Manifestation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "manifestation" Showing 241-270 of 570
Mina Faraway
“You don’t need to know how you will succeed; you just take one step at a time to put yourself on the right path to success.”
Mina Faraway, The Key to the Secret: 15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

Mina Faraway
“Write out your ideal schedule as if you are doing what you love, so you visualize exactly how your day will go. Find times and ways to do whatever activities you can that actively pursue your purpose. Set calendar or phone alerts to help you stay on track. Looking back, it will surprise you at how quickly your ideal schedule became your reality.”
Mina Faraway, The Key to the Secret: 15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

Mina Faraway
“Visualize the next day before you go to sleep at night and when you wake up the next day. This solidifies the schedule you’ve created filled with activities that fulfill your passion and purpose.”
Mina Faraway, The Key to the Secret: 15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

Mina Faraway
“Practice letting go of the needing, wanting, or lacking feelings. Those feelings draw you back into the reality of not having what you want. Stay focused on having and the joy it brings you.”
Mina Faraway, The Key to the Secret: 15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

Mina Faraway
“As you pay your bills, pretend you’re donating the money to the charities and organizations that mean the most to you and make you happy. Include any tithing or businesses you want to support that help solve local or world problems. Revel in how happy and grateful it makes you feel to help make the world a better place.”
Mina Faraway, The Key to the Secret: 15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

“Our perception of the elasticity of time

Is our viewfinder to the human concept

as a triadic formation.”

Gift Gugu Mona
“Faith is a catalyst that helps us experience the manifestation of God’s power in our lives.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Essence of Faith: Daily Inspirational Quotes

Ujjwal Arora
“All My Dreams Will Come True.
At My Intuition Level They Are Already a Reality.”
Ujjwal Arora, Affirmations: a daily handbook

“You have manifested this prison around you because you are afraid of freedom. You are afraid of your own wild energy. No, you don't want freedom. You want concessions within the prison.”

“Love is an outward expression of our inward connection to all that is.”
Jodi Livon

“Every thought, every cell, every breath moving in and through me is filled with light.”
Jodi Livon

Glennon Doyle
“I took control back with words, sentences, chapters and scripts. I started with the story’s resolution in mind… and worked backwards from there. I do not know if I lived the next few years and then wrote about what happened, or wrote the next few years; and then made it all happen.”
Glennon Doyle, Untamed

Ashim Shanker
“The fact is that we lack the terms to define [the Null Rhythm], and there are too many hypothetical notions upon which our assumptions are stacked that it would be silly for us to explore it. All the same, there are layers of absence between waves of static, perforations in the surface of the latent aural wall that descend to pits of ecstatic dread, eschewing the crystallized intelligence and industry of all manifestation with its own form of anti-intelligent, retro-manifestation–not the undoing upon ‘the done’ so much as the unbeing upon the ‘will have been’ (which can be stretched to include both the ‘have been’ as well as the invariable ‘to be’). The Anti-Rhythm rises from the perforations, from those pits, only to remind itself of the sheer inadequacies and of the abomination of existence, which is not to say that it confronts or beckons to all or any who exist. Rather, like a listless predator who has lost the thrill of pursuit, it observes without interest, without appetite even, this objective reality that has prevailed only in meeting the standards of its bitter contempt, for all braided within its fabric languishes in mere folly, and all therefore remains too intertwined with the scraps and muck and detritus and moreover with the flaws in this tapestry of being to intuit its desultory artifice. There is no unbeing of the ‘will have been’ aligned with a destined course. The destined destination is simply a byproduct of aim-befuddled movement.

[Excerpt from "Why Yes Always But Also Why Always Yes Never" by Ashim Shanker]”
Ashim Shanker

“Be on a fire with a vision that it has no chance but to manifest.”
Hiral Nagda

Sajal Mishra
“Manifestation becomes child’s play for those
who don’t know how to give up on their dreams.”
Sajal Mishra, Key to Manifestation

Mina Faraway
“Deep down inside, you know what your passion is, your calling, your purpose in life. It’s whatever you’re excited about when you wake up every morning, no matter how silly or superficial it seems. It gives you energy. It fills you with joy. You lose track of time when you’re doing it. Dream big. You are important. Your dreams are important. Your life’s purpose is important.”
Mina Faraway, The Key to the Secret: 15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

Mina Faraway
“Pretend, through your thoughts and feelings, you are doing the activities you love. Revel in the excitement.”
Mina Faraway, The Key to the Secret: 15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

Mina Faraway
“Think about the things you do now that are not along the lines of your purpose in life, and come up with a substitute action or thought about your passion you can imagine doing instead that brings you joy and fulfills you.”
Mina Faraway, The Key to the Secret: 15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

Mina Faraway
“Keep to your schedule as closely as possible to stay focused on convincing yourself you have everything you desire now.”
Mina Faraway, The Key to the Secret: 15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

Mina Faraway
“When you pay your bills, visualize the money circulating to and from you. Know that the money you pay for the goods and services you need is also supporting the people, things, and businesses you use. Your job is to keep it circulating, so it goes out and comes back in larger amounts.”
Mina Faraway, The Key to the Secret: 15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

Erica Alex
“Haunted by a new, delicious life.”
Erica Alex, Cake in the Blackbird Stew

“Your beliefs frame your world.

Your wishes shape your life.

Your moves manifest your reality.”

Vi Vi Thai
“Understanding the stages of the alchemical process can help us navigate through life by looking at the circumstance we're in at a higher perspective with a different point of view so that we know where we are and where we're heading while not attaching ourselves to an outcome.”
Vi Vi Thai, Living Through Alchemy: A transformational journey to freedom