Positive Attitude Quotes

Quotes tagged as "positive-attitude" Showing 151-180 of 921
Ranatta Philip
“The foundation of your self-esteem should come from within. That's where real confidence starts. So if you're not already in the habit of telling yourself why you're awesome, start doing that NOW.”
Ranatta Philip

Christy Ann Martine
“Begin each day with appreciation because this life you're living is your own creation.”
Christy Ann Martine

Germany Kent
“We cannot control others. What we have the power to control are our actions. We must be concerned about the impact that we can have on the situation and whether or not our actions can make any difference.”
Germany Kent

“We choose and wear our clothes every morning. Attitude is the same. Positivity is an attitude – we can choose to wear it every morning”
Marako Marcus, From Team Mediocrity To Team Greatness: A handbook of practical tips to working with Teams

“Imagine a working culture where everyone is not looking at faults, but looking at positives. Encouragements are so lacking in today’s busy world. Start trying it first, and one day, someone will do the same for you!”
Marako Marcus, 30-Day Creativity Hacks to Abolish the YES BUTs in Life!: A handbook of practical tips for unlocking Creativity

Avijeet Das
“Life is about taking risks. Forge your strengths and move ahead.”
Avijeet Das

“Leave yesterday’s emotional baggage behind and live your best life today.
Tomorrow is never ours!”
George Pornaris

Germany Kent
“Striving for perfection is not a realistic outcome. Striving for excellence will allow you to achieve a series of victories, but a level up attitude is required. ”
Germany Kent

Andrew Pacholyk
“Today I will…close my eyes and relegate the day's indifference, contemplate the day's lessons, and emulate those who offered up a positive approach to the day they were given.”
Andrew Pacholyk, Lead Us To A Place: Your Spiritual Journey Through Life's Seasons

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Germany Kent
“Be so positive that negative people can't stand being around you.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Have an attitude of expectancy that something wonderful will happen today.”
Germany Kent

“Patience is not enough to handle the situation- Tolerance essential too.”

Michelle Endersby
“The more you look for beauty in the world, the more you will find.”
Michelle Endersby, Rose Garden Reverie

James Hauenstein
“Make sure you surround yourself with only positive people”
James Hauenstein

Germany Kent
“Think positive, speak positive, be positive, and stay positive. You have to make that decision every day.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.”
Germany Kent

“Hope is a dream in the process that needs your extra care and attention. You'll never taste the sweetness of success until you realized you've done good enough. Go surf and dream. Make believe!”
Syed Qassim Acabo

Germany Kent
“Of all the choices you make each day none is more important than the choice of a positive attitude.”
Germany Kent

“Don't believe in destiny. Believe in yourself.”
Garima Soni - words world

“In life there are strange moments; when we feel that something ails us, but we don't know what it is. In these moments, stay strong, vibrating positively.”
Ronald Sanson Stresser Junior

“With focus and discipline you can achieve anything.”
Garima Soni - words world

Germany Kent
“Live each day believing that the best is yet to come.”
Germany Kent

“Glow on the face is a reflection of a mind that is filled with good thoughts...”
Ramesh Sood, Untitled: Life's Random Lessons

Germany Kent
“Today I have decided to look past the drama, accept what I can't change, have a positive attitude, and be the very best me, because that is what I can control this day.”
Germany Kent