Living In The Present Moment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "living-in-the-present-moment" Showing 1-30 of 90
“On my canvas of life, you bring colors of love and joy,
Just like in winters,
The setting sun brings beams of red and purple to the sky.”
Hareem Ch, Muse Buzz

Germany Kent
“Today if anything is trying to hold you back, give no attention to it. Get your hopes up, get your faith up, look up, and get ready to rise up.”
Germany Kent

Annie Dillard
“I have often noticed that these things, which obsess me, neither bother nor impress other people even slightly. I am horribly apt to approach some innocent at a gathering, and like the ancient mariner, fix him with a wild, glitt’ring eye and say, “Do you know that in the head of the caterpillar of the ordinary goat moth there are two hundred twenty-eight separate muscles?” The poor wretch flees. I am not making chatter; I mean to change his life.”
Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

G.M. Monks
“I enjoyed sitting behind him, watching. God he was handsome. How many times had I admired him? His backside, his shoulders, slim hips, long legs, his oval eyes, fingers, ring finger. I should give him a ring to wear. I’d slip it on his finger. Usually I don’t like a ski-jump nose: I liked his. Can I say love? I was almost beside myself when Miss Sally opened the door at 2 p.m. and said she was leaving for the day.”
G.M. Monks, Iola O

“Life is neither a glorious highlight reel nor a monstrous tragedy. Every day is a good day to live and a good day to die. Every day is also an apt time to learn and express joy and love for the entire natural world. Each day is an apt time to make contact with other people and express empathy for the entire world. Each day is perfect to accept with indifference all aspects of being.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Get pass your past, be a presence in your present, and let no one refute your future.”
Johnnie Dent Jr.

Thich Nhat Hanh
“We fall back into the past, we jump ahead into the future, and in this we lose our entire lives.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Julieanne O'Connor
“When you're vested in fear, frightened of failure, yet in the surrender is where you find your success.”
Julieanne O'Connor

Terry Pratchett
“Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives”
Terry Pratchett, Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch

Lidija Stankovikj
“You want to be a soothsayer, but do you know your present? Can you be a witness of each one of your breaths? Every single moment slips through your sieve-like mind. Then what is the point seeing the future beforehand, if you are going to waste it just like you are wasting your present?”
Lidija Stankovikj, Alexander's Infinity

Julieanne O'Connor
“Vested in fear, frightened of failure, but beyond that I choose to surrender to my fated success.”
Julieanne O'Connor

Steve Leasock
“Practice experiencing everything in a state of non-expectancy and non-attachment. The beauty of living will sudden become clear.”
Steve Leasock

Misbah Khan
“Sometimes, abandon the moving crowd and try to be a care-free sage.
Rather than a roaring, or a drizzling black cloud, try to become a rainbow adding all hues to the end of the sky.
Sometimes, rescue the soul from the captivity of your body, your soul also owns some desires, listen to the anxious heart and free the soul.
Don’t aim to be the loftiest mountain talking to clouds, sometimes attempt to become a valley befriending every passer-by.
Sometimes, cease the war ongoing between the four walls of the self, and surrender the swords and endeavour to live yourself.
Sometimes, withdraw the yearning to compete with the sun, why not just be the tiny ray peeping out from the vent.
Sometimes, resurrection would happen; this life, this dilemma, every bit is perishable. Before it befalls, try to offer the entire life’s namaaz in a single prostration.
Sometimes, hang the restrictions on a nail, free the wings burdened under it, take its support and fly in the sky of dreams.
Sometimes, instead of hiding the words behind the veil of ink, or hiding it on the paper, try to unveil it with your tongue.”
Misbah Khan, Blanks & Blues

Ari Gunzburg
“No worries about the past, no worries about the future, just focused on what is happening right here, right now.”
Ari Gunzburg, The Little Book of Greatness: A Parable About Unlocking Your Destiny

“What if..
The outside world is the illusion
The physical world is your perceived reality
The inner world is you.

What if
The outside world is the reflection of
The physical world of who you are being
that arises from
The inner world, you are projecting ....

What if
The outside world is giving you clues
The physical world is the processor
The inner world is where true empowerment is

What if
We begin with our inner world
Knowing we will create our own realities
What would the outer world look like?

What if
the outside world is the illusion
the physical world is the doing
the inside world is the being

You being YOU is YOUR purpose
You being YOU creates YOUR physical reality
You being YOU creates YOUR outside world.”
Hazel Butterworth

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“Be patient: life will reveal itself (to you) one breath, moment, day and season at a time.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

“Bucket list for me is fuck it list , lets live in the moment and create beautiful memories”
Kenan Hudaverdi

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