Judgment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "judgment" Showing 181-210 of 612
Fatima Farheen Mirza
“Listen to me." Baba held on to his arm. "You could never be more wrong, Amar. We taught you one way, but there could be others. We don't even know, even we can only hope. How many names are there for God?"


He knew all of this by heart. Didn't that count for something?

"And are they all the same kind of name?"


"Some contradict each other, remember? Didn't you just say to me--what if this is meant to show us more? What if we are meant to look closer?"

Amar nodded. Wind rustled the leaves. He sniffled and wipes his nose on his shirtsleeve.

"We will wait until you are allowed in," Baba said, as if to himself. " *I* will wait.”
Fatima Farheen Mirza, A Place for Us

Valentin Rasputin
“You're afraid of people's judgment…What do you care! People are like dogs; whenever anyone makes a wrong move they set up a holler. They bark and then they stop--and wait for someone else to go wrong.”
Valentin Rasputin, Live and Remember

David McCullough
“Take an interest in people. Get to know people. Get to know what they've been through before you pass judgment. That's essential.”
David McCullough, The American Spirit: Who We Are and What We Stand For

Ayn Rand
“Independence is the recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgment and nothing can help you escape it..."
John Galt”
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Pamela Terry
“What an effort she made to change me, and when it was clear those surface alterations would never occur, she began to mistake my solitary nature for sullenness, my laughter for mockery, my silence for a judgment I didn't start to feel until much later.”
Pamela Terry, The Sweet Taste of Muscadines

Glennon Doyle
“The truth is that it matters not at all what you think of my life -- but it matters supremely what you think of your own. Judgment is just another cage we live in so we don't have to feel, know, and imagine. Judgment is self-abandonment. You are not here to waste your time deciding whether my life is true and beautiful enough for you. You are here to decide if your life, relationships, and world are true and beautiful enough for you. And if they are not and you dare to admit they are not, you must decide if you have the guts, the right -- perhaps even the duty -- to burn to the ground that which is not true and beautiful enough and get started building what is.”
Glennon Doyle, Untamed

Kerry Winfrey
“I try not to judge people who face situations I’ve never faced”
Kerry Winfrey, Waiting for Tom Hanks

Toni Morrison
“What you reckon make him do a thing like that?"

"Beats me. Just nasty."

"Well, they ought to take her out of school."

"Ought to. She carry some of the blame."

"Oh, come on. She ain't but twelve or so."

"Yeah. But you never know. How come she didn't fight him?”
Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye

Toni Morrison
“And I believe our sorrow was the more intense because nobody else seemed to share it. They were disgusted, amused, shocked, outraged, or even excited by the story. But we listened for the one who would say, "Poor little girl," or "Poor baby," but there was only head-wagging where those words should have been. We looked for eyes creased with concern, but saw only veils.”
Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye

Abhijit Naskar
“A world where you cannot even speak to another person without worrying about what they are going to think of you, has not advanced much from the days when white people used to own slaves.”
Abhijit Naskar, When Veins Ignite: Either Integration or Degradation

Charles Dickens
“What, you’re looking at my lodger’s birds, Mr. Jarndyce?” The old man had come by little and little into the room, until he now touched my guardian with his elbow, and looked close up into his face with his spectacled eyes. “It’s one of her strange ways, that she’ll never tell the names of these birds if she can help it, though she named ‘em all.” This was in a whisper. “Shall I run ‘em over, Flite?” he asked aloud, winking at us and pointing at her as she turned away, affecting to sweep the grate.

“If you like,” she answered hurriedly.
The old man, looking up at the cages, after another look at us, went through the list.
“Hope, Joy, Youth, Peace, Rest, Life, Dust, Ashes, Waste, Want, Ruin, Despair, Madness, Death, Cunning, Folly, Words, Wigs, Rags, Sheepskin, Plunder, Precedent, Jargon, Gammon, and Spinach. That’s the whole collection,” said the old man, “all cooped up together, by my noble and learned brother.”
“This is a bitter wind!” muttered my guardian.
“When my noble and learned brother gives his Judgment, they’re to be let go free” said Krook, winking at us again.”
Charles Dickens, Bleak House

Kristian Ventura
“We discard the elderly, but the elderly used to discard the elderly. Those old people we tease are just listening to our insults and not deciding to speak. They’re not stupid. They just understand. Old people are young people who’ve had a few more heartbreaks, thousands of more workdays, and who’ve prepared a dozen more eulogies.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

“Justicia y juicio son el cimiento de tu trono; Misericordia y verdad van delante de tu rostro”
Sociedades Biblicas Unidas, Santa Biblia Reina-Valera 1960

Merida Johns
“Don’t make snap decisions, good or bad, about someone. Before forming an opinion, figure out what makes a person tick. Sam in Blackhorse Road A Novel”
Merida Johns, Blackhorse Road: A novel of deception and forgiveness and love gained and lost

Symeon the New Theologian
“Have you not come to fight against invisible foes? Did you not come here to take up the warfare against your passions? For what reason did you wish to be enlisted and take your place in the ranks of Christ’s soldiers? Was it to receive rations and pay on the same terms as they, and to sit at their table like those who on the stage eat their fill and get drunk? If that is what you think, woe to you on that day of judgment, when Christ comes “to repay every man for what he has done.”
Symeon the New Theologian, Symeon the New Theologian: The Discourses

“Mindfulness opposes judgment, conceptualization, words, language, reason, logic, knowledge, understanding, science, philosophy, mathematics, history, intellectualism, learning from the past and planning for the future. It reduces thoughtful humans to the state of thoughtless animals, prisoners of the ignorance of the moment, overwhelmed by primitive sense-certainty. And this is sold as a desirable state, something we should all aspire to!”
Thomas Stark, The Stairway to Consciousness: The Birth of Self-Awareness from Unconscious Archetypes

A.D. Aliwat
“Journalism, like English, is about the pursuit of truth in storytelling, not presenting information with the absence of judgment.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Alex Paknadel
“It ever bother you that the good Lord sweats the small stuff? I mean, you could spend your whole life trying’ to atone for some bad shit you done when you was fifteen, but come judgment day your ass could still get thrower in the pit ‘cause you forgot to wash the damn dishes one time.”
Alex Paknadel, Redfork

A.D. Aliwat
“The Church is as corrupt as, or more corrupt than, most people. Between the Crusades, the sex scandals over the last few decades, and everything in between, who are they to judge? That’s right: no one. They are far from perfect. Like us. But they keep trying. And they do it in a way that is simple, dependable. Familiar. And that should be worth something to someone who says they are good or are trying to be but who is in actuality bad.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

A.D. Aliwat
“No judgment. Just real talk.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

“Surrender attachments without judgment. This means seeing life through the gently but powerfully unattached Soul rather than the hungrily attached and disempowered ego.”
Kris Franken, The Call of Intuition

Madeleine Ryan
“People think that seeing is blaming. They assume that through articulating what's happening that they're being judged, and ridiculed, when they're actually just being seen. I don't mean to condemn. A scientist doesn't judge the organisms in a petri dish. Scientific experiments aren't about making the organisms right or wrong for doing what they're doing. It's about watching how they work, and getting to know how they behave and interact.”
Madeleine Ryan, A Room Called Earth

Victor Vote
“David accepted the
consequences of all his

He accepted them.

He became a man
after God’s heart.

Not because he stopped
sinning - what we call sin
is an error in judgment.

God never punishes you
for your errors - you
create consequences for
your actions.

Error is what you call it
and not what it is.”
Victor Vote

“Can we create critical mass of people who not only agree with one other but can also disagree with one another? I feel like we've forgotten that in this age. And it's led to this dismissal, cynicism, which then is extended through the lack of redemption. I think one of the challenges of the secular, post-modern age is that it creates the day of judgment now. Religions believe that the day of judgment is yet to come, so there is the idea of redemption, and forgiveness, and change, and improvement.”
Suhaib Webb

Lyndon B. Johnson
“If we fail now, we shall have forgotten in abundance what we learned in hardship: that democracy rests on faith, that freedom asks more than it gives, and that the judgment of God is harshest on those who are most favored.”
Lyndon B. Johnson, U.S. Presidential Inaugural Addresses

Isaac Nash
“Sometimes a person has the free well to talk, but a hundred percent of those times he/she is not free to judge someone else. Hesitate for a couple of seconds before you initiate a conversation about someone else and tell yourself, "what if I was a person where someone else talks about me?”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Andrej Poleev
“Самым большим дефицитом всегда был и остаётся дефицит ума.”
Andrej Poleev, Fragments

B.K.S. Iyengar
“When you see a mistake in somebody else, try to find if you are making the same mistake.
This is the way to take judgment and to turn it into improvement.”
B.K.S. Iyengar

Anthony Liccione
“Fire in a soul to serve God, is better than a soul in fire that refused.”
Anthony Liccione

Ruby Mohan
“In love persistently ask but this- are you loved in return?”