Rise To The Challenge Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rise-to-the-challenge" Showing 1-21 of 21
Germany Kent
“Today if anything is trying to hold you back, give no attention to it. Get your hopes up, get your faith up, look up, and get ready to rise up.”
Germany Kent

“Every time you try and fail,
Every time your hope gets stuck in the deeps,
And you wonder just how you'd get through the sail-
Don't forget that underneath your pain,
Is an anchor of great strength and fortitude
Keep digging until you find it...
And when you do,
Chinonye J. Chidolue

Leonardo da Vinci
“For once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
Leonardo Da Vinci

“Dream Big. Expect Challenges To Pop Up Along the Way. Expect To Fall Many Times. Expect Your Mind To Doubt And Whisper, Give Up. In Those Moments, Recharge. Rethink. Replan The Best You Can. And Push Through Because Sometimes Its All You Can Do.”
Wesam Fawzi

“Step Up... Today's Another Opportunity To Move Towards Your Dreams!”
Wesam Fawzi

Germany Kent
“People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to fulfill a dream will always surrender to fear and wonder what happened.”
Germany Kent

“God wants us to rise up and take our place as the one raised by God in a time such as this. I strongly believe there’s no better time that now that the families, organizations and nations of the world need leaders who will rise up because they believe they have been anointed for conquest.”
Benjamin Suulola

“God is expecting you to stand. Having done all, to stand. Stand tall to what is staring at your face. Stand tall to confront that lion and Goliath issues in your environment. Activate the anointing for conquest upon your life. Christ is your royal banner. He came to the earth, saw the plight of humanity and conquered for us.”
Benjamin Suulola

“There will be no positive difference in your life if you don’t know that you know and if you don’t put what you know to action.”
Benjamin Suulola

“No One Is Ever Ready For Big Challenges... Be More. Do More. #BeBrave #OvercomeMore”
Wesam Fawzi

“Challenging Situations Can Lead You To Transformational Experiences.”
Wesam Fawzi

“Your Current Situation Is Directly Related To Your Past Decisions. Think Smart And Decide Wisely.”
Wesam Fawzi

“Sometimes You Need To Fall Down To Rise Up.”
Wesam Fawzi

“Suck It Up... All Extraordinary People Sacrificed Much ...And Suffered Before Developing Exceptional Strength.”
Wesam Fawzi

“Be Brave And Push Through Challenges... Because You Can.”
Wesam Fawzi

John M. Sheehan
“Your election as a child of God is to rise every time as the image of Christ bending your mind, will, and emotions just for the purpose of your election by God!”
John M. Sheehan, Walking In The Newness Of Christ: Born Again Devotional [Print Replica]

“No matter how dark, the sun will rise again along with you.”
Hiral Nagda

“Don't rush to get out of difficulties. Experience them because they have arrived to rise you higher.”
Hiral Nagda