Spiritual Insights Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spiritual-insights" Showing 1-30 of 330
Germany Kent
“Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”
Germany Kent

“Don't wait for the right conditions. All you need for your growth is available to you in this moment”
Shri Radhe Maa

“We all have the same root, and are connected...
To tap into this connectedness we must go within.”
Summerlyn Guthrie

“Plough your fields, cast your seeds, the rains will come when they please.”
Shri Radhe Maa

“It's tough to get out of one's inherited imbecilic culture, and a thus inherited or endowed lunatic belief system. A freethinker must overcome every deadened system. Especially one's own.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

Donna Goddard
“Faith changes us - faith in something intrinsically good, something other than ourselves, something bigger than ourselves.”
Donna Goddard

Donna Goddard
“It could be said that we become so much a stranger that we disappear and find ourselves reborn in the midst of humanity which is quite a paradox.”
Donna Goddard, Love s Longing

Tracy Pinkerton
“If you are listening to the roar, you're going to miss the whisper.”
Tracy Pinkerton, MouthPeace: My Spiritual Journey Through The Mouth Trap

Natasha Rendell
“Understand that the Cosmos
is not an alien wave of planets
that have no personal connection with you
Look at the stars
Feel them vibrating through your whole body
They are your friends
and are part of your Greater Self

The sky you are looking at is very alive
The stars are not just shining at you
They are beckoning unto you
to be one with them
They are beaming their message
for humanity to join
the Universal balance”
Natasha Rendell, Nathon's Keys to Freedom

“I stand on a vast grass field of many gently sloping hills. It is night, yet the sky is bright. There is no sun, but a hundred blazing blue stars, each shining in a long river of nebulous cloud. The air is warm, pleasant, fragrant with the perfume of a thousand invisible flowers. In the distance a stream of people walk toward a large vessel of some type, nestled between the hills. The ship is violet, glowing; the bright rays that stab forth from it seem to reach to the stars. Somehow I know that it is about to leave and that I am supposed to be on it. Yet, before I depart, there is something I have to discuss with Lord Krishna.
He stands beside me on the wide plain, his gold flute in his right hand, a red lotus slower in his left. His dress is simple, as is mine - long blue gowns that reach to the ground. Only he wears a single jewel around his neck - the brilliant Kaustubha gem, in which the destiny of every soul can be seen. He does not look at me but toward the vast ship, and the stars beyond. He seems to be waiting for me to speak, but for some reason I cannot remember what he said last. I only know that I am a special case. Because I do not know what to ask, I say what is most on my mind.
"When will I see you again, my Lord?"
He gestures to the vast plain, the thousands of people leaving. "The earth is a place of time and dimension. Moments here can seem like an eternity there. It all depends on your heart. When you remember me, I am there in the blink of an eye."
"Even on earth?"
He nods. "Especially there. It is a unique place. Even the gods pray to take birth there."
"Why that, my Lord?"
He smiles faintly. His smile is bewitching. It has been said, I know, that the smile of the Lord has bewildered the minds of the angels. It has bewildered mine.
"One quest always leads to another question. Some things are better to wonder about." He turns toward me finally, his long black hair blowing in the soft night breeze. The stars reflect in his black pupils; the whole universe is there. The love that flows from him is the sweetest ambrosia in all the heavens. Yet it breaks my heart to feel because I know it will soon be gone. "It is all maya," he says. "Illusion."
"Will I get lost in this illusion, my Lord?"
"Of course. It is to be expected. You will be lost for a long time.”
Christopher Pike, Thirst No. 1: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, and Red Dice

Abhijit Naskar
“The term spirit might have evolved in a mystical fashion, but in today’s civilized and thinking society, it refers to simply your inner self. Spirit is the self, and the self is the soul. Hence, a spiritual person is a person who is more interested in realizing his or her inner self, than giving in to any conformity of the society.”
Abhijit Naskar, Illusion of Religion: A Treatise on Religious Fundamentalism

“The metaphysical truth and the end reality is simply this - you are All. Infinite Oneness. Consciousness is but only a part of it. So, you're consciousness, and yet more. You're the Whole. Thus is 'That'. Get it.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“If you do not have the balls to seek nothing else but the #Truth, you w'll find everything, even messiahs and religion - but never God.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“How did I get IT? Well, I had the balls enough to cry, howl and beg for 'It'. This is the only Way. Get it!”
Fakeer Ishavardas

Natasha Rendell
“The God Source of life
is a huge energy that has no personality
as you would know it in human terms

It expresses personality through all things
Your own existence is expressing
the personality of God
As are the rolling waves, the stars, and the trees

It is a mighty force in the Universe
which is bringing creation to wholeness
A perfection to life”
Natasha Rendell, Nathon's Keys to Freedom

“I stand on a vast grass field of many gently sloping hills. It is night, yet the sky is bright. There is no sun, but a hundred blazing blue stars, each shining in a long river of nebulous cloud. The air is warm, pleasant, fragrant with the perfume of a thousand invisible flowers. In the distance a stream of people walk toward a large vessel of some type, nestled between the hills. The ship is violet, glowing; the bright rays that stab forth from it seem to reach to the stars. Somehow I know that it is about to leave and that I am supposed to be on it. Yet, before I depart, there is something I have to discuss with Lord Krishna.
He stands beside me on the wide plain, his gold flute in his right hand, a red lotus slower in his left. His dress is simple, as is mine - long blue gowns that reach to the ground. Only he wears a single jewel around his neck - the brilliant Kaustubha gem, in which the destiny of every soul can be seen. He does not look at me but toward the vast ship, and the stars beyond. He seems to be waiting for me to speak, but for some reason I cannot remember what he said last. I only know that I am a special case. Because I do not know what to ask, I say what is most on my mind.
"When will I see you again, my Lord?"
He gestures to the vast plain, the thousands of people leaving. "The earth is a place of time and dimension. Moments here can seem like an eternity there. It all depends on your heart. When you remember me, I am there in the blink of an eye."
"Even on earth?"
He nods. "Especially there. It is a unique place. Even the gods pray to take birth there."
"Why that, my Lord?"
He smiles faintly. His smile is bewitching. It has been said, I know, that the smile of the Lord has bewildered the minds of the angels. It has bewildered mine.
"One question always leads to another question. Some things are better to wonder about." He turns toward me finally, his long black hair blowing in the soft night breeze. The stars reflect in his black pupils; the whole universe is there. The love that flows from him is the sweetest ambrosia in all the heavens. Yet it breaks my heart to feel because I know it will soon be gone. "It is all maya," he says. "Illusion."
"Will I get lost in this illusion, my Lord?"
"Of course. It is to be expected. You will be lost for a long time.”
Christopher Pike, Thirst No. 1: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, and Red Dice

Anthon St. Maarten
“Nobody knows all the answers to the mysteries of the universe. For your own sake, be wary of anyone who claims they do.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Sukant Ratnakar
“As the spiritual intelligence of the person improves, the evangeism in a person will gain its strength.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The head of the physical rests in the arms of the spiritual.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Natasha Rendell
“Many are secure as human beings
and insecure in their spiritual selves

So if you are at times feeling insecure
about life,
know that it is better to be nervous
upon this plane of operation
than to be nervous on the inner plane
of perfection”
Natasha Rendell, Wisdom's Fragrance: Insights that link us to the source of life

Natasha Rendell
“The human race is amazing
It never ceases to rise out of the ashes
and continue to live

No matter how many times the human
race falls on its face,
it raises itself up,
stands tall
And once again attempts
the exercise of wisdom in action
By realising its right to be alive
in the scheme of creation”
Natasha Rendell, Wisdom's Fragrance: Insights that link us to the source of life

Natasha Rendell
“Human well-being is troubled
by the gloss
and the glamour of exterior worship
Too many become caught in mesmerism
and the intoxication
of surface reality

Search for true beauty
It always seeks you itself”
Natasha Rendell, Wisdom's Fragrance: Insights that link us to the source of life

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