Positive Attitude Quotes

Quotes tagged as "positive-attitude" Showing 181-210 of 921
Pooja Agnihotri
“Affirmations do not create magic, but they are good to remind yourself that you’re doing great, and it can create a positive mindset.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Caroline   George
“So many people waste time waiting for good things to happen to them. But sometimes we need to make good things happen. And when we finally start doing that, we often see there were good things in our lives all along.”
Caroline George, Dearest Josephine

Kristin Harmel
“I know it’s sometimes hard to believe the best. Isn’t it better than believing the worst, though?”
Kristin Harmel, The Book of Lost Names

Julia  Ash
"Be the miracle, instead of expecting one.”
Julia Ash, The Tether

Lorin Morgan-Richards
“Plant positivity. Uproot negativity.”
Lorin Morgan-Richards

“When you want to be somebody else, remember you are always a step behind that person.
Instead try being yourself, you might be a step ahead.”
Mahendar Singh Jakhar

Gino DiCaprio
“If life does not go in the path, you desire then you must look deep into yourself to see if that is the truth. If it is, then the first step is to change your life by changing the people you associate with, and that includes even blood relatives.”
Gino DiCaprio, Time is an Illusion: Book II - Edited Edition

“Infuse your mind with positivity and great thought and always act like what you wished yourself to be in the future. If you wished to be rich, behave like a rich person, If you wish to be an influential person, behave like one. Never think less of yourself.”
Deborah Nwakwesili.

Charles Dickens
“Heavens knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Caroline Carr
“Sometimes the menopause is a nuisance, but on the whole I quite like it. I feel like I'm being 'rounded off.' I just like the feeling of completing a whole area of my life. And then - well, who knows what I might do next? - Benni, 50”
Caroline Carr, Menopause: The Guide for Real Women

Caroline Carr
“Decide to smile and keep upbeat. A scowling, bad-tempered face is far less attractive than a smiling, accepting one.”
Caroline Carr, Menopause: The Guide for Real Women

“It's okay to tell me; well there is no harm in trying than boldly telling me I can't do it simply because you tried and failed.
Keep your negative thought with you while I do my thing.”
Deborah Nwakwesili.

Elizabeth  Ferris
“Positively Georgia's Guide to Surviving Grief aims to help teens and adults deal positively with the loss of a loved one. Georgia is an illustrated Airedale Terrier who is full of energy and inspiring ideas. Always experiencing the world with love and appreciation, Georgia steps readers through a number of ideas and strategies to heal from loss and move on to recover a happy, rewarding life”
Elizabeth Ferris

“A positive attitude is not just forcing a smile through gritted teeth in the hopes of feeling better. It is something a lot more profound than that. When we adopt a positive attitude, we are using the power of our mind to remove thoughts and ideas that are no longer helping us to develop.”
Itayi Garande, Broken Families: How to get rid of toxic people and live a purposeful life

Zybejta (Beta) Metani' Marashi
“What you say and do it reflect on you”
"Beta" Metani' Marashi

Ruth Soltman
“Make a positive ripple in the ocean of humanity.”
Ruth Soltman, Metamorphosis A Journey of the Soul

“Hope is the only Hopeful thing, We can HOPE for!”
Gunjan Bugde

Caroline Carr
“The very best way that you can help yourself is to develop and sustain a positive attitude. The way you think and feel about everything will make all the difference to your experience.”
Caroline Carr, Menopause: The Guide for Real Women

Janna Cachola
“Our hearts have energies and our actions carry out that aura. What energy and aura do you want to send to others?”
Janna Cachola

“A positive attitude enables you to make a difference in the world around you because when you can see things in a positive light, you help to influence and shape other people's attitude as well. No one wants to be around a pessimist for very long. Our words create worlds and in business this is extremely important to remember. If we do not see the things that we can do than to be sure we will not engage in the things we must do.”
Chris J. Gregas

Gino DiCaprio
“The way the Universe is designed, it is all just waiting for that insignificant little spark from your hearts to set all the beauty and Truth in motion. It is so unimaginably perfect”.”
Gino DiCaprio, The Universal Law of Creation, Chronicles: Book I Secrets and Laws of the Universe - Special Updated Edition

“Sure, ‘Stay positive’ is a cliché; it’s the oldest advice in the book. But it’s the oldest advice for a reason – because it works.”
Saskia Lightstar, The Cancer Misfit: A Guide to Navigating Life After Treatment

“Pentru unii ești doar o adunătură de bolovani, însă pentru alții ești o stâncă semeață. Lasă-te inspirat doar de gânduri pozitive și vei ajunge în vârf, acolo unde îți dorești...”
Liviu C Tudose

Olawale Daniel
“Leadership is highly required to effect positive change in this generation...and it all MUST start from the MIND.”
Olawale Daniel

Torron-Lee Dewar
“It's no use being a devil if you want to beam light into the world. Radiate good energy and good energy will find its way back to you.”
Torron-Lee Dewar

Germany Kent
“Your mind will naturally gravitate towards the negative. Start becoming deliberate and intentional about living a positive, purpose filled life so that you can have the joy and fulfillment that you dream of.  ”
Germany Kent

Samantha St. Claire
“Beware the dangers of making decisions after the sun sets. Best to tuck your worries under your pillow and sleep on them till morning. Sometimes in the night the worries will be ironed out by your sleeping head.”
Samantha St. Claire, Comes the Winter