Judgment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "judgment" Showing 241-270 of 612
Olga Tokarczuk
“Other people's life stories are not a topic for debate. One should hear them out, and reciprocate in the same coin.”
Olga Tokarczuk, Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead

George Whitefield
“Thank you sir for your criticism. If you knew about me what I know about me, you would have written a longer letter.”
George Whitefield

Maria Popova
“We spend our lives trying to discern where we end and the rest of the world begins. We snatch our freeze-frame of life from the simultaneity of existence holding on to the illusions of permanence, congruence, and linearity; of static selves and lives that unfold in sensical narratives. All the while, we mistake chance for choice, our labels and models of things for the things themselves, our records for history. History is not what happened, but what survives the shipwrecks of judgment and chance.”
Maria Popova, Figuring

Tamuna Tsertsvadze
“They often say an idea is not as important as its execution, and that the judgment comes according to perspectives. I confess this be the truth of life. Well then, I should also calculate, that if I have an utterly cruel idea but execute it properly, people will judge me as a saviour, while if a heroic person like you fulfills his idea with the utmost sincerity, he shall be accused of villainy since he goes on extremes just to bring his idealistic vision to life. Aye, amigo – sincerity is rarely rewarded. Foxiness and hypocrisy win the hearts of the multitude, especially if one craftily hides their true intentions and desires with an innocent, hearty smile.”
Tamuna Tsertsvadze, Galaxy Pirates

Steven Magee
“For those that have recognized that suicide is a better option than a lifetime of sickness, disability, extreme poverty, and never ending treatments from an incompetent corporate controlled medical profession, you are to be congratulated on your good judgment.”
Steven Magee

Vironika Tugaleva
“When we listen to ourselves with callous objectivity—trying to diagnose and eradicate our problems with effective solutions—this “listening” rarely works. Think of the people who treat you this way: those who can’t see beyond their labels and judgments of you. Those who only “listen” for long enough to decide which advice to give you. It feels horrible. This same attitude prevents us from hearing our inner conversations. When we feel like someone has an agenda, we resist. Trying to fix ourselves while pretending to love ourselves doesn’t work. We don’t heal through objectification. We heal through understanding. We need to feel appreciated by the people who help us—ourselves included.”
Vironika Tugaleva, The Art of Talking to Yourself

Criss Jami
“Make way for the sweetest humiliation when you underestimate their intelligence while overestimating your knowledge.”
Criss Jami

Irvin D. Yalom
“I think my quarry is illusion. I war against magic. I believe that, though illusion often cheers and comforts, it ultimately and invariably weakens and constricts the spirit. But there is timing and judgment. Never take away anything if you have nothing better to offer. Beware of stripping a patient who can’t bear the chill of reality. And don’t exhaust yourself by jousting with religious magic: you’re no match for it. The thirst for religion is too strong, its roots too deep, its cultural reinforcement too powerful.”
Irvin D. Yalom, Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy

Irvin D. Yalom
“I think my quarry is illusion. I war against magic. I believe that, though illusion often cheers and comforts, it ultimately and invariably weakens and constricts the spirit. But there is timing and judgment. Never take away anything if you have nothing better to offer. Beware of stripping a patient who can’t bear the chill of reality. And don’t exhaust yourself by jousting with religious magic: you’re no match for it. The thirst for religion is too strong, its roots too deep, its cultural reinforcement too powerful.”
Irvin D. Yalom, Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy

“Availability, meanwhile, means that you make judgement calls on the basis of whatever information comes to mind easiest, rather than deeply considering all the possible information that might be available to you. And that means we're hugely biased towards basing our world view on stuff that's happened most recently, or things that are particularly dramatic and memorable, while all the old, mundane stuff that's probably a more accurate representation of everyday reality just sort of …fades away.”
Tom Phillips, Humans: A Brief History of How We F*cked It All Up

Georgi Plekhanov
“We know today that there is no such thing as absolute truth, that everything is relative, that everything is dependent on the conditions of time and place; but precisely for that reason, we should be very cautious in judging the “ignorance” of various historical periods. Their ignorance, to the extent that it is manifested in their characteristic social movements, aspirations and ideals, is also relative.”
Georgi Plekhanov, The Materialist Conception of History

Ingrid Thoft
“Her personal philosophy was to try not to hurt people, unless they deserved it, which brought her back to that definition problem and a whole lot of gray area.”
Ingrid Thoft, Duplicity

“Awake, awake, you that sleep. Open your eyes, stand on your feet, and behold and see what a sea of blood and wrath is here!" See and believe; believe and consider; consider and fear; fear and fly; and make haste in your work. Your work is great and mighty; diversions are many; adversaries are strong; your strength is small; your time is short; your account is great. Death and judgment are at the door. Therefore, up and be doing, now or never.”
John Fox, Time and the End of Time: Discourses on Redeeming the Time and Considering Our Latter End

Abhijit Naskar
“Analysis is paralysis, for it breeds judgment, whereas understanding breeds acceptance, which leads to right action without any judgment.”
Abhijit Naskar

