Pregnant Woman Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pregnant-woman" Showing 1-23 of 23
Dave Barry
“You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.”
Dave Barry, Dave Barry Turns 50

Roman Payne
“Her body accepted my brutal seed and took it to swell within, just as the patient earth accepts a falling fruit into its tender soil to cradle and nourish it to grow. Came a time, just springtime last, our infant child pushed through the fragile barrier of her womb. Her legs branched out, just as the wood branches out from these eternal trees around us; but she was not hardy as they. My wife groaned with blood and ceased to breathe. Aye!, a scornful eve that bred the kind of pain only a god can withstand.”
Roman Payne

Michael Cunningham
“I’m not this unusual,” she said. “It’s just my hair.”

She looked at Bobby and she looked at me, with an expression at once disdainful and imploring. She was forty, pregnant, and in love with two men at once. I think what she could not abide was the zaniness of her life. Like many of us, she had grown up expecting romance to bestow dignity and direction.

“Be brave,” I told her. Bobby and I stood before her, confused and homeless and lacking a plan, beset by an aching but chaotic love that refused to focus in the conventional way. Traffic roared behind us. A truck honked its hydraulic horn, a monstrous, oceanic sound. Clare shook her head, not in denial but in exasperation. Because she could think of nothing else to do, she began walking again, more slowly, toward the row of trees.”
Michael Cunningham, A Home at the End of the World

William Faulkner
“The woman went on. She had not looked back. She went out of sight up the road: swollen, slow, deliberate, unhurried, and tireless as augmenting afternoon itself. She walked out of their talking too; perhaps out of their minds too.”
William Faulkner, Light in August

Maha Al Musa
“It seems that in our twenty-first century modern world, many women have become estranged from their primal brain and the knowledge that lies within it. Women too often hand their power over to the medical world long before they enter labour and have the idea someone else will do it for them.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

Maha Al Musa
“Birth is, without a doubt, one of the greatest self -expressive and creative processes we can embark upon in womanhood. I believe that a part of a woman's birthing heart centre resides within the pelvis and hip area.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

Maha Al Musa
“The main goal of Bellydance for birth within the framework of actual labour is to fully allow the labouring woman to help nature by moving with and not against the contractions she welcomes. Instead of tensing her muscles and mind with fear and apprehension toward pain, she accepts and surrenders actively, consciously and as best she can to each contractile wave she experiences.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

“There is always a storm before a calm.
There is always a darkness before daylight.
There is always turbulence before quietness.
There is always sacrifices before a great victory.
There is always awaiting before a breakthrough.
There is always prayer before an answer.
There is always pain before joy.
There is always failure before success.
There is always pregnancy before the birth of new born baby.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Could anyone fully understand the wonders of how a baby develops in the womb of a woman? This is the mystery about birth. Birth is by divine power of God.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

Alice Clayton
“Her skin glowed, her hair was luxurious, her eyes sparkled, and her tits were even more fantastic.”
Alice Clayton, Last Call

“Some say that pregnancy make a woman an instant mother. To that I say, I became an instant woman the day I became a mother.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

Nitya Prakash
“Having a dream is like a pregnant woman waiting to have her baby delivered; everyone can see clearly that's got a baby inside of her womb;sometimes her close relations might wish to help out in carrying the pregnancy but no avail;even her husband feels to help her deliver the baby when he see's her honnie in pain the day of delivery. But after delivery everyone carries the baby for her Yeah;that's what it is peeps; someone out there is wailing to help carry out that your precious dream;but you need to deliver to them so they can see and help support. And I tell you;the world will carry what you deliver to them; cuz its called talent and its a gift from God.”
Nitya Prakash

Maha Al Musa
“The smooth undulating movements of Bellydance for birth aid a woman's ability to deal with her labour in an opening rather than restrictive fashion. The soothing rocking motions of the circular, figure 8 and spiral movements set the scene for a birthing woman to flow with the natural rhythms of her labouring body - to become connected not only to nature and the universe but deeply bonded to her baby within.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

Maha Al Musa
“Birth is experiential. You have to experience it to fully know it. An exercise such as Bellydance for birth embraced during pregnancy can act as a purposeful tool to help a woman before she steps in through the gateway of birth. One of the key elements of the birth dance is that it can help bridge the gap between the primal brain (which knows how to give birth) and the modern woman (who may need to be reminded of her instinctual capacity), assisting her to claim back her most basic and inherent right as the Deliverer of Life.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

Maha Al Musa
“The birthing journey requires us as women to get back to a sense of life basics where our connection to intuition and instinct are normal, rather than a forgotten means of expression, when implemented in pregnancy and labour, the birth dance enables a woman to connect to her feminine source without fear or shame.”
Maha Al Musa, Dance of the Womb - The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth

Jasinda Wilder
“Can I go back and be pregnant again just so I can have the information in this book to guide me? Maybe I can convince my husband to have #7… PREGNANCY, OMG! is equal parts informative, beautiful, and everything every mother must know.” — ”
Jasinda Wilder

“As a practicing OB-GYN for the past twenty-five years, I’ve heard the concerns of thousands of pregnant women, not to mention having dealt with the personal challenges of my own three pregnancies. Still, I must admit: even I learned a few things reading PREGNANCY, OMG!!” ”
Sherry A. Ross, MD, author of she-ology

“Covid-19 Viral Infection in Pregnancy

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