Movie Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "movie-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 53
“Good morning starshine the earth says hello....”
Tim Burton, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Lauren Bacall
“If you want me, just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow."

(as Marie 'Slim' Browning in To Have and Have Not)”
Lauren Bacall, The Complete Films of Humphrey Bogart

“I am the sea and nobody owns me”
Pippi Longstocking

Alan M. Turing
“Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.”
Alan Turing

“Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn't mean they're lost forever.”
Charles Xavier (X-Men)

Greg Keyes
“you have to leave something behind to go forward
-Newton's Third Law of Motion”
Greg Keyes, Interstellar

“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else
~ P.T. Barnum”
Jenny Bicks

“Ugarte: You despise me, don't you?
Rick: If I gave you any thought I probably would.”
Julius J. Epstein

“I bet when Godzilla first came out, God was like: "Damn, that name is way cooler.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Inside The Mind of an Introvert

Ciara Smyth
“I'm just. A girl. Standing in front. Of another girl, asking her. To please accept. This grand. Gesture. As an apology for being an absolute gobshite.”
Ciara Smyth, The Falling in Love Montage

“Everyone is a murdered... All it takes is a good reason and a bad day.”
Steven Moffat: Stanley Tucci

Abhijit Naskar
“Whatever genre you deem suitable for your taste – romance, comedy, action, mystery, sci-fi or anything else, make sure it has the plain everyday human kindness.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Film Testament

Dragos Bratasanu
“If you lie to yourself, you become your worst enemy, attacking from inside. (from The Amazing You movie)”
Dragos Bratasanu, Ph.D.

“Life tells you how to live it, if you live long enough.”

“Good friends are worth defending.”
Mr. Tushman, “Wonder” (the Movie)

“Alex Rogan: Listen, Centauri. I'm not any of those guys, I'm a kid from a trailer park."

"Centauri: If that's what you think, then that's all you'll ever be!”
Centauri (The Last Starfighter)

“What a waste of a lovely night”
La La Land

Dragos Bratasanu
“You find your purpose by putting the mind in the service of the heart and not the other way around. (from The Amazing You movie)”
Dragos Bratasanu, Ph.D.

Dragos Bratasanu
“Your commitment shakes the very foundation of this universe. (from The Amazing You movie)”
Dragos Bratasanu, Ph.D.

Stewart Stafford
“The cellphone barometer is my method of judging audience engagement with a movie in a cinema. The number and frequency of phones lighting up the dark auditorium (or lack of them) tells you if the film is working or not.”
Stewart Stafford

“They have four categories: happy, satisfied, dissatisfied, disgusted. If they hit happy, they've screwed up; They never want you to be happy. On the other hand, they don't want you so disgusted you quit. The sweet spot is somewhere between dissatisfied and disgusted.”
Greg Lippmann

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“My only fear lies in Jesus coming back as a thief. I think the second episode will be fun.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Paul is the director and Jesus is the main actor. I love the movie myself.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“Self loathing is clarity and clarity is useful.”
Steven Moffat: Stanley Tucci

Robert B. Baer
“Number three is called 'pulling nails from fingers'. What do you think Bob? Number three sound good to you? The purpose is to get the monks or whatever to recant their beliefs. What if I had to get you to recant? That would be pretty difficult right? Because if you have no beliefs to recant then what? Then you're fucked is what.”
Robert B. Baer, Syriana

“Anyone can die, [the really special thing is to] have the courage to live.”
Jorge R. Gutierrez

“If you keep going over the past, you're going to end up with a thousand pasts and no future.”
Ricardo Morales, The Secret of Their Eyes

Oscar Wilde
“Mrs Windermere: Can you imagine what people would say?

Mrs Erlynne: if we're always guided by other people's thoughts what's the point of having our own?”
Oscar Wilde & Howard Himelstein

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