Superpower Quotes

Quotes tagged as "superpower" Showing 1-30 of 71
Shannon Hale
“I don't know how you persist in being so stubborn-"
"It's a superpower. I was bitten by a radioactive mule.”
Shannon Hale, The Actor and the Housewife

“I don't know why people are so keen to put the details of their private life in public; they forget that invisibility is a superpower.”

Reece Hirsch
“During the years of struggling to make partner, he had sometimes entertained the comical notion that making partner would imbue him with new powers, like a budding superhero who had been bitten by a radioactive spider. It appeared that any superpowers he had gained did not include the ability to pick up women in bars.”
Reece Hirsch, The Insider

“We are born healers and this is our superpower”
Helene Popescu

“One thing about her," I said, "that often gets lost in all the scripts is that she can love unconditionally. She can love people that don't love her back."
"That's a superpower?" Andy said.
"No mortal can do it," I said.”
Rebecca Lee, Bobcat and Other Stories

“Asking people for advice and getting mad when it's not what you wanna hear is like eating food you know you are allergic to.”
Liz Faublas

Kris Franken
“When you let love become your superpower, you open yourself up to a miraculous life.”
Kris Franken, The Call of Intuition: How to Recognize & Honor Your Intuition, Instinct & Insight

“Sometimes, it’s easy to get wrapped up in taking care of the people around us. You’re always giving, taking care of the children, working overtime at the office, or helping that friend who is struggling. That’s all good, but if you’re not careful, you can end up feeling rundown. Take time every day to get filled back up. Your first priority should be taking care of yourself; making time to get into the presence of Jesus. When you live with your heart connected to His, you’ll be refreshed, restored, re-energized, and filled up for the journey of life!”
Liz Faublas

“Be fearless. Be tenacious. Go after what you want. Be a leader. Take control. Don't like how things are managed? Change the status quo. Be a disruptor. Galvanize, inspire, lead, get results. Stand resolute in the face of critics, detractors, naysayers. Their no is your yes. Make a difference. Change the narrative. Be a monumental success and a paradigm for forward, sometimes unorthodox, always creative thinking. This is what makes you a trailblazer, a standard bearer and history maker!! Oh, unless you are a powerful, black woman (or simply a WOMAN)with a voice that moves the needle. Then, you are a troublemaker, angry, stupid, menopausal, looking for attention? Women don't owe anyone an apology or explanation for being everything those part of an unevolved faction of society believes is only reserved for men. Work with us and be great, or get out of our way so we can continue what we started a lifetime ago. Proud of you Stacey Abrams and of all women who refuse to be relegated to a status of mediocrity. "Still, I rise!”
Liz Faublas, Million Dollar Pen, Ink.

“You have not been abandoned, the is a superpower right behind your back. You may not realized it, but God is always on your side.”

Lauren Layne
“And I’d be lying if I didn’t take a lot of pride in what I think of as my personal superpower: the ability to accept and embrace things as they are, not as I wish they could be.”
Lauren Layne, To Sir, with Love

Henry Kissinger
“China as the present-day economic superpower is the legacy of Deng Xiaoping.”
Henry Kissinger, On China

“Surround yourself with friends that talk TO you and not ABOUT you if they have a problem WITH you.”
Liz Faublas, You Have a Superpower: Mindi Pi Meets Ava "Why Can't I Go Outside"

“If the critics in general society only knew just how much women endure, tolerate, withstand, withhold, juggle, wish for, forgive, ignore, mask, understand and accept while wearing the heavy armor of strength, good nature, and courage, words such as weak, incapable and powerless would be stricken from any dialogue in which their qualities are being measured.”
Liz Faublas

“Women have a high threshold for pain and tough appetites. We bite our tongues, survive heartache, function on one last nerve, pull punches, eat crap, swallow our pride, beat ourselves up, shoulder responsibility while performing the back-breaking task of staying a step ahead while standing tall against everything so we don't fall for anything!”
Liz Faublas , You Have a Superpower: Mindi Pi Meets Ava "Why Can't I Go Outside"

“So, your nails are done, your hair is tight, and you have laid out a BOMB outfit for every day of the week! But your life is a hot mess. Finances in disarray got more shoes than savings, no plans for the future. Instead of organizing your closet, try "handling your business" on for size. The package isn't worth much if there's no substance to what's inside.”
Liz Faublas

“Stop accepting, "You love who you love", and start believing, "You love who loves you.”
Liz Faublas, You Have a Superpower: Mindi Pi Meets Ezekiel and Chiara: "We Don't Understand Racism"

