Thinking For Yourself Quotes

Quotes tagged as "thinking-for-yourself" Showing 1-30 of 35
Ellen Bass
“Thinking for yourself and making your own decisions can be frightening. Letting go of other people’s expectations can leave you feeling empty for a time. And yet seeing yourself as an independent adult who can stand up for your own choices frees you to accept yourself as you are.”
Ellen Bass, The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

Piet Hein

Some people cower
and wince and shrink,
owing to fear of
what people may think.
There is one answer
to worries like these:
people may think
what the devil they please.”
Piet Hein

Germany Kent
“7 keys to getting more things done:
1 start
2 dont make excuses
3 celebrate small steps
4 ignore critics
5 be consistent
6 be open
7 stay positive”
Germany Kent
tags: accept-the-challenge, be-consistent, be-here-now, be-open, be-your-best, being-successful, believe-in-you, believe-in-yourself, believe-in-yourself-quotes, best-your-best-self, celebrate-small-steps, celebration-quotes, consistency, day-by-day, do-great-things, dream-big, dream-big-in-life, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-qutoes, goals, greatness, greatness-in-life, greatness-in-you, greatness-is-upon-you, have-hope, hope-guru, ignore-critics, inspiration, inspirational, inspirational-attitude, inspirational-author, inspirational-life, inspirational-quote, inspiring, keys-to-staying-motivated, keys-to-success, leadership, leadership-quotes, motivational, motivational-author, motivational-inspiration-life, motivational-inspirational, motivational-speaker-quotes, motivational-speakers, one-day-at-at-time, personal-development, personal-development-goals, personal-development-insights, personal-development-quote, personal-growth, personal-growth-quotes, positive-attitude, positive-mindset, positivity, positivity-happiness, positivity-quotes, positivity-that-creates-change, self-help-author, self-help-authors, start, stay-focused, stay-humble, stay-motivated, stay-on-track, stay-positive, strategic-planning, strategies, success-in-business, success-in-everyday-life, success-in-life, success-self-improvement, success-strategies, successful-living, successful-mind, successful-mindset, successful-mindset-quotes, successful-people, successful-people-quotes, successful-performance, tactics, the-best-is-yet-to-come, the-hope-guru, think-like-a-leader, think-like-a-winner, think-like-happy-people-do, think-outside-the-box, thinking-for-yourself, thinking-like-a-success, thinking-with-a-great-mind, women-s-inspirational, work-hard, work-harder-for-your-dreams

Bohdi Sanders
“Think for yourself at all times.”
Bohdi Sanders, Modern Bushido: Living a Life of Excellence

Witold Gombrowicz
“Listen, nitwit, what good will it do you to know whether I am "sincere" or "insincere"? What does this have to do with whether or not my thoughts are right? I can utter a soaring truth "insincerely" and say the stupidest thing "sincerely". Learn to judge the thought independently of who says it or how.”
Witold Gombrowicz, Diary

John   Kramer
“Every manmade disaster begins when one man thinks for another. However benevolent they begin, the ultimate outcome is tyranny.”
John Kramer, Blythe

Dan       Brown
“I am not questioning God's power! It is God who gave us reason and circumspection! It is God we serve by exercising prudence!”
Dan Brown, Angels & Demons

Emma Törzs
“She just wanted to take one step that belonged to her, make one move that she had independently decided to make, but at every turn it felt as if her strings were being pulled by unseen hands.”
Emma Törzs, Ink Blood Sister Scribe

“Common sense defends from mistakes and failures in your practical judgement. Questions delegate the mind to think, so your mind will follow questions or common sense. Questions initiate, common sense guards. Two flags to follow.”
Thomas Vato, Questology

Tara Westover
“I had been taught to read the words of men like Madison as a cast into which I ought to pour the plaster of my own mind, to be reshaped according to the contours of their faultless model. I read them to learn what to think, not how to think for myself. Books that were not of God were banished; they were a danger, powerful and irresistible in their cunning.

To write my essay I had to read books differently, without giving myself over to either fear or adoration.”
Tara Westover, Educated

Vincent H. O'Neil
“Bad instructors teach you what to think, worse ones teach you how to think, but the good ones teach you how important it is to learn to think for yourself.”
Vincent H. O'Neil, A Pause in the Perpetual Rotation

“If anyone is trying to make you jealous of their own heaven, they are clearly not happy enough there.”
George Hammond

Rene Denfeld
“This got me thinking - if there are things inside us too tiny to see, might there be things outside us too big to believe?”
Rene Denfeld, The Enchanted

“Each person is chargeable with the essential task to make his or her thought processes as refined as possible. Every person must declare what important distinctions will allow him or her to live a vivid and reflection filled life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“We all have our own way in a different thinking.”
jan jansen easy branches

Madeleine Brent
“When are you going to stop thinking about things that don't matter and start thinking about what lies ahead for you?”
Madeleine Brent, Stranger at Wildings

Daniel Kemp
“Thought moves with the different whereas silence lives inside those with the loudest voice”
Daniel Kemp

“Thinking for yourself is still a radical act.”
Nancy Kline, Time to Think: Listening to Ignite the Human Mind

Anne Nesbet
“Truth and fiction are tangled together in everything human beings do and in every story they tell. Whenever a book claims to be telling the truth, it is wise (as Noah’s mother says at one point) to keep asking questions.”
Anne Nesbet, Cloud and Wallfish

Susan Meissner
“The key is to never let someone else tell you what to think.”
Susan Meissner, The Shape of Mercy

“You can send a man to hell, but you can’t make him suffer.”
George Hammond

Garry Fitchett
“Just because my thoughts sometimes mirror someone else's doesn't mean they're doing my thinking for me.”
Garry Fitchett

Emma Hamberg
“Aa, så är det alltså. Söder är på den här sidan så era snoppar pekar alltså...Vidare, söder ut!”
Emma Hamberg, Au revoir Agneta

Marc Levy
“- Lider du av sömnlöshet eller jet-lag?
- Ingetdera, jag låg och tänkte.”
Marc Levy, Une fille comme elle

Oscar Wilde
“Mrs Windermere: Can you imagine what people would say?

Mrs Erlynne: if we're always guided by other people's thoughts what's the point of having our own?”
Oscar Wilde & Howard Himelstein

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