, chaste lines of a monastic Church, built perhaps by unskilled hands in the wilderness, may well say infinitely more in praise of God than the pretentious enormities of costly splendor that are erected to be looked at rather than to be prayed in.”
Thomas Merton, The Silent Life

“From the time of his passing, there was a movement to promote Paul’s canonization. While criticized in some quarters for his response to the crises after the council and vilified by dissenting theologians for Humanæ Vitæ, Paul was nevertheless loved and respected by those who knew him for his intellect, his gentle courtesy, his humility, and above all, his personal holiness.”
Matthew Bunson, Saint Pope Paul VI: Celebrating the 262nd Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

Peter Pink-Howitt
“We are desperate to start a new axial age which will involve a re-flowering of common spiritual customs and communal practices, science and art (i.e., our whole cultural technology) that bind us together and which incorporate the benefits of holiness and reason.”
Peter Pink-Howitt, Ethics of Life: freedom and diversity