Manifestation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "manifestation" Showing 211-240 of 570
Todd Perelmuter
“Permanence is an illusion. Attachment is a delusion. The only thing that is real and everlasting is nothing at all. The only permanence is impermanence.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Whether it’s ignoring our problems, ignoring negative emotions, ignoring physical or psychological pain, to ignore is the root of ignorance.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“We all know that feeling of wanting something so bad and then finally getting it. You feel this rush of dopamine, and then very soon after you crash and you need something else to give you that hit of dopamine. This is the vicious cycle that emerges from the empty promise of capitalism – that happiness comes from acquiring material possessions.

The Native Americans have one of the most beautiful concepts in the world. They have 10,000 different languages and all these tribes and none of them have a word for ownership or possession. They know that they are just temporary stewards of the earth; no one can truly own anything.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Pain may exist in the body, but all suffering exists in the mind. No matter what happens to you, no matter how terrible, there can be peace.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“All the knowledge and wisdom of the universe is in each and every one of us. You don't have to read any book or belong to any religion. This is universal and available to every way of living. Just close your eyes, quiet the mind and listen.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Death is the beginning of the last great adventure and exploration of humanity. Every person gets to go explore this thing that no living person knows about.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“Isn’t it funny we talk about mind control but we can’t even control our own mind?”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“When you can become aware of awareness, that's the higher consciousness and it's within you. So, instead of looking to the universe for a sign, look inward.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“The right teacher or guide will show themselves to you in your life at the right time when you need it so be aware of what happens and be open to experiences.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

Todd Perelmuter
“The answers lie in the questions.”
Todd Perelmuter

Amit Ray
“Every moment, your 114 chakras are creating tiny magnetic fields around you. Your job is to align your 114 chakras and get aligned with the universe to manifest your dreams.”
Amit Ray, The Science of 114 Chakras in Human Body

Debasish Mridha
“Nothing else but your dominant thoughts create you. If you don’t like who you are, then change your thoughts to be who you want to become.”
Debasish Mridha

Kristen Butler
“Abundance in life is a reflection of abundant thoughts through God’s divine manifestation. All you have to do is ask, trust and allow yourself to receive.”
Kristen Butler

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Through the enchantment comes the manifestation and every moment becomes an expression of life for the frosted spirit is wakened again....”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Tim Storrs
“Believing doesn't make something true, however belief and faith in your own ability and capability can manifest what you believe about yourself to come true. Positive or negative.”
Tim Storrs, words from a man that knows nothing: a collection of thoughts and poems

Mike Correll
“Dy5topia in the context of this book is a very real place, with very real 'inhabitants', but to understand Dy5topia you must first look closely at our world. Like the fisherman’s net that allows so much water to spill through, catching only the aquatic life, so too does Dy5topia collect only the fear of our world. Dy5topia is our dark reflection and a manifestation of our collective fears, and so its structure is created and maintained by our fear.”
Mike Correll, DY5TOPIA: A Field Guide to the Dark Universe of Chet Zar

Avijeet Das
“You attract good things into your life by believing that you can achieve them. Never get into a mindset that makes you think that you are not worthy of a goal. Visualize the goal in your mind. And believe that you are capable of achieving it.”
Avijeet Das

Renee' A. Lee
“No longer will they get a say in how my days go; they will all be great, for I shall make it so!!”
Renee' A. Lee

Paulo Coelho
“All things are one. “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Ranjani Rao
“Words have power. When we internalize things that people say about us, those words often become our beliefs.”
Ranjani Rao, Rewriting My Happily Ever After - A Memoir of Divorce and Discovery

Amit Ray
“While the dawn is still in the dark, God whispers new promises. Listen to those whispers and manifest your dreams.”
Amit Ray, Peace Bliss Beauty and Truth: Living with Positivity

“A manifestation of love, from deep admirations,
Enhancing some intimate connections.
Takes special ones.”
Ricardo Derose

Robin S. Baker
“Remove the words “impossible” and “I can’t” from your vocabulary. These words have became too significant in your thought process. Remember that what can be conceived in the mind, can also be brought into reality.”
Robin S. Baker

Robin S. Baker
“You're not meant to understand everything and
why it had to happen the way it did. The best thing that you can do is extract the lessons from it and move forward with this new wisdom. In turn, attracting experiences that are more aligned with what you desire and deserve.”
Robin S. Baker

Robin S. Baker
“You're not meant to understand everything and why it had to happen the way it did. The best thing that you can do is extract the lessons from it and move forward with this new wisdom. In turn, attracting experiences that are more aligned with what you desire and deserve.”
Robin S. Baker

Joe Dispenza
“You can’t get up from your mental creation of this experience as the same person you were when you sat down. You have to get up from your seat as if you just had [the experience you wish to manifest].”
Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One