Best Self Quotes

Quotes tagged as "best-self" Showing 1-30 of 64
“The truest story - the one that will always be truest - is that I am a human being, being human. Sometimes, I am my best self. Sometimes, not so much. But goddamn, I am trying to do better. I am always trying to do better. My guess is that you are, too.”
Laura McKowen, We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life

“Forgive yourself as you strive to be your best self.”
Angel Moreira

George Saunders
“If we’re going to become kinder, that process has to include taking ourselves seriously—as doers, as accomplishers, as dreamers. We have to do that, to be our best selves.”
George Saunders, Congratulations, by the Way: Some Thoughts on Kindness

“I accept my imperfections as I strive to be my best self.”
Angel Moreira

Nikita Gill
“Take the day one cautious step at a time. Remember how fearless tastes. Remember how your grandmother told you 'always prepare for the worst of situations by being the best of yourself.”
Nikita Gill, Great Goddesses: Life Lessons from Myths and Monsters

Anoir Ou-chad
“How could I ever be lonely when I am with my own best self.”
Anoir Ou-chad, The Alien

“A part of her wanted to stop pushing herself, stop feeling compelled to rise to the occasion of being her best self. She wanted to figure out how to be her average self without feeling like a loser.”
Katherine Morgan Schafler, The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control: A Path to Peace and Power

Martika Shanel
“Because we accept the love we think we deserve, when it's forced or when it's done at a low point, we get what we get--not what truly complements us, so surrender when you're at your best. You owe it to yourself.”
Martika Shanel

Richie Norton
“Final Cause is the reason, the interest in why you do what you do, your hope for how things turn out—how you imagine your best future. Final Cause is more than the goal of the goal—it’s the effectual living beyond the goal. Final Cause is the success after the success. Final Cause is the place where your time is spent on your values. Final Cause is where misaligned commitments are reexamined. Final Cause is purpose. Final Cause helps you integrate your purpose into everything you do—even before you’ve finished the puzzle to your big-picture dream. Puzzles are put together one piece at a time, not in one big block—and so are dreams. Final Cause helps you identify the big-picture dream, and Time Tipping helps you put together the oddly shaped interlocking pieces. The mosaic of our dreams draws closer as we draw the mosaic wide awake. Final Cause is your intangible expression of joyful living—that feeling of starting something new harmonizing with the fulfillment of accomplishment. To Time Tippers, Final Cause is not the end—it’s both the end and the beginning. The end informs the beginning so you can begin living the values of the end from the beginning.”
Richie Norton, Anti-Time Management: Reclaim Your Time and Revolutionize Your Results with the Power of Time Tipping

Sarah K. Ramsey
“When thoughts have boundaries, problems are easier to solve.

I’ve studied boundaries, taught boundaries and enforced boundaries both professionally and personally. What is desperately missing from the conversation around boundaries is giving our own thoughts boundaries. Our brains can readily find solutions when the boundaries are laid out before us. If you are looking for a word, you will be able to locate the word more quickly on a spelling list versus a word search. If you are looking for a specific type of flower, you will be able to locate the flower more quickly in a garden with carefully laid out rows versus a jungle where there are no boundaries.”
Sarah K. Ramsey, Problem Solved: Simple Habits For Complex Decisions

“You deserve to be your best self and live your best life.”
Angel Moreira

Germany Kent
“In the offseason, you should be working, reading, developing, growing, evolving, and becoming your best self. ”
Germany Kent

Maria Karvouni
“What people don't understand about other people -and when malevolent don't want to understand- is that a moment is not a lifetime and everyone can transform to their best self if they have the appropriate resources.”
Maria Karvouni

“Love yourself as you strive to be your best self.”
Angel Moreira

“Accept yourself as you strive to be your best self.”
Angel Moreira

Germany Kent
“Negative thinking is contagious. Do your best not to dwell on negativity, it will consume you and prevent you from becoming your best self.”
Germany Kent

Torron-Lee Dewar
“Sometimes we need to think from a different perspective in order to reach the next level of our lives. In other words, an opportunity we view as pointless might actually be what we need to help us move forward.”
Torron-Lee Dewar

Matt Fitzgerald
“Interpreting running as an opportunity to discover and become his best self, and to give his best to others, through the relentless pursuit of toughness, or guts—a kind of courage.”
Matt Fitzgerald, How Bad Do You Want It? Mastering the Psychology of Mind over Muscle

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I love you too much to let you pretend that you’re something you’re not. And while there might be a lot of pretending going on in your head, there’s no pretending going on in my heart.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“One of the best things you can do for yourself is to protect your emotional health.”
Angel Moreira

T.M Cicinski
“His love, like all loves that are simple and pure, had made it unthinkable that she should have any desire other than to be her best self, for him. Yet a love like that is like the keystone in the main arch of a great building which when removed causes all else to collapse into the dust.”
T.M Cicinski, From Whence The Rivers Run

“One of the best things you can do for yourself is to protect your mental health.”
Angel Moreira

Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino
“Best Ever You is all about the power and potential of we. Together we create change, not only as individuals, but also worldwide, because everyone's gifts and talents are respected and valued. Our mission is to help each other be our best.”
Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino, The Change Guidebook: How to Align Your Heart, Truths, and Energy to Find Success in All Areas of Your Life

“Gdmng, Beautiful Souls!

Here's to a day filled with love, good vibes & a chance to make your world a little brighter.

Darling listen - we are all our worst & best selves combined. I wish & hope that today you Get a deep feeling for both so that you can choose to become a better self....

Sweetheart, use this day to spread love, make a difference, unleash your creativity & make it your BEST day.

May your day be... filled with opportunities to shine! Blessings ”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

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