“A lot of people have the idea that I'm a wild sexual person...I've lectured quite a few people out there. I'll say, 'Think about what you're saying. How would you react if you were me?' I ask that question a lot. 'How would you react if you were me?' They say, 'Okay, okay.”
Prince, The Beautiful Ones

Aryan Jain
“They cry because they care about your opinion, but you don't.”
Aryan jain, Glitches In The Heaven

“I only trust people who live with reality and karma to guide them. Most religions pay little or no attention to either.”
Robert Black

Shelby Forsythia
“Grief does not want to be held, blocked, or braced against. Grief does not want to be quarantined, scrutinized, or shamed into disappearing. Just like every other emotion, grief wants to be able to move through you, free from judgment, criticism, or camouflage.”
Shelby Forsythia, Permission to Grieve: Creating Grace, Space, & Room to Breathe in the Aftermath of Loss

Anna Akhmatova
“Not thus, from cursed lightness having disembarked,
I look with worry on the chambers dark?
Already used to ringing high and raw,
Already judged not by the earthly law,
I, like a criminal, am being drawn along
To place of shame and execution long.

I see the glorious city, and the voice most dear,
As though there is no secret grave to fear,
Where day and night, in heat and in cold bent,
I must await the Final Judgment...”
Anna Akhmatova

Ingrid Thoft
“Fina had always had difficulty with the concept of sin. Who defined it and how?”
Ingrid Thoft, Duplicity

Debi Tolbert Duggar
“With the utmost love as our motivation, we somethings think we are doing what is best for our children by protecting them from unpleasantness or cruelty. All we are really doing is shielding ourselves from owning up to misfortune or bad judgment.”
Debi Tolbert Duggar, Riding Soul-O

Nitya Prakash
“There's got to be someplace safer for us to be ~ where inhibitions, insecurities, judgment, and fear don't lurk ~ to keep us in check.”
Nitya Prakash

“You aren't doing God's will unless you're doing it God's way.”
Laura-Lee Rahn

“Do now what you would wish to do at that moment: judgment is what we do now.”
Josephine Bakhita

“The world and much of the church says, "don't judge", but what we tell our church is; yes, please judge, with righteous judgment according to the word of God (John 7:24).”
Dr. Veronica Petrucci, How I Made It Out Alive: My Devotional Journey to Freedom Over Fear and Depression

“a day sitting at a dock is not the same as a day sitting in a dock in court.
taking charge is not the same as being charged in court.
receiving a grade is not the same as receiving a judgment in court.
having a winning ticket in a raffle is not the same as a having a ticket in traffic court
being called to the bar IS the same as being called to a bar in a club – both events are for joyous celebration!!”
Nicole Hassell

“The next time someone says, "You're Doing It Wrong. Life is easy. Why don't you do what I do?" you can respond with your own experience.

Simply say, "Why does my experience bother you? Why do you need to impress your ideals or experience onto me?" It is hard for any human being to win against a question. No one is perfect. No one can live your life. You are your own best mentor.”
Deborah Bravandt

Frank Herbert
“All persons act from beliefs they are conditioned not to question, from a set of deeply seated prejudices. Therefore, whoever presumes to judge must be asked: "How are you affronted?" And this judge must begin there to question inwardly as well as outwardly.
— "The Question" from Ritual of the Courtarena Guide to Servants of the Box”
Frank Herbert, The Dosadi Experiment

Roger Scruton
“All rational beings laugh--and maybe only rational beings laugh. And all rational beings benefit from laughing. As a result there has emerged a peculiar human institution--that of the joke, the repeatable performance in words or gestures that is designed as an object of laughter. Now there is a great difficulty in saying exactly what laughter is. It is not just a sound--not even a sound, since it can be silent. Nor is it just a thought, like the thought of some object as incongruous. It is a response to something, which also involves a judgment of that thing. Moreover, it is not an individual peculiarity, like a nervous tic or a sneeze. Laughter is an expression of amusement, and amusement is an outwardly directly, socially pregnant state of mind. Laughter begins as a collective condition, as when children giggle together over some absurdity. And in adulthood amusements remains one of the ways in which human beings enjoy each other's company, become reconciled to their differences, and accept their common lot. Laughter helps us to overcome out isolation and fortifies us against despair.

That does not mean that laughter is subjective in the sense that 'anything goes,' or that it is uncritical of its object. On the contrary, jokes are the object of fierce disputes, and many are dismissed as 'not funny,' 'in bad taste,' 'offensive,' and so on. The habit of laughing at things is not detachable from the habit of judging things to be worthy of laughter. Indeed, amusement, although a spontaneous outflow of social emotion, is also the most frequently practiced form of judgment. To laugh at something is already to judge it.”
Roger Scruton, Culture Counts: Faith and Feeling in a World Besieged

“Bakit ganoon ang tao? Kapag kahihiyan ng kapwa, hinding hindi nakakalimutan. Lilibakin ka hanggang sa tabunan ka na ng lupa. Pero ang mga kabutihang ginawa mo ay agad na nawawala sa isip nila. Ibabaon sabay ng pagkalagot ng hininga mo.”
Soju, School Trip