Humanitarian Crisis Quotes

Quotes tagged as "humanitarian-crisis" Showing 1-30 of 155
Abhijit Naskar
“Pro Government or Pro Human Rights
(Earth Administrative Service, Sonnet 1304)

Either pro government or pro human rights,
A civilized human cannot be both.
Doesn't mean you're always anti government,
It means you pledge no one blanket support.

Gaza has made it more evident than ever,
No politician got the guts to rock the boat.
When the chips are down and balloon goes up,
Politicians hide behind the diplomacy door.

World leeches masquerading as world leaders,
Would sell their mothers if the price is right.
Sheeply civilians don't do much to change things,
So they seek comfort in snobbish arguments on AI.

Dump all autocratic nonsense of law-abidance,
Tell the right from wrong by conscience rule.
If you want human rights to reign supreme,
Wake up and be the world leader of your hood.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“You are the illusion,
you are the truth.
When evil hangs heavy,
you gotta blow your fuse.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“The entire world is Afghanistan, you never felt it because either you are white or privileged.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth

Alexander Betts
“The humanitarian silo model is increasingly out of touch. It fails against almost any metric. It doesn't help refugees, undermining their autonomy and dignity. It doesn't help host governments, transforming potential contributors into a disempowered and alienated generation in their midst. It doesn't help the international community, leaving people indefinitely dependent upon aid, less capable of ultimately rebulding their countries of origin, and with onward movement as their only viable rout to opportunity.”
Alexander Betts, Refuge: Transforming a Broken Refugee System

Abhijit Naskar
“Wanna study geopolitics? First, take off your westwashed glasses - second, take off your westwashed shoes - third, scrub off your westwashed skin. In a world where the west has caused more humanitarian crises than Naskar has written books, you shall understand nothing till you decolonize your mind, no matter which hemisphere you are born in.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth

Abhijit Naskar
“Hand raised to shield is human,
Hand raised to slay is animal.
Voice raised in justice is human,
Voice raised in hate is animal.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Abhijit Naskar
“From Karbala to Kurukshetra, from Jerusalem to Chanakkale, light of truth has never submitted to the howling audacity of divisive animality - then why should you? Remember, there is a karbala in each of you, there is a kurukshetra in each of you, there is a jerusalem and chanakkale in each of you. And till you accept defeat out of your own free will, not a force in the world can dampen the daring advances of love and reason.

So, get up - get out - and get lost!

Wanna lead the world? First learn about the world - get so lost in the struggles of each and every people of planet earth, that you forget where you came from altogether - get so lost in the struggles of the people of earth, that for the first time in life you start to breathe as a whole human being - get so lost, that for the first time you see the light of dawn not as a puny slave to puny borders, but as the civilized maker of a civilized world.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth

Abhijit Naskar
“Wanna lead the world? First learn about the world - get so lost in the struggles of each and every people of planet earth, that you forget where you came from altogether - get so lost in the struggles of the people of earth, that for the first time in life you start to breathe as a whole human being - get so lost, that for the first time you see the light of dawn not as a puny slave to puny borders, but as the civilized maker of a civilized world.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth

Abhijit Naskar
“Freedom is a tiny word that goes a long way,
It is a realm where there is no you and me.
My freedom is incomplete till another is free,
Till all of us are free, none of us are free.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Abhijit Naskar
“I salute you from my grave,
For today you are king,
Ruler of a million lands,
Yet still, ruler of nothing!”
Abhijit Naskar, Either Right or Human: 300 Limericks of Inclusion

Abhijit Naskar
“Citizens of earth could end all wars in a year - boycott all tax-filing unless your governments cease all defense activities for good.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch

Avijeet Das
“Innocent teary eyes
Grief stricken face

You look everywhere with fear
And with feelings of helpless pain!

When you should be playing with
Dolls and dancing in the rain!

Neither do you like to wear new dresses,
Nor sing, laugh, and play with the toy train!

Oh my dearest sweet child!
Please forgive us all we men,

For we have made this world
Fit for only guns, bombs and
Acid rain!”
Avijeet Das

Abhijit Naskar
“There is no time for patience - there is no time for diplomacy - there is no time for policies, legislations and meaningless paperwork. It's enough already. Either stand up and rush to the aid of these war-stricken communities through whichever means possible or keep your mouth shut for the rest of your life.”
Abhijit Naskar, Hurricane Humans: Give me accountability, I'll give you peace

Abhijit Naskar
“The Gaza Sonnet, 1264
(All Free or None Free)

Al-Shams to Alpha Centauri,
All occupied lands will be free.
Till there is smile on every face,
All happiness is blasphemy.

Happiness is not an imperial merch,
Freedom is no colonizer's heirloom.
Joy is no bigot's ancestral bequest,
Earth is not a zionist hand-me-down.

Divide and rule is the law of animals,
Unite and integrate is law of humanity.
One human life is worth more,
than all the gas reserves underneath.

Gaza is not a place, Gaza is a wake up call,
to the peace-crying humanity.
Awake, Arise, O Citizens of Earth -
Till all of us are free, none of us are free!”
Abhijit Naskar, Yaralardan Yangın Doğar: Explorers of Night are Emperors of Dawn

Abhijit Naskar
“Happiness is not an imperial merch,
Freedom is no colonizer's heirloom.
Joy is no bigot's ancestral bequest,
Earth is not a zionist hand-me-down.”
Abhijit Naskar, Yaralardan Yangın Doğar: Explorers of Night are Emperors of Dawn

Abhijit Naskar
“All darknesses in history were caused by people who thought they were bringing light.”
Abhijit Naskar, Yaralardan Yangın Doğar: Explorers of Night are Emperors of Dawn

Abhijit Naskar
“When liberty is branded terrorism,
And terrorism is declared self defense,
Ceasefire is vetoed as taboo,
Geopolitics is fancy talk for arms race.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch

Abhijit Naskar
“Al-Shams to Alpha Centauri,
All occupied lands will be free.
Till there is smile on every face,
All happiness is blasphemy.”
Abhijit Naskar, Yaralardan Yangın Doğar: Explorers of Night are Emperors of Dawn

Abhijit Naskar
“Earth will thrive in the absence of humankind, Peace will prosper in the absence of US government.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch

Abhijit Naskar
“When faced by an international conflict, forget diplomacy, forget statecraft, forget strategies and policies and ask yourself, what would a human do in this situation, not a politician, not a bureaucrat, not a law enforcement official, but a human? The tree of diplomacy only grows thorns of war, not fruits of peace.”
Abhijit Naskar, Hurricane Humans: Give me accountability, I'll give you peace

Abhijit Naskar
“We don’t need to build a world with one superpower,
We gotta build a world where the world is superpower.
We don’t need a world rotting in diplomatic gutter,
Let’s build a world that has no geopolitical clutter.”
Abhijit Naskar, Iman Insaniyat, Mazhab Muhabbat: Pani, Agua, Water, It's All One

Abhijit Naskar
“World leeches masquerading as world leaders, would sell their mothers if the price is right.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“You don't have to be a superpower to be a peacemaker.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Politicians don't have race, politicians don't have religion, politicians don't have nationality. You may think, this is a good thing - well, in this case, it's not. You know why? Because their race is self-interest - their religion is self-interest - their nationality is self-interest. Politicians can be white, black, brown or martian - but once a moron, always a moron. Some monkeys are white, some monkeys are colored, but inside they are not white or colored - they are politicians - which means, they are all monkeys.

And the exception to this norm often comes from not so popular parts of the world - for example, South Africa. Which only proves that, you don't need to be a so-called geopolitical superpower to do what's right - you don't have to be a superpower to be a peacemaker. In fact in most cases, the so-called superpowers are the most morally bankrupt states in the world. Because guess what - governments don't exist to do the right thing, governments exist to do whatever keeps them in power. And the day the politics of self-interest comes to an end, there will be no longer any need for activists, humanitarians and reformers.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

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