Judgment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "judgment" Showing 121-150 of 612
Martin Luther King Jr.
“I judge people by their own principles—not by my own.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

“I am too complex for anyone to ever make an accurate judgment on who I am.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

Annette Gordon-Reed
“I don't adhere to the idea that you don't make moral judgments. I think history is a moral profession. We don't just look back and say, oh, and here is how they slaughtered the innocents, and go move on.”
Annette Gordon-Reed

Jessica Speer
“When you notice you're thinking judgmental thoughts, pause. Try to catch yourself before you speak, text or do any harm. You can't get those words back.”
Jessica Speer, Middle School - Safety Goggles Advised: Exploring the WEIRD Stuff from Gossip to Grades, Cliques to Crushes and Popularity to Peer Pressure

Jessica Speer
“We all have judgmental thoughts sometimes. And we all have the power to keep these thoughts to ourselves.”
Jessica Speer, Middle School - Safety Goggles Advised: Exploring the WEIRD Stuff from Gossip to Grades, Cliques to Crushes and Popularity to Peer Pressure

“If you are thinking that the Lord is a distant cosmic architect or an ubiquitous heavenly uncle, an impersonal life force or a good old Santa Claus, you are terribly mistaken! He is the untamable Lord of the Universe who actively involves Himself in the daily affairs of this Cosmos which He created wonderfully”
Royal Raj S

Hayao Miyazaki
“I really wanted to punish humanity, but I realized that I was playing God, and that didn't work.”
Hayao Miyazaki

“Somehow, not judging has become very much in vogue. When presented with a dilemma, it’s what the progressive-minded are supposed to do. Not judging is great when it comes to superficialities like, “I’m not going to judge your green, bouffant hair,” or civil rights like, “I’m not going to judge your sexual orientation,” but it falls apart when you apply it to moral dilemmas. “I’m not going to judge the Syrian refugee crisis” just makes you sound like an asshole.”
Tracy Schorn, Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life: The Chump Lady's Survival Guide

Robby Dawkins
“We often think God puts us under judgment when we err, but I believe what happens is we pull ourselves out from under His grace.”
Robby Dawkins, Identity Thief: Exposing Satan's Plan to Steal Your Purpose, Passion and Power

Gilles Deleuze
“Instead of linking an active life and an affirmative thinking, thought gives itself the task of judging life, opposing to it supposedly higher values, measuring it against these values, restricting and condemning it. And at the same time that thought thus becomes negative, life depreciates, ceases to be active, is reduced to its weakest forms, to sickly forms that are alone compatible with the so-caIled higher values. It is the triumph of "reaction" over active Iife and of negation over affirmative thought.”
Gilles Deleuze, Pure Immanence: Essays on a Life

James Luceno
“He cast a questioning look at Sidious. "Do you see the grand error of their ways? They execute the Republic's business as if it were the business of the Force! But has a political body ever succeeded in being the arbiter of what is right and just? How easy it is for them to bask in self-assurance in their castle on Coruscant. But in so doing, they have rendered themselves ill equipped for the world we have spent a millennium bringing into being." He cleared his throat.
"We're going to back them into a contradiction, Darth Sidious. We're going to force them to confront the moral quandary of their position, and reveal their flaws by requiring them to oversee the conflicts that plague their vaunted Republic.”
James Luceno, Darth Plagueis

Radclyffe Hall
“Yes, it was trying to get her under, this world with its mighty self-satisfaction, with its smug rules of conduct, all made to be broken by those who strutted and preened themselves on being what they considered normal. They trod on the necks of those thousands of others who, for God knew what reason, were not made as they were; they prided themselves on their indignation, on what they proclaimed as their righteous judgments. They sinned grossly; even vilely at times, like lustful beasts—but yet they were normal! And the vilest of them could point a finger of scorn at her, and be loudly applauded.

'God damn them to hell!' she muttered.”
Radclyffe Hall, The Well of Loneliness

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“God’s woes are better than the devil’s welcomes.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Alexia D. Miller
“Clothes, hair, and skin. They were such small components of a person and yet, in True's experience, not much mattered more to most of the people she met. Being Young or old didn't save you from judgment. The red-headed girl stuck out, a rose in a field of white lillies.”
Alexia D. Miller, Crystal Key: Door to a New World

Winnie Nantongo
“Not to fear for love is a growth for the soul, to know that there are no limitations or taboos to develop feelings for someone, regardless of genitalia, only to feel and not condemn oneself. Enjoy life as a nest of opportunities.”
Winnie Nantongo

Abhijit Naskar
“Life is too short to be wasted on judgmental whim. Put your judgment aside, and have some ice-cream.”
Abhijit Naskar, Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence

“The judge wants you to hide and apologize for being onstage. I want you to bust onstage through the door with a smile on your face and drink in your hand. What I learned was not that you won't have any doubts, not that you will never be nervous, but that you have to acknowledge that fear and proceed with courage.”
Mick Napier, Improvise.: Scene from the Inside Out

Sei Shōnagon
“Yet surely, in the world of humans, no one goes out of their way to run down a person who hasn't really made it in the world, or whose reputation is already on the wane. And no one would pause to savour the sight or the sound of some boring bird such as a kite or a crow. So, really, it's precisely because the uguisu is supposed to be such a marvellous bird that one's perversely more aware of its failings.”
Sei Shōnagon, The Pillow Book

Dan Desmarques
“Many people often ask me, "Is it better to be single or married?", To which I answer, single if you do not find the right person and married if you do. They also ask, "Is it better to have a business or a job", to which I reply whatever makes you happier and feel fulfilled. They then ask why I have decided to become a writer, to which I reply that it was never a decision, and it was never mine either. It is more correct to say that I learned to accept myself. This doesn't mean I won't change. Any circumstance in life is the result of many decisions and it shouldn't trouble your mind. But quite often, what troubles you is not life itself but the judgement of others. Yet you look at their judgements rather than their lack of capacity to make proper judgements. I never listen to what fools say because they can only say foolishness. People create that which is rooted in their being and if their nature is of immense ignorance, their advice to you will be as useful as a rotten apple falling from a tree with no life. The fact that you shouldn't eat rotten apples should be as obvious as the fact that you shouldn't listen to fools.”
Dan Desmarques

Jamie Arpin-Ricci
“When people worship a god who is willing to inflict eternal suffering on others, it only follows that they will be a people who are willing to inflict abusive and oppressive suffering on others in the name of that god and his "righteousness".

And they will call it love.”
Jamie Arpin-Ricci

N.A. Cooper
“... you can never judge a man by how he acts at his best. You have to see him at his worst; at his weakest. You have to watch him try to overcome adversity, then you’ll see him for who he really is.”
N.A. Cooper, Ripple Effect

Brené Brown
“Rather than judgment (which exacerbates shame), empathy conveys a simple acknowledgment, "You're not alone.”
Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

Barbara   Townsend
“Vera did not reply. He had called her careless, was blaming her, passing judgment and in this he was no different to all other men: they had their way with women, but God forbid the woman they wanted to marry should be sullied. Even one who had been trapped...”
Barbara Townsend, Out of mind

Robin S. Baker
“The judgment that comes with being unordinary is an uncomfortable feeling that many would just rather not encounter. But what if I told you that your uniqueness will open doors that you never knew that you could access?”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism

William Castano-Bedoya
“The double standard is the path chosen by the judgment of fools, eager to prove their wisdom.”
William Castano-Bedoya, We the Other People: The Beggars of the Mercury Lights

Thich Nhat Hanh
“We don't judge ourselves; we accept. I have these qualities and these weaknesses, but I will try to improve slowly, at my speed. If you can look at yourself like that, you can look at others like that too, without judgment.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, The Art of Communicating

Gretel Ehrlich
“I liked the fact that we'd all met because of our dogs; dogs don't care who is rich or poor, accomplished or struggling.”
Gretel Ehrlich, A Match to the Heart: One Woman's Story of Being Struck By Lightning

“You believe in what you value. If you are afraid, you are valuing wrongly.”
Foundation for Inner Peace, A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume - Volume I : Text, Volume II: Workbook for Students, Volume III: Manual for Teachers

Dushawn Banks
“People tend to judge others by their experience with life. People tend to judge others by their experience with love. People tend to judge others by their experience with pain. People tend to judge others by their experience with trust. I often laugh at false judgement. I’m usually laughing because you don’t know that your false judgments just hold a mirror to you. Your doubt lets me know what you’ve never seen and your comparisons lets me know what you’ve been through. I think that judgement comes when a person doesn’t understand the psychology of reasoning behind another person’s actions. A man or woman who has walked in many shoes has the ability to overstand an action, but disagree without judgement because of this overstanding.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Troy Hadeed
“If your love is guided by the fear of judgement or punishment, then your love is motivated by self-preservation; the foundation of your love is self-serving.”
Troy Hadeed, My Name Is Love: We're Not All That Different