Relationship Problems Quotes

Quotes tagged as "relationship-problems" Showing 1-30 of 82
Susan Forward
“Reality Check
His lying is not contigent on who you are or what you do. His lying is not your fault. Lying is his choice and his problem, and if he makes that choice with you, he will make it with any other woman he’s with. That doesn’t mean you’re an angel and he’s the devil. It does mean that if he doesn’t like certain things about you, he has many ways to address them besides lying. If there are sexual problems between you, there are many resources available to help you. Nothing can change until you hold him responsible and accountable for lying and stop blaming yourself.

The lies we tell ourselves to keep from seeing the truth about our lovers don’t feel like lies. They feel comfortable, familiar, and true. We repeat them like a mantra and cling to them like security blankets, hoping to calm ourselves and regain our sense that the world works the way we believe it ought to.
Self-lies are false friends we look to for comfort and protection—and for a short time they may make us feel better. But we can only keep the truth at bay for so long. Our self-lies can’t erase his lies, and as we’ll see, the longer we try to pretend they can, the more we deepen the hurt.”
Susan Forward

Beverly Engel
“If you live your life to please everyone else, you will continue to feel frustrated and powerless. This is because what others want may not be good for you. You are not being mean when you say NO to unreasonable demands or when you express your ideas, feelings, and opinions, even if they differ from those of others.”
Beverly Engel, The Nice Girl Syndrome: Stop Being Manipulated and Abused -- And Start Standing Up for Yourself

“If your absence doesn't bother them then your presence never mattered to them in the first place”
Dido Stargaze

Beverly Engel
“Because women tend to turn their anger inward and blame themselves, they tend to become depressed and their self-esteem is lowered. This, in turn, causes them to become more dependent and less willing to risk rejection or abandonment if they were to stand up for themselves by asserting their will, their opinions, or their needs.

Men often defend themselves against hurt by putting up a wall of nonchalant indifference. This appearance of independence often adds to a woman's fear of rejection, causing her to want to reach out to achieve comfort and reconciliation. Giving in, taking the blame, and losing herself more in the relationship seem to be a small price to pay for the acceptance and love of her partner.

As you can see, both extremes anger in and anger out-create potential problems. While neither sex is wrong in the way they deal with their anger, each could benefit from observing how the other sex copes with their anger. Most men, especially abusive ones, could benefit from learning to contain their anger more instead of automatically striking back, and could use the rather female ability to empathise with others and seek diplomatic resolutions to problems. Many women, on the other hand, could benefit from acknowledging their anger and giving themselves permission to act it out in constructive ways instead of automatically talking themselves out of it, blaming themselves, or allowing a man to blame them. Instead of giving in to keep the peace, it would be far healthier for most women to stand up for their needs, their opinions, and their beliefs.”
Beverly Engel, The Emotionally Abusive Relationship: How to Stop Being Abused and How to Stop Abusing

“I found myself in a pattern of being attracted to people who were somehow unavailable, and what I realized was that I was protecting myself because I equate the idea of connection and love with trauma and death.”
Zachary Quinto

Laura   Davis
“Few of us have a healthy sense of boundaries. We either have rigid boundaries (“No one is ever going to get close to me”) or weak boundaries (“I’ll be anything anyone wants me to be”). Rigid boundaries lead to distance and isolation; weak boundaries, to over-dependency and sometimes, further abuse. The ideal is to develop flexible boundaries, boundaries which can vary depending on the circumstances.”
Laura Davis, Allies in Healing: When the Person You Love Was Sexually Abused as a Child

Abhijit Naskar
“A fulfilling long-term relationship is not accomplished by just finding the one. It is rather a co-operation between two passionate and highly motivated partners working together, figuring out every single situation holding hands. If there is trust at the root of the relationship, if the partners make an effort to keep it interesting, if difficulties are handled tactfully and if you can appreciate every single deed of your partner no matter how insignificant it is, the flames of love would never burn out and your love can truly live happily ever after.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Art of Neuroscience in Everything

“Always remember that whatsoever is happening to you, is happening within you, and whatsoever you are doing, you are doing with yourself. Even when you are angry and hitting somebody else, you are doing something with yourself. The other is just a screen on which you project.”
Osho, Beloved of my heart: A Darshan diary

“The world always said to just be yourself, but it turned out when Evelyn was herself, no guys were at all interested, so she was left with games of make-believe, expressing enthusiasm for whatever the men wanted to do, be it rock climbing or going to a cheese-beer pairing or a Knicks game.”
Stephanie Clifford, Everybody Rise

Beverly Engel
“Nice Girl Syndrome: Nice girls suffer from "the disease to please" - they put their needs behind everyone else's.”
Beverly Engel, The Nice Girl Syndrome: Stop Being Manipulated and Abused -- And Start Standing Up for Yourself

