Lovers Sadness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lovers-sadness" Showing 1-30 of 79
Coco J. Ginger
“I wore your promise on my finger for one year
I'll wear your name on my heart til I die
Because you were my boy, you were my only boy forever.”
Coco J. Ginger

S.C. Stephens
“I love you more. I love you enough to let you go and live your dream." I tilted my head and shrugged. "Don't you see....? I love you more."

He smiled softly and I brushed some hair off his forehead. Running the backs of my fingers down his cheek, I whispered, "And, yes, I will miss you, more than you could possibly imagine, but I know that you have to do this Kellan. And you know it too."

Stubbornly he shook his head. "No, I know that I have to be with you. Everything else is just .... details.”
S.C. Stephens, Effortless

Molly McAdams
“Kinda pointless to fight for what you want when what you want continues to break your heart”
Molly McAdams, Stealing Harper

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
“That her relationship with him was like being content in a house but always sitting by the window and looking out”
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah

Charles Dickens
“If I may ride with you, Citizen Evremonde, will you let me hold your hand? I am not afraid, but I am little and weak, and it will give me more courage." As the patient eyes were lifted to his face, he saw a sudden doubt in them, and then astonishment. He pressed the work-worn, hunger-worn young fingers, and touched his lips.
"Are you dying for him?" she whispered.
"And his wife and child. Hush! Yes."
"Oh, you will let me hold your brave hand, stranger?"
"Hush! Yes, my poor sister; to the last.”
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Emme Rollins
“Sometimes there’s no cure for the crazy.” Dale sighed, stroking my hair. “I think we all just have to keep loving through it. Maybe that’s the cure.”
Emme Rollins, Dear Rockstar

Lisa Unger
“I loved him so much. It didn't change all the reasons we couldn't be together, but it kept me returning to his body, kept my skin seeking his skin over and over again in the sad dance we did.”
Lisa Unger, Sliver of Truth

Yvonne Woon
“With Dante gone, time seemed to stand still around me; the mornings just as cloudy and dark as the evenings, as if the sun had never decided to rise. There was no wind, like the world was holding its breath along with me, waiting for him to return.”
Yvonne Woon , Life Eternal

S.A. Reid
“Unscrewing the cap, Gabriel squeezed a bit of clear jelly onto his fingers and understood. Covering Joey’s body with his own, Gabriel kissed his lips. “But you said – something we haven’t tried …” “We haven’t.” Reaching up, Joey cupped Gabriel’s cheek. “What happened before was one stranger attacking another. What happens now is between you and me.” “Joey.” Gabriel kissed the other man’s earlobe, his jawline, the hollow of his throat. “I can’t hurt you again. I’ll kill myself first.”
S.A. Reid, Protection

“if true love was easy, we'd all have it.”
-Mary Margret 'Once Upon a Time"

Bernhard Schlink
“Tôi biết, chối bỏ là một hình thức rõ rệt của phản bội. Bên ngoài không thể phân biệt được ai đó chối bỏ hay chỉ kín đáo, tôn trọng người khác, tránh rắc rối và phiền phức. Nhưng người nào không chịu thú nhận, người đó biết rõ. Sự chối bỏ làm hại đến mối quan hệ không khác gì phản bội trắng trợn.”
Bernhard Schlink, The Reader

Iris Lake
“May I? My hands were asking. May I touch you? May I devote myself to you? May I take you in my arms and mold my body to yours? May I fall in love with you even if you never do?”
Iris Lake, Meet Me in the Ether

Vikrant Khanna
“I always thought love was a game. You got to win it.. But love is not a game. Love is sacrifice. Love is letting go. And above all, love is dreaming the impossible, like bringing back a dead man.”
Vikrant Khanna, Girl Who Knew Too Much

Jen DeLuca
“I missed Simon. But calling him would be useless. When it came down to Faire or me, I knew where his priorities lay. He was stuck in the past, and until he could move on, there was nothing there for me.”
Jen DeLuca, Well Met

Julio Bonilla
“Let's stay here forever.”
Julio Bonilla

“Love, the deepest red
with one fiery blow did behead
the slithering Satanic entities as it said
it would, even if instead, some particles remain
Lavinia Valeriana, Adrift in Acheron