“I argue that the United States will remain the world’s sole superpower for many decades, and probably throughout this century. We are not living in a transitional post–Cold War era. Instead, we are in the midst of what could be called the unipolar era—a period as profound as any epoch in modern history.”
Michael Beckley, Unrivaled: Why America Will Remain the World's Sole Superpower

Debasish Mridha
“Kindness is not a weakness, but a secret power.”
Debasish Mridha

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet of Superpowers

Poet's superpower is their pain,
Philosopher's superpower is reason.
Scientist's superpower is their brain,
Artist's superpower is their vision.
Janitor's superpower is cleanliness,
Hooker's superpower is practical piety.
Bartender's superpower is resilience,
Teacher's superpower is curiosity.
Entrepreneur's superpower is stubbornness,
Engineer's superpower is "unsliding caliber".
Copper's superpower oughta be unbent backbone,
Astronaut's superpower is conquest of fear.
Humankind's superpower is diversity.
Life's superpower is plasticity.”
Abhijit Naskar

Paramahansa Yogananda
“A God-tuned master: Innocent of all personal motives, and employing the creative will bestowed on him by the Creator, a yogi rearranges the light atoms of the universe to satisfy any sincere prayer of a devotee.”
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

“No one is you and that’s your super power.”
Sotero M Lopez II

Carlos Wallace
“Empowerment is our journey from adversity to strength. To all survivors out there: Your resilience is your superpower, and your story is a beacon of hope for others. Keep shining, keep inspiring. (I Am A Survivor speech August 12, 2023)”
Carlos Wallace

Jason Pargin
“who the hell was Gary, or was Gary, and why the hell didn't you know about him?' 'you ever run into a new co-worker, ask them their name, only to have them tell you they worked there for 5 years? that was Gary. a man so dull, and forgettable, that he never appeared on your radar. it's like that was his superpower, a stealth human being. we never stood a chance.”
Jason Pargin, Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits

Steve Maraboli
“GRATITUDE gives you strength, reduces stress, and enriches your soul. Gratitude is a SUPERPOWER.”
Steve Maraboli

Abhijit Naskar
“We don’t need to build a world with one superpower,
We gotta build a world where the world is superpower.
We don’t need a world rotting in diplomatic gutter,
Let’s build a world that has no geopolitical clutter.”
Abhijit Naskar, Iman Insaniyat, Mazhab Muhabbat: Pani, Agua, Water, It's All One

Lynne Ewing
“She relaxed her mind and let her body dissolve. Bone and tendon quivered until her arms, hands, and fingers looked like black specks waving in the dark. Soon she was free from gravity and drifting up the stairs.
But as she twisted through the gloom, something foreign tangled with her invisible body. It wove through her with a furry tickle, leaving a pungent scent of decay. It didn't have the sensation of steam, dust, or smog. She curled back, trying to escape the sickening smell, but whatever it was moved with her, sinuous like a snake, coiling around her. She twirled, then sprang forward, but it held her. The air became thick and gluey, her cells no longer able to pull in oxygen through osmosis.”
Lynne Ewing, Moon Demon

“Embrace your inner superpower—confidence is earned through grit, experience, and persistence.”
Felecia Etienne

“Gdmng everyone! Welcome to another dose of “Level Up Your Life”! Today’s topic might sting a bit, but hear me out – we’re talking about responsibility… Or rather, the lack thereof.

You know, that cozy little place called “I don’t care” land. It’s comfy, familiar, maybe even fun… for a while. But let’s be honest, it’s a dead end. Nevertheless, maybe you like that?

Maybe being irresponsible, unreliable & thoughtless is your thing. If that’s the case, well…more power to you.. You can keep on – keep on, blaming the world for your problems. You think, life loves rewarding people who play the victim, right?

Of course not! Sweetheart, life rewards those who take responsibility. Those who show up, who follow through, who build a life they can be proud of.

Is it easy? Absolutely not. But guess what? It’s worth it. Don’t Wait for life to slap you in the face. Take responsibility for your actions, words & start building something beautiful & better..

Darling listen – the universe has a funny way of giving you exactly what you ask for. It gives us what we ask for. Just like it responded to your irresponsible thoughts & choices, trust me – it will respond tenfold to your responsible behavior.

Remember, responsibility isn’t a burden, it’s your superpower.

So ditch the excuses & step up! Your world is waiting to see that responsible YOU & guess what? You’re totally capable of it.

Stay Responsible & Blessed!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“In a world dominated by extroverts and exhibitionism, the quiet ones make the loudest impact with their silence – it's their superpower”
Brahmanand Savanth

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