“Understanding RELATIONSHIPS –
If I have something to share, however, I didn’t share it with you because you didn’t ask me. It means I DON’T TRUST YOU.
Even if you didn’t ask me, I still shared it with you, giving my trust to you. However, you shared it with the entire world. It means YOU ARE UNTRUSTWORTHY.
I know what you know, however, when I asked you, you lied to me. It means YOU ARE DISHONEST.
LOVE and AFFECTION are two essential elements of HUMAN RELATIONSHIP. However, whether you deserve my LOVE and AFFECTION or not is based on your TRUSTWORTHINESS and HONESTY.”
Sanjeev Himachali

Robert Silverberg
“She was strikingly ignorant, but he had known that from the start. What he had not known was how quickly her ignorance would cease to seem charming and would begin to seem contemptible.”
Robert Silverberg, Thorns

Jojo Moyes
“I wanted to tell Sam this. I wanted to tell him all of it, in beautiful handwritten letters or at least in long, rambling emails that we would later save and print out and that would be found in the attic of our house when we had been married fifty years for our grandchildren to coo over. But I was so tired those first few weeks that all I did was email him about how tired I was.

I'm so tired. I miss you.
Me too.
No, like really, really tired. Like cry at TV advertisements and fall asleep while brushing my teeth and end up with toothpaste all over my chest tired.
Okay, now you got me.

I tried not to mind how little he emailed me. I tried to remind myself that he was doing a real, hard job, saving lives and making a difference, while I was sitting outside manicurists' studios and running around Central Park.

His supervisor had changed the rota. He was working four nights on the trot and still waiting to be assigned a new permanent partner. That should have made it easier for us to talk but somehow it didn't. I would check in on my phone in the minutes I had free every evening but that was usually the time he was heading off to begin his shift.

Sometimes I felt curiously disjointed, as if I had simply dreamt him up.

One week, he reassured me. One more week.

How hard could it be?”
Jojo Moyes, Still Me

Zack Love
“If I could do all of that on February 14th, it would be a personal best for me. Something to share with my crew for the glory and the laughs, or to cheer up the next buddy of mine to get dumped or cheated on.

From "My Worst Valentine's Day.Ever: A Short Story”
Zack Love, Stories and Scripts: an Anthology

Donna Goddard
“We can learn to use the pain in our relationships to transform us thereby turning them into entities which heal not harm.”
Donna Goddard, Waldmeer

Angel Gelique
“Why would he want you when he could have me?... I'm your yesterday and you're my tomorrow.”
Angel Gelique, Yesterday vs. Tomorrow

Stjepan Šejić
“I don't know what I was looking for . . . I felt empty. I guess. Not hearing from you made it all seem surreal, like you were never there, a dream, a figment of my imagination.

I went to your site that day to . . . I guess, double-check.

I thought. . . maybe you wrote something, a new story . . . a message . . . anything.

I did find a new story . . .

It wasn't about us . . .

And I ended up feeling even emptier.”
Stjepan Šejić, Sunstone, Vol. 5

Gina Senarighi
“True reliability is built not only by following through, but by following through more than once on promises. Which is why it takes time to build trust. We need to see changed behavior in the person who harms us more than once.”
Gina Senarighi, Love More, Fight Less: Communication Skills Every Couple Needs: A Relationship Workbook for Couples

“Love always doesn't come across as bad, but it always has two sides.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Jacqueline Simon Gunn
“I hurt myself by hurting you.” His face wore a look of compassion. I hated that look, because it reminded me that he was a good person, that he had tried over and over to apologize. He unwittingly brought out the part of me that I hated, and I projected that hate onto him, because it was easier to hate someone else than to hate myself. Tears poured out of my eyes. And he wrapped his arms around me, holding me as wept.

And I hated that his arms still felt good.”
Jacqueline Simon Gunn, Love's Remains

“Due to global warming people’s relationships will not get warmer.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Abhijit Naskar
“Our primitive ancestors learnt various behavioral characteristics like jealousy, possessiveness and aggression to ensure the survival of their wild love life in the harsh environment of Mother Nature. And all those behavioral responses eventually got engraved in our genetic blueprint. So, these are not the enemies in the path of a healthy relationship, rather when utilized properly they can even kindle the spark in a dying relationship.”
Abhijit Naskar, Love Sutra: The Neuroscientific Manual of Love

“Nismo odustali, samo smo nastavili dalje.
Toksicne veze nisu vredne spasavanja.”
Tamara Stamenkovic

Purvi Mehta
“It takes two people to create a successful relationship, but it takes only one to fail it.”
Purvi Mehta, When Fate Conspires

Ezra Claytan Daniels
“Funny how sometimes it's the people closest to us keeping us from happiness.”
Ezra Claytan Daniels, Upgrade Soul

“I have the distinct feeling that I don't know you anymore. Actually, at least this way everything is clear. You'll go back to your little world and everything will be for the best. The time has passed now... Something's telling us it's over between us.”
Dominique Goblet, Pretending Is Lying

“Love is unconditional; relationships are not. All relationships should be loving; not all love should be in a relationship. Sometimes, choosing to love from a distance is the only path to peace of mind.”
Eden Adele, SatisFillment: Your PROVEN Pathway to POWER Action Guide

“I will not share my problems with you now because you never share anything with me.”
Garima Soni - words world

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