“We accept the love we think we deserve.”
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Vi Lam
“Loại tình thứ ba có lẽ phức tạp nhất. Không đầu và không cuối. Trong hai người chưa có ai vượt qua được ranh giới của điểm bùng phát tình yêu, hoặc các yếu tố ngoại cảnh chưa đủ và đúng lúc cho điểm bùng phát ấy. Đó chỉ là tiếng thì thầm câm lặng của trái tim mà chưa một lần được thốt ra trên đôi môi của những kẻ trong cuộc. Không một lời yêu, không một lời hứa hẹn. Chỉ có những rung cảm lan truyền qua cái chạm tay rất vội, qua ánh mắt, tiếng cười và bầu không gian như sáng bừng lặng lẽ quanh những cuộc chuyện trò ngắn ngủi, nương nhờ một câu hát vu vơ mà đọng lại trong trái tim những nốt nhạc thầm. Để rồi đêm đêm những nốt nhạc ấy vẫn hoài chộn rộn trong lòng mỗi khi playlist chợt bật tới bài hát vu vơ kia. Nếu như sự rõ ràng đem lại cảm giác an toàn, thì sự mơ hồ đem lại cảm giác lãng mạn, nhưng là thứ lãng mạn phức tạp kiểu vừa trầm buồn du đãng vừa tươi sáng hy vọng như giọng ca của Stacey Kent khi cô hát.”
Vi Lam, Giữa trời và đất là tình yêu

Lang Leav
“He said loving me was like seeing the ocean for the first time. Watching the waves crash senselessly against the rocks, over and over. Grabbing fistfuls of sand as it trickled through his fingers, like my hair, brittle as ebony, strong and taut like the bumps of his knuckles. He said it was like swallowing his first mouthful of the sea — the sudden shock of betrayal.”
Lang Leav, The Universe of Us (Volume 4)

“I'm the dead writer,
With a dead heart,
But still, it somehow beats..!
Expecting your return,
For the dead to become alive,
And the black to become red,
Nayan Kasturi

Avijeet Das
“Whenever I look into her eyes, my typewriter starts typing poems for her!”
Avijeet Das

Namrata Gupta
“He would treat me like a child, which was not a bad thing exactly, but came with shades of grey since being a child also came with the inability to make one's own decisions, being dependent on someone else and being directed by an 'elder' about the right course of action.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Verliza Gajeles
“Sometimes I ask myself, "Was I too right for love, or was I too wrong for it?”
Verliza Gajeles

“Your memories are so profound that all oceans can drown.”
Bilal Baluch

“As he was moaning heavily in my ear, he looked at me and asked: "what are we doing?"
I didn't bother myself to understand his question, I countinued grapping him harder and deeper..
So he repeated it, "Tell me, what are we doing?"
I answered with a moquing yet assertive tone:
"HHm, we re FUCKING OFC"
He stopped, I swear I could hear his heart dropped to his balls
"Come again? Fucking you said?? "
"Yes arent we?"
"No, we are making love"
I laughed as hard as I can
"Making Love you said? Oh love, we would be making love if we were couple
we are just one night stand, it just happens that, that one night is on loop"
"When did you become so cruel?" as he was leaving my body..
"Cruel? oh I've learnt from the best don't you agree?,
"You are the one who said u're not ready for a relationship and you gave me all the bs about how you're not the one, and you're gonna deny me the opp to be with a better man bla bla bla
So please spare me the emotions and dnt give me those puppy eyes"
I said those words as if I was possesed with all the hate and anger I have for him for the past 6 years
I stopped for a moment and said
"I guess we r no longer fucking right?"
A tear came down to his cheek
and I could feel it burning the ashes in my heart
I dressed up and as I was leaving the motel, he grabbed me from behind
hands over my breast
breathing behind my neck
"Fucking you said..huh? I promise you that when I'm finished you won't be able to walk".. he groans into my ear
And i could feel him hard as stone again..
"I believe that is what they call an erection." teasing him I said
Miss botti

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“There is still a lot of love in this world
and that’s what matters.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya, Safa Tempo: Poems New & Selected

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