Note To Self Quotes

Quotes tagged as "note-to-self" Showing 1-30 of 72
Note to self ;
He doesn't care anymore.”
Lyla Tyela Belikov

Eric Overby
“We live in a world of ghosts. We are all half present for most of our day. I constantly catch myself walking while looking at an iPhone. When I drive to work in the morning, I find myself lost in thought or needing the noise of the radio or an audiobook. We sit in a room of people that we love, while we all live in a half-present, hypnotized state of social media consciousness.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“If all of your ideas are correct, will there be room to add new information? Can you pour any more liquid into a full cup?”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“It seems that we are distracted because we are always in search of something better. We always want to see a different place or a different person’s life, as ours passes us by. We don’t pay attention to our own lives, therefore we want someone else’s. In a way, this is the definition of our social media feed. I want your life; please ‘like’ mine and tell me that it’s good enough. The thing is, most of us live the life that we are searching for. We just aren’t aware enough to see it. We are half present, therefore half appreciative, and our relationships suffer because of it.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“It seems that we are distracted because we are always in search of something better. We always want to see a different place or a different person’s life, as ours passes us by…We are half present, therefore half appreciative, and our relationships suffer because of it.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“There’s something special about visiting a graveyard. Both life and death meet together in time.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“What kind of person do you want to be when you are old? No one will answer that they want to be half aware, lost in thought, and missing life, but the things you practice doing with your attention now, will be what you are then.”
Eric overby

Eric Overby
“I’m growing to believe that I shouldn’t have an opinion on some things or at least shouldn’t have an opinion that people listen to. When asked about some of the current hot issues of the day, I have grown OK with saying, “It’s complicated, I haven’t really looked into it enough.” I don’t have to, and will never, know about everything. In order to really understand most things, it takes a lot of research.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“Our lives are constantly in a state of change and evolution. The things that cause you to identify as “you” are temporary, moving foundations. “You” were once just a mere collection of microscopic cells. Then you were a baby, and then a teenager, and so on. I am not the person that I was at 5, 16, or 24 years old (I am so thankful for this). Your attitudes will change; your beliefs will change; your clothes will change; your hair will change; your jobs will change. Everything will change!”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“There was a time when I was not here, knowing the things that I know, and there will be a time beyond the knowing of me. You will be an echo and resound into the future of your kids and coworkers. Your echo is your legacy. The question then becomes, “What kind of legacy are you passing on?”
Eric overby

Eric Overby
“Experience can birth skill if you are aware of how your mind reacts to situations. Practice watching your mind when everything is fine, and it can help you to keep calm when problems arise.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“Experience can birth skill if you are aware of how your mind reacts to situations.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“See if you can look at life as a game. Each time that you encounter a place in the game that you have previously panicked and reacted poorly, try to do better the next time that you encounter it. Play the game of life: Level up.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“No matter where you live, we are all in the membership of this small group of people that we call a county. The difference is not a matter of who’s in and who’s out; it’s a matter of whether you know that you are a continuation of something bigger than yourself. We are all a part of the life and history of the place.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“We are half present, therefore half appreciative, and our relationships suffer because of it.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“Ideas and people come from those who came before them. By a simple cause and effect, things get passed down like water in the river of time.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“Religious and social tradition has been replaced with current fad and the opinion that the past isn’t needed. We have become a people from nowhere in particular and disconnected from each other. In gathering the past, we remember ourselves and can forgive the members of our history for their shortfalls.”
Eric overby

Eric Overby
“There’s something special about visiting a graveyard. Both life and death meet together in time. We see the members of a community and a lineage that, while not always perfect, are a part of us all. In remembering, we re-member ourselves together as members of each other, as the inheritance of people that we did not know, connected together, even beyond time.”
Eric overby

Eric Overby
“It’s never the beginning and never the end of any situation. You are always riding the wave of previous situations. This should help you relax a little; you are always in the middle of your story.”
Eric overby

Eric Overby
“It’s never the beginning and never the end of any situation.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“Your mood interacts with the people around you, and you can spread it like a virus.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“Even though we all have a set amount to spend in the slot machine of life, time is not your most valuable asset. Your attention is the most important aspect of being alive.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“Your awareness of this second — this moment — will be your only true reality.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“If you knew that you would die in 14 days, what would you do? What about a year? What about 25 years? My guess is, in each circumstance, that everyone would miss as much of their life as they do now. If you are in a habit of mindlessly putting your pennies into the slot machine, you will do it until your pockets are empty. This is why paying attention is so important.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“Much of my day can consist of me being lost in thoughts. An equal amount of the day can be lost in scrolling a Facebook feed, mindless and solitary in a room full of people. Now add in the amount of time that I sleep. This is the recipe for a lot of time with little attention.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“It is possible to live a life that looks like a work of art, where all your thoughts and actions flow from some settled place of experience and knowledge.”
Eric Overby

Eric Overby
“We never fully die even in what we think of as actual death. We change again and become echoes in others, and they carry us forward.”
Eric Overby

Allan Rufus
“NOTE TO SELF: The purpose of life is to constantly upgrade, uplift, and empower your thinking, speaking, feelings, and actions in all you do. You are a co-creator, so co-creator beauty for yourself and others.”
Allan Rufus - Daily Life Adjustments

Allan Rufus
Inner Peace
Is More
Important Than
Outer Frustrations”
Allan Rufus - Daily Life Adjustments

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