Manifestation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "manifestation" Showing 181-210 of 570
Keisha Blair
“Naysayers can't prevent your brilliance and purpose from entering the world. It will seep under doors like water flooding into a room. Its shafts will beam through windows like dazzling rays on a bright, summery morning. Within the sunlight are galaxies and constellations filled with opportunities for you to take. All you have to do is create the environment for its manifestation and keep striving, keep going.”
Keisha Blair, Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons to Help You Recover from Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose, and Achieve Financial Freedom

“Labor builds us in ways that games and gyms can't.
When you build a house, you have both a house and a builder.
When you plant a garden, you have fruits and vegetables,
and a gardener, too.
When you teach, if you remain open to your students
and discovery itself,
you have a lifetime of learning.
When you tend to someone,
you build your own empathy and compassion.”
Shellen Lubin

Émile Coué
“Mais surtout, et cette recommandation est essentielle, que la volonté n’intervienne pas dans la pratique de l’autosuggestion ; car, si elle n’est pas d’accord avec l’imagination, si l’on pense : « Je veux que telle ou telle chose se produise », et que l’imagination dise : « Tu le veux, mais cela ne sera pas », non seulement on n’obtient pas ce que l’on veut, mais encore on obtient exactement le contraire.


But above all, and this recommendation is essential, that The Will, not intervene in the practice of autosuggestion; For if The Will disagrees with The Imagination, if one thinks, "I want such and such a thing to happen," and the imagination says, "You do, but it won't happen”, not only do we not get what we want, but we also get exactly the opposite.”
Émile Coué

Qwana M. "BabyGirl" Reynolds-Frasier

Laurie E.    Smith
“When it comes to accessing intuitive information, it is not so much about certain things we need to do, but rather it is about making space--getting out of the way--so a higher power can connect with us.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“Making the decision to honor the wisdom of one's soul isn't always easy. It can bring into question our very sense of who we are. If we really listen to the truth bubbling up beneath the surface of our lives, things might change. We might have to face the fact that our inner wisdom and that which we have come to accept as true, safe and popular may be very different--a process that can be rather disconcerting, to say the least.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“Something happens when we listen to the soul. The soul gets ecstatic. It's almost as if, after being ignored for so long, our truest, divine self is delighted to finally be noticed and will do anything to keep the relationship humming along.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“Turning points are not something we can fake through action. They come after long--often dark--periods of work and preparation. But when they do, it's as if all the energies of the universe coalesce and we know, deep within our hearts, we are ready to do whatever it takes to follow the soul's call.”
Laurie E. Smith, Spirit In Disguise: A Guide to Miraculous Living, Book 2

John Cowper Powys
“Thought is a real thing. It is a live thing. It creates; it destroys; it begets; it projects its living offspring. Like certain forms of physical pain thoughts can take organic shapes. They can live and grow and generate, independently of the person in whose being they originated.”
John Cowper Powys, A Glastonbury Romance

Kalen Doleman
“Success is often simple, though because of lies and brainwashing, people are tricked into thinking it's convoluted and complex.”
Kalen Doleman, Super Sayings to Essential Power

Sonia Choquette
“We are here to learn to create by raising our vibration and becoming a clear channel of focus and intention.”
Sonia Choquette, Diary of a Psychic: Shattering the Myths

“Mindfulness is essential to frame control. It's crucial to just pay attention to your surroundings, thoughts, feelings, and responses to the situation or encounter in which you find yourself.”
Josh King Madrid

Your subtle body contains 72,000 nadis, some of which are linked to cosmic manifestations. The
“Your subtle body contains 72,000 nadis, some of which are linked to cosmic manifestations. The nadis create your own reality to manifest in the emptiness of the cosmos.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Vincent Fortier
“Nous avons chanté et dansé en pleine rue pendant deux heures. Comme si c’était notre discothèque à ciel ouvert, le balayage des gyrophares de la police éclairant notre piste de danse.”
Vincent Fortier, Les racines secondaires

José Silva
“If you spur your imagination with belief, desire and expectancy, and train it to visualize your goals so that you see, feel, hear, taste and touch them, you will get what you want.”
José Silva, The Silva Mind Control Method

Laurie E.    Smith
“I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. I now realize that was probably the first sign my soul wisdom--the voice of my inner, truest self--was trying to get my attention.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“For a long time, I felt like I was living a closeted life, hiding what seemed most real to me from the rest of the world...I feel incredibly grateful to all those who have entrusted me with their own deeply personal stories of creative awakening.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“Whenever we reach an unexpected barrier in the way of honoring our souls' truth through action, it is essential to dust ourselves off and keep flying toward our dreams.”
Laurie E. Smith, Spirit In Disguise: A Guide to Miraculous Living, Book 2

Yukteswar Giri
“Passing through this door [between the material world and the spritual world, by becoming victorious over the powers of Darkness and Ignorance, man] comes above the ideational creation of Darkness, Maya, and entering into the spiritual world, receives the true Light. Thus man overcomes all bondage of Darkness, Maya and becomes possessed by all aiswaryas, the ascetic majesties:

[1] Anima, the power of making one's body or anything else as small as he likes, even as tiny as an atom, anu.

[2] Mahima, the power of magnifying or making one's body or anything else mahat, as large as he likes.

[3] Laghima, the power of making one's body or anything else laghu, as light in weight as he likes.

[4] Garima, the power of making one's body or anything else guru, as heavy as he likes.

[5] Prapti, the power of apti, obtaining anything he likes.

[6] Vasitwa, the power of vasa, bringing anything under control.

[7] Prakamya, the power of satisfying all desires, kama, by irresistible will force.

[8] Isitwa, the power of becoming Isa, Lord, over everything.”
Yukteswar Giri, The Holy Science

Paramahansa Yogananda
“[According to Einstein] only a material body whose mass is infinite could equal the velocity of light. [...]

The masters who are able to materialise and dematerialise their bodies or any other object and to move with the velocity of light, and to utilise the creative light-rays in bringing into instant visibility any physical manifestation, have fulfilled the lawful condition: their mass is infinite.”
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

Paramahansa Yogananda
“The law of miracles is operable by any man who has realized that the essence of creation is light.

A master is able to employ his divine knowledge of light phenomena to project instantly into perceptible manifestation the ubiquitous light atoms.

The actual form of the projection (whatever it be: a tree, a medicine, a human body) is determined by the yogi's wish and by his power of will and of visualization.”
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

Paramahansa Yogananda
“A God-tuned master: Innocent of all personal motives, and employing the creative will bestowed on him by the Creator, a yogi rearranges the light atoms of the universe to satisfy any sincere prayer of a devotee.”
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

Donna Goddard
“To elevate our human experience, we translate the material into its spiritual essence. This way, we will find that supply and everything else we need is available in its most profound sense. We will also find that it will not tend to turn sour.
• Home is love, peace, and nurturing.

• Family is spiritual co-habitation, respect, and appreciation for another’s existence. 

• Work is purpose, service, creativity, and usefulness.

• Money is freedom and generosity.

• Success is goodwill, energy, intelligence, and initiative.
Donna Goddard, The Love of Being Loving

Paramahansa Yogananda
“When the self is in communion with higher power, Nature automatically obeys, without stress or strain, the will of man.”
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

Robin S. Baker
“Be fully receptive to what you're asking for. That is the only way it'll come towards you.”
Robin S. Baker

James Luceno
“Give order to the future by attending to it with your thoughts.
-Darth Plageuis”
James Luceno, Darth Plagueis

Kenneth S. Cohen
“To the Daoists, the Image (Xiang) is the inner form of things, the primal idea from which physical reality later manifests.”
Kenneth S. Cohen, The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing

“Life is but a mirror, reflecting back to us the very essence of our being.
To attain love, let us radiate love.
To find happiness, let us embody
Yahia El Haroui