Purposeful Living Quotes

Quotes tagged as "purposeful-living" Showing 61-90 of 375
David Amerland
“Purpose gives meaning to action in the same way that structure gives meaning to data.”
David Amerland, Intentional: How To Live, Love, Work and Play Meaningfully

Abhijit Naskar
“Poor is not the one who has no money, poor is the one who has no purpose.”
Abhijit Naskar, When Veins Ignite: Either Integration or Degradation

Abhijit Naskar
“Seek no reward, seek no applause, just keep on walking in the course of your cause.”
Abhijit Naskar, When Veins Ignite: Either Integration or Degradation

Germany Kent
“Make sure you are not being influenced by people uninfluenced by God.”
Germany Kent

Dele Ola
“We have a purpose in this world, something that, without us, would remain undone. Just as a plant needs sunlight to flourish, our world needs us to flourish.”
Dele Ola, Pursuit of Personal Leadership: Practical Principles of Personal Achievement

“Marry your purpose. Make love with your passion. Everything else in your life in connected to these two.”
Hiral Nagda

J.H. Tepley
“Resolve to commit to your Path. Follow your purpose, go for it, heart and soul, wake up every day determined to serve the greater good. In that commitment, you will find inner peace, motivation, and strength you have never known before.”
J.H. Tepley

Germany Kent
“Just because someone else is being blessed on their mission and it's a good look for them, does not mean that the exact same mission or blessing would look good on you.”
Germany Kent

Hania Khuri-Trapper
“Ultimately, there are so many things that you can’t control, but turn your awareness to what you can control. There is so much power in recognizing your thoughts, your words, and your actions. That connection will allow you to move purposefully, and less chaotically, through life. ”
Hania Khuri-Trapper, Rest & Return: Weekly Reminders to Pause, Reflect, and Just Be

Heather E. Heying
“Flow can be found in so many things: Teaching, carving, exploring. Healing, writing, making right. Unearthing, interpreting, speaking truth. What is common between them is an exhilaration in the engagement, the challenge, and no guarantee of success.”
Heather E. Heying

Abhijit Naskar
“No dream must be coldly self-centric, no destination full of luxurious desire. When you look back at the days gone by, you oughta see labor, not your lost character.”
Abhijit Naskar, Handcrafted Humanity: 100 Sonnets For A Blunderful World

“Your purpose will determine how much wealth you need in life,
your wealth shouldn't determine what needs to be your purpose”
Atef Ashab Uddin Sahil

Geoffrey Ocaya
“The hard part of life is working. The best part of life is having something to work for.”
Geoffrey Ocaya

Shaneen Clarke
“If your life’s calling has never been revealed, don’t search for the answers in the local library or a self-help seminar. Get in touch with the source of all greatness. Dare to call on God.”
Shaneen Clarke, Dare to Be Great

Shaneen Clarke
“Before Leonardo da Vinci painted The Last Supper, he saw the masterpiece in his mind. Before Winston Churchill led Britain during World War II, he envisioned winning the battle. Before Tiger Woods won his first championship, he saw himself holding the coveted trophy. There are times when God gives you a dream so distinctly that it changes the direction of your life.”
Shaneen Clarke, Dare to Be Great

“Know your purpose. Live your purpose. Be and be becoming your purpose.”
Sandra C Bibb

Wilhelm Röpke
“It is no use seeking salvation in institutions, programs, and projects. We shall save ourselves only if more and more of us have the unfashionable courage to take counsel with our own souls and, in the midst of all this modern hustle and bustle, to bethink ourselves of the firm, enduring, and proved truths of life.”
Wilhelm Röpke, A Humane Economy: The Social Framework of the Free Market

“When we talk about going into the mountains, just your presence brings an atmospheric shift to that mountain.”
Rebecca D Bennett, The Destiny Series

Thomas  Moore
“Point me to a bookstore where the owners, managers, and salespeople know and love books, though they don't know exactly where everything is by chart or abstract arrangement; a store that has private places to take a book for a few minutes of examination, where the bright light won't expose me completely and where I can be deliriously lost in contemplation.”
Thomas Moore