Pure Awareness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pure-awareness" Showing 1-11 of 11
Amit Ray
“Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind.”
Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations

Robin Craig Clark
“You are pure awareness at center, human in appearance.”
Robin Craig Clark, Voyager: The Art of Pure Awareness

“You come into the natural state by letting go of control by letting go of effort and resting in a state of vividness. It’s very simple. It couldn’t be simpler. Sit down; let everything be as it already is.”
Adyashanti, True Meditation: Allowing Everything to Be as It Is

“It’s important that meditation is not seen as something that only happens when you are seated in a quiet place. Otherwise spirituality and our daily life become two separate things. That’s the primary illusion—that there is something called “my spiritual life,” and something called “my daily life.” When we wake up to reality, we find they are all one thing. It’s all one seamless expression of spirit.”
Adyashanti, True Meditation: Discover the Freedom of Pure Awareness

Robert Adams
“Everyone here is Absolute Reality, Pure Awareness.
This is your real nature.
Right now, not some time in the future.
Not when you get enlightened.
Not when you search for the answers.
But right this minute. This is what you are.
Why will you not accept it?
When you think about yourself, do you think
you're a puny human
that has to struggle for existence and fight for survival?
As long as you believe this, that's the way it's going
to be for you.
But as soon as you accept the truth about yourself,
that you are a delight, Divine Sat-Chit-Ananda,
You will be free.
You simply have to accept this.
There are no rituals you have to go through.
There are no prayers you have to chant.
You simply have to awaken to your true nature,
Pure Awareness,
This is what you are right at this moment.”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams

Christopher Dines
“Many people in recovery find that they feel spiritually grounded when in regular contact with the great outdoors. Others feel a deep serenity after lighting a candle in a church or temple or by chanting a sacred mantra. The point is that, unlike a typical religion that lays out a non-negotiable ideology, spirituality is expansive and deeply personal.”
Christopher Dines, Drug Addiction Recovery: The Mindful Way

“The master replied: Tsogyal, the empty essence of your awareness is not created by anyone. Without causes and conditions, it is originally present. Don't try to change or alter awareness. Let it remain exactly as it is! Thus you will be free from straying and awaken within the state of primordial purity.”
Padmasambhava, Advice from the Lotus-Born: A Collection of Padmasambhava's Advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal and Other Close Disciples

Robert Adams
“Feel that I am It, Pure Awareness. I have always been It. There never was a time when I was not It. The appearance of the body cannot fool me any longer. The world and all its manifestations cannot fool me any longer. The universe with its planets and galaxies and solar systems cannot fool me any longer. I can see through these things to the Source. I can feel the Source because I am the Source. I have always been the Source. There never was a time when I was not. As far as thoughts are concerned, they do not exist. They can no longer bother me or make my life miserable. As far as others are concerned, there are no others. There is only the Source. I can no longer be deceived. There is no thing that has ever transpired in my life that can hurt me. I forgive everyone and everything, and especially myself. I am the power and the presence and the glory. If I am That, so is everybody else. So is everything else. All is well. (p. 5)”
Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams