Philosophy Of Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "philosophy-of-love" Showing 1-23 of 23
“This fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. But just right for human souls.”
Aberjhani, Elemental: The Power of Illuminated Love

Salman Rushdie
“This is how we are: we fall in love with each other’s strengths, but love deepens towards permanence when we fall in love with each other’s weaknesses.”
Salman Rushdie, The Golden House

Suman Pokhrel
“Love is the cruelest event.”
Suman Pokhrel

Italo Calvino
“Why d’you make me suffer?"
“Because I love you.”
Now it was his turn to get angry. “No, no, you don’t love me! People in love want happiness, not pain!”
“People in love want only love, even at the cost of pain.”
“Then you’re making people suffer on purpose.”
“Yes, to see if you love me.”
The Baron’s philosophy would not go any further. “Pain is a negative state of the soul.”
“Love is all.”
“Pain should always be fought against.”
“Love refuses nothing.”
“Some things I’ll never admit.”
“Oh yes, you do, now, for you love me and you suffer.”
Italo Calvino, The Baron in the Trees

Tatjana   Ostojic
“Only the desireless can
see the world objectively,
detached from emotion,
outcome and need.
But what is the meaning of the truth
if there is no love in between?”
Tatjana Ostojic, Cacophony of My Soul: When Love Becomes Poetry

Tatjana   Ostojic
“Not every marital union is going to be a meaningful and fulfilling experience.
Most of marriages today are nothing more than poorly or well managed coexistence.”
Tatjana Ostojic

“Don't cry after my death, I won't know it.

Love me when I am alive.”
Luffina Lourduraj

Aura Biru
“Love, at its core, is love—unadorned, undeniable, unending.”
Aura Biru

Aura Biru
“Love weighs nothing, but it’s such a heavy thing to carry alone.”
Aura Biru

Abhijit Naskar
“The lessons of relationship that our primordial ancestors learned are deeply encoded in the genetics of our neurobiological circuits of love. They are present from the moment we are born and activated at puberty by the cocktail of neurochemicals. It’s an elegant synchronized system. At first our brain weighs a potential partner, and if the person fits our ancestral wish list, we get a spike in the release of sex chemicals that makes us dizzy with a rush of unavoidable infatuation. It’s the first step down the primeval path of pair-bonding.”
Abhijit Naskar, What is Mind?

Germany Kent
“The key to love is to love back. Enthusiastically embrace people who love you. Reciprocate the same level of energy, affection, respect, and attention.”
Germany Kent

“Love is so critical issue. At any time, at any moment, for anyone, love can be created very soon.”
Sajal Ahmed

Abhijit Naskar
“Calling love a philosophy is like calling the air we breathe a philosophy or the water we drink a philosophy or the ground we stand on a philosophy. Love is the very foundation of human existence.”
Abhijit Naskar, Revolution Indomable

“To lover out there…

Most people are in an abuse, bad and toxic relationship, because they have a goal of breaking a record for being in a relationship the longest years. They want to brag about being in a relationship for 10 years or more, but they are they happy for those 10 years. They forget that years means nothing if the relationship is bad.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Hermann Hesse
“...And yet, my dear, you've remained a Samana, and yet you do not love me, you love nobody. Isn't it so?"
"It might very well be so," Siddhartha said tiredly. "I am like you. You also do not love - how else could you practise love as a craft? Perhaps, people of our kind can't love. The childlike people can; that's their secret.”
Hermann Hesse, SIDDHARTHA

Adeshina I.M. Lawal
“How frustrated we get with the ones we love. We shove our hopes and thoughts down their throats hoping they swallow our passion. The unnecessary traction creates friction and fire, the perfect contradiction to the passion we desire.
A.I.M. Lawal”
Adeshina I.M. Lawal, Millennial Philosophy: Thoughts Expanded

“The letters which expressed your feelings are now just filled with words; whenever i read them again i believe once again that you still love me.”
Wrushank Sorte

Judd Trichter
“Can they love? Or is it a bit of code meant to get a reaction from humans? Can anyone tell real love, in a bot or in a human?”
Judd Trichter, Love in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

Marsilio Ficino
“Всеки, който обича, умира. Защото неговата мисъл, забравяйки себе си, винаги се обръща към любимия. Ако не мисли за себе си, той очевидно не мисли в себе си. Затова и дейността на душата не се осъществява в самата нея, доколкото главното нейно действие е мисленето. А който не действа в себе си, и не съществува в себе си. Защото битието е действието са равнозначни. Нито има битие без действие, нито действието надхвърля самото битие. Никой не действа там, където не е, и винаги действа там, където е. Следователно душата на влюбения не е в него, защото не действа в самия него. Щом не е в него, тя и не живее в него самия. Който не живее, е мъртъв. Значи всеки, който обича, е мъртъв в себе си. Живее ли той поне в другия? Разбира се.”
Marsilio Ficino, Commentary on Plato's Symposium on Love

“We love in order to grieve then love !!”
Hesham Nebr

Adeshina I.M. Lawal
“Common sense can dictate a perfectly reasonable response to a situation while the love and passion duo will more often than not out muscle the most macho of men. Love and passion can destabilize an entire economy lest we forget the lesson learned from Helen of Troy.
A.I.M. Lawal”
Adeshina I.M. Lawal, Millennial Philosophy: Thoughts Expanded

Milan Kundera
“We all reject out of hand the idea that the love of our life may be something light or weightless; we presume our love is what must be, that without it our life would no longer be the same”
